Introducing the brand new release (on 8/22/23) From Sound to Song from Thistles and Biscuits. Hang out for a full walkthrough and comparison on the difference between their available music curricula. I’ll also unveil the future plans they have in store (this product was received in exchange for my honest review, my opinions are always my own. More for discount code and links mentioned⬇️
▪️ Time Stamps:
00:00 Intro/Overview/Future Plans
05:56 Walkthrough From Sound to Song
14:04 Student Workbook
15:32 Final Thoughts
▪️ Links mentioned:
🎼 Available Now : From Sound to Song (use code Arlene20)
🗺️ Shop Thistles and Biscuits resources(use code arlene20)
🛍️ EC First Time Buyer $10 off: (aff)
🛍️ Shop EC: (aff)
▪️ Videos mentioned:
Woven Melodies (on IGTV):
New Homeschool Music Appreciation Curriculum | Living Harmonies | By Thistles and Biscuits
New* Comic Arts |Art Unit by Thistles and Biscuits
Secular Curriculum Choices: 8th Grade and Early High School Credits| 2023-2024
Secular Homeschool Curriculum Choices: 6th Grade! 2023-2024
▪️ discounts codes and affiliate links (and storefronts) to some of my favorite products:
▪️Who am I?
Hi, I’m Arlene; I’m a lifestyle vlogger and reviewer! I’m a wife, mother of tweens, and an RN turned WAHM.
In this channel you will find all things books, planners, favorite essentials, and secular homeschool resources too.
▪️Other places to connect:
▪️FTC Disclaimer:
Unless otherwise stated, products featured on my channel have been purchased by me. If I have products sent to me for review or if I partner with a company (e.g., as an affiliate), I will disclose it in the video and description. All opinions and reviews that I share are always entirely my own. Know that I only partner with companies that I respect, love, and will use their products personally. My integrity is of the utmost importance when providing you with resource suggestions; and are never influenced by a brand or a company.
As an Amazon Associate I earn commission from qualifying purchases. All affiliate links or sponsorship are clearly marked. Thank you for supporting my channel by using my links when available.
#secularhomeschool #musicappreciation #homeschoolcurriculum
Music by Savannah Outen - The Hard Way -
Music by The Glass Child - Broken Little Dreamer -
#Thistles_and_biscuits #Music_currículum #Homeschool_resources #Homeschool_middle_school #Homeschool_elementary #Homeschool_high_school #Homeschool_curriculum