Dr. Mike Israetel’s Ground Rules for Losing Fat and Building Muscle at the SAME TIME

Dr. Mike Israetel’s Ground Rules for Losing Fat and Building Muscle at the SAME TIME

Thomas DeLauer

6 месяцев назад

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@jaugernot - 01.11.2024 20:17

I have thoroughly enjoyed this conversation. About half way thru. I have struggled with weight loss and keeping the fat off. I am about a stockier build and have no problems building muscle. That hunger part when losing muscle hit home with me. I have always started workout plans with a diet and that has left me a severe protein deficiency as I have struggled to get the appropirate amount daily as well. This then has given me massive hunger pains that made me derail my entire goal of losing weight. I am currently in a year long diabietes prevention class and I am learning a lot of good things and ways to pace myself. This video is further proof that pacing yourself and not overwhelming the body in a bad way is the way to go. I will have to check your channel to see how beginners can get adequate protein intake as that is one thing I am concerned about when I try to lose bodyfat, is the hunger that comes with it.

@Millennial_Republic - 31.10.2024 11:01

What about those of us on night shift where 1 am is our 5pm?

@danbo88 - 31.10.2024 04:59

I'm a night shift worker I guess I'm just fucked

@toothlesstnez - 31.10.2024 01:19

What if you take a bong rip before you sleep

@amandafarley6469 - 29.10.2024 20:53

Yes, DRs WARN you about that. Those who are getting weaker amd the hair falli g put is because they are using it as a crutch not a tool to re-regulate your food amd then get off it asap. They'll be on ozempic for over a year and thats crazy

@JessicaMoore-u6r - 29.10.2024 18:05

How do i get consistent sleep when we work opposit shifts to not pay for daycare. I get home from work after midnight and am up with the kids before 7am. Do naps count. By Wednesday i feel like i literally cannot function. before my oldest was in school i would get to sleep until 9am now im up around 630 every morning monday through friday. My youngest is 2

@slimegreenbeats - 29.10.2024 00:22

Great video!

@eIandrien - 27.10.2024 18:55

'One foot in the grave you fucking idiot' 😂😂😂 it is true tho

@pyramidhead7780s - 27.10.2024 18:37

I wish I could get good sleep...

@cezarywitold8879 - 26.10.2024 15:54

Stopped watching after 5mins... because im beginner, wish me luck guys my intuition was to just have fun from exercise

@jongreen3712 - 26.10.2024 15:17

I never realized sleep was that crucial that breakdown was insane !

@neuropsicologianapratica2527 - 25.10.2024 21:39

As a neuropsychologist, I really appreciate how dr Mike takes the human psych into account when talking about weight loss and physical health. You can take a DNA test to tell you what and how much nutrients your body needs to run its most optimal self. If you can't stick to that ultra specific diet it won't matter.

@Brett-l5u - 23.10.2024 20:18

I’ve been sprinting up a sand dune hill a couple times per day. How will that work?

@britaineakin9107 - 22.10.2024 21:13

What a luxury to be able to head for a hotel when you can't sleep. My family unit would meltdown if I did this, and that's probably true for most moms.

@dajonu19 - 22.10.2024 18:00

Debra, just don’t put dbol in your salad 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

@reddfoxx7799 - 21.10.2024 23:11

I work too much trying to keep up with the economy. 6 to 8 hours of sleep has been near impossible for me

@BMCSW - 20.10.2024 17:21

Study how “monkeys” including R monkeys, does not mimic any human dietary needs. MGM, are you daft?

@miguelacosta4509 - 19.10.2024 15:55

I'm glad someone u derstamds Mike's comedy jokes during a podcast lol haha

@seanbarraclough2484 - 18.10.2024 22:50

The sleep tips at the end are the best ever!

@cmm07r - 18.10.2024 21:49

Any fitness "guru" that preaches about needing (and that they get) 8 hours of sleep I can't take seriously because they obviously have an easy life or fitness is their profession. Between my 12 hour shift, 1 hour one way commute, AND they want me to sleep for 8 hours. This leaves me with 2 hours to get a decent workout which is at least an hour for me to get cardio and weights, shower, eat, prep for next day, get ready for work in the morning, and not be a social outcast with my own family, it's just not feasible except on the weekends.

