Daily Defense 3-13: Firearm Safety in the Home

Daily Defense 3-13: Firearm Safety in the Home

Brownells, Inc.

2 года назад

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@jimmyromero7348 - 30.05.2022 16:10

Good information thanks

@rizzo4206 - 30.05.2022 16:15

No one out ranks "General Safety..." 👍

@Mac_Diddy - 30.05.2022 16:17

Great advice, I keep my Beretta 92 unloaded in a pelican case under my bedside table.

@buckshot4428 - 30.05.2022 16:41

Back in the day I put the heaviest recoil springs in my semi autos and kept them with an empty chamber with the safety on. That way our boys could not rack the slide rendering the firearms safe. By the time they were older they were both trained in gun safety as were most of the neighborhood kids who received firearms safety from myself. The firearms were kept hidden where only me and my wife knew where they were.

@davebrunero5529 - 30.05.2022 17:09

With keeping a loaded firearm for defense, the other item to address is... Should it be chambered?

Personally I would never keep a chambered firearm around (way to easy to have a negligent discharge and a serious liability)... But I know people who think you should keep the firearm chambered.

@kwc723 - 30.05.2022 18:26

For home defense Choice, I Suggest shotgun or revolver, shotgun ammo in Pouch & pouch fixed on shotgun for fast reload, and then revolver could be long time load ammo 😄

@Goldenwithaleash - 30.05.2022 19:59

I have two young kids and haven’t liked any of the ways I’ve tried to secure a long gun while keeping it accessible. I keep a couple quick access pistol safes stashed in strategic but concealed locations in my home. Each one holds a loaded pistol (round chambered) with attached light and spare mag. Next to each is a powerful handheld flashlight and IFAK with 2 tourniquets. All other guns are locked in the safe. Eventually, I’ll figure out a way to secure my shorty/suppressed AR in the master bedroom but I’m confident with the setup I have now.

@spoonyfart - 30.05.2022 20:08

Most new guns come with a completely inadequate barrel/magwell lock. It won’t stop theft, but it should stop it from being used without some reasonable effort. It could save your child’s life, or yours if you interrupt a burglary.

@danielraynor4075 - 30.05.2022 20:38

Hey guys, I'm sorry to say that someone else other than you is sending messages out saying that me and probably others that we have won something but it's a scammer trying to steal information from you and us, your fans, letting you know that if it is than you need to be aware of that, if it isn't then You Tube World will be no more, to many problem with this, we need help to end it if it's a scam, probably a number that is not your number, letting you know that, thanks for I will be shutting down the phone until it stops or it's fixed, sorry 😞

@clutchcargo1239 - 30.05.2022 20:46

In the home I grew up in, as soon as we were old enough, or strong enough, and could demonstrate responsibility, we were trained in the use of firearms. We were allowed access to them, but not unless absolute necessary. All of our firearms were long gun's, in a cabinet, or a wall rack, out of reach from small children. They were not loaded, the ammunition was hidden, but we were made aware of its locations, and told to never load a firearm in the house, except in an emergency. Safety being the #1 priority, our personal safety, that is, we were well versed with safe handling, and the manual of arms for each firearm. When people say safety is the first priority when handling firearms, they often miss the point of even having a firearm... Personal safety.

@williamwinn948 - 31.05.2022 04:11

1st thing I did when I brought a gun into the home Was show my kids teach them gun Safety and once they showed me using snap caps They could safely manipulate the gun and clear the chamber i took them to the range and let them shoot it. You have to take the curiosity out of it And let them see 1st hand how powerful these weapons In the responsibility that comes with them. Especially if their only exposure to them has been through movies. I even went as far as showing them pictures of gunshot wounds to really drill it home what these weapons are capable of if not respected

@MarkBadia - 31.05.2022 18:23

Not sure I understand what you mean by storing your ammo in a different place than you store your firearms. As long as only the people who need access have access it seems better to put it in one secure place than spread out.

@onenikkione - 01.06.2022 08:41

If a child or other person gets a hold of your firearm you could be facing Time in Prison

@jarvisrutherford289 - 15.07.2022 13:47

Algorithm defeated

@vitadelicatus - 14.11.2022 22:08

What you explain is exactly the law in Germany.

@tam6051 - 15.11.2022 09:34

the firearm is like banking datas, ID, Passport, car key, and phones which nobody neglect them.

@mikesuch9021 - 19.11.2022 06:42

Is this guy a female Democrat in drag? He almost sounds like he's afraid of guns.

@mikesuch9021 - 19.11.2022 06:43

The best way to avoid an accident with a firearm is to not hang around stupid people. I've never seen an accident with a firearm I've seen lot of negligence and stupidity. No such thing as an accident.

@patricknesbit2334 - 17.12.2022 20:43

Anything that is not my daily carry/home defense firearm and not being used is stored separately from the mags , ammo, and unloaded if it is a rifle or shotgun.

@andrewmaranto5254 - 08.01.2023 04:24

I think it is important to note that disagreeing with the way someone stores their firearms is okay, but we have to recognize that it is their business. If you don't like their method, perhaps you decide not to have your children in their house. The worst thing we can do is legislate our own method on a very personal, non-government issue.

@Lee-fi4vo - 22.01.2023 08:53

I salute the most important comment you made: Cut down on the amount of firearms handling!

@ragscrazy9683 - 14.02.2023 05:27

Behind the couch cushion

@johnkelly9246 - 20.04.2023 23:54

The best firearm safety at home is education!