@frankiebhoyz2169 - 18.10.2024 20:12

It's pretty de motivating to hear that my chronic inability to maintain a good sleep schedule makes it pointless that I'm trying to look after myself.

@More13Feen - 18.10.2024 15:26

Sleep is not negotiable... my 5week old son would like to differ 😂

@toolboxnj - 17.10.2024 05:22

Sleep is the toughest part of the equation

@toolboxnj - 17.10.2024 05:21

Sleep is the toughest part of the equation

@sofocle80 - 16.10.2024 11:04

Comon dude, beeping dog shit.... are you for real? Why invite him in the firs place, he always talks like that...

@sayamkhan4209 - 16.10.2024 07:10

When someone gives you the numerator and the denominator behind a fact ; as in, heres how people pan out across the size of a pool, they are likely not manipulating. This guy speaks truths. He maybe wrong and there but when he quotes studies he gives you perspective. Listen

@melodyradfordofficial - 16.10.2024 02:55

Dr Mike's game reference 😂

@footzombie - 14.10.2024 15:11

I drive truck so I have no regular sleep schedule so I normally get 4 hours of sleep then I'm up. If I simply go back to sleep am I good or is that not worth it?

@WildWyatts - 13.10.2024 21:08

The beginner talk reminds me of white belts working up to blue belts.

@becsta365 - 12.10.2024 21:21

Yes 🙌 on the volume and on the sleep. 🙏

@jayy5756 - 12.10.2024 19:42

The sensoring is extremely lame

@ghosts2169 - 12.10.2024 14:49

Yes I’m glad they addressed this, I always get that advice from the fasting community when ever I’m trying to lose weight. I’m not just trying to lose weight, I’m trying to build muscle too. But these dudes always try to convince me that I won’t lose much and that fasting is this magical technique that loses tons of fat without losing muscle.

@adamwood7911 - 12.10.2024 01:07

Dr. Mike is like a jacked Tom Hanks.

@John-vv2xt - 11.10.2024 18:01

He's so right. Focusing on weight training and then meal tracking and cutting calories is so much easier.

@urielgallegos4250 - 09.10.2024 01:35

😢 fuck im only getting 4 hours of sleep

@Trctnctrl0ff888 - 08.10.2024 22:16

I could listen to dr mike most nights, he's chill as

@MarkyMarkMIA - 08.10.2024 15:55

Been working out and doing nutrition for many years but Mike just brought the alpha to the pod. Great episode.

@mooxo5192 - 08.10.2024 13:13

Just saying that WHEY100 and creatine will really help the hunger....!

@mericas_fist6940 - 08.10.2024 11:43

Now make a video about how to become jacked as an insomniac, bc some people cant just sleep like that, like military personnel or people that work 3rd shift

@alwiaal-hassan2319 - 07.10.2024 14:47

Sleep is non- negotiable. Crying in postpartum. 😭

@lithicks7060 - 07.10.2024 01:19

Such a great video man

@restassuredworship - 05.10.2024 17:25

Love this, especially the advice about sleep. You can mute the GD cuss too for those of us who are religious ;) - Subbed - looking forward to more interviews like this.

@Ejs1ng - 04.10.2024 10:39

Regaring the sleep bit, it is hard with toddlers man. Fine if you are able to compensate and make sure you are guarenteed not to be disturbed in your sleep. But man! Having toddlers... My kids are 5 and 3 and they still wake up multiple times during night... Sometimes being up at 3 am spending 45 min to get my youngest to sleep and it is now 3.45. I can't just go back to bed and instantly fall a sleep after that.... Saying sleep is nonegotiable is not something you can do when having smaller kids.

@morbid1. - 02.10.2024 14:51

I envy people who can sleep well... w/o pills I will sleep for like 2 hours... I literally can't fall asleep, there were so many nights where I watched sunrise and wonder if I will sleep before buzzer...

@dawnmcneal8620 - 01.10.2024 17:41

I needed to hear this video!
