Damage from Indonesia quake and tsunami 'was certainly underestimated', says expert

Damage from Indonesia quake and tsunami 'was certainly underestimated', says expert

FRANCE 24 English

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@sssaaa2756 - 02.10.2018 17:30


@TonaldDrump686 - 03.10.2018 04:43

No mention of this event in USA.
At least not the national news I watched.

@TonaldDrump686 - 03.10.2018 04:46

Many people in USA live below sea level and in tornado path. Do they move away.? sadly no. Not to bright these humans.

@hazzam552 - 03.10.2018 07:10

How to left in earth ,too many like this :(

@Si_nengatcha - 03.10.2018 10:44

By far (the ones I've seen), this one is most objective opinion from foreigners.

@tamikoestomo3275 - 03.10.2018 11:29

Thank you for a very accurate report.

@oneperson5760 - 03.10.2018 13:17

Can you imagine hearing a sound, not knowing what it means, not knowing what to do because no one trained you what it means, and then a tsunami coming?  Must have been terrifying.  I'm sorry for your loss.  We are thinking of you, but we don't really know how to help.

@neverlostforwords - 03.10.2018 14:37

Excellent coverage. It is always the same story - there are warnings, there is training, yet the evacuation plans are not realistic. How can so many people escape in such a short time? Please - review and redesign the evacuation plan.

@dimazandhika - 03.10.2018 15:29

Pray are enough for now.

@mjyn750 - 03.10.2018 20:52

so sock...pray for palu indonesia...i'm crying so sad.....

@richardmills6084 - 06.10.2018 00:26

If u live close to a big body of water and your house starts shaking. You know why your house is shaking? Why not just go to higher ground for the next hour? Hey if no tsunami arrives you still aren't out anything.

@TreiHutchinson - 06.10.2018 14:39

Perhaps countries like indonesia, should also carry out Tsunami drills and what to do by the people at large. No point having the most sophisticated equipment when the people are still quite ignorant about how to react to it ..

@janicebarket2470 - 06.10.2018 19:50

Uninhabitable area.  Why take another chance.  Grand solar Minimum is here.

@agussururi1195 - 08.10.2018 05:37

1700 death
2500 heavy injuries
4000 injury
10.000 missing
70.000 refugee

@Pauzan - 08.10.2018 18:55

for coastal communities if there is an earthquake that feels big you should immediately move away from the shoreline and go to the higher ground as much as possible in an effort to avoid if there is a tsunami without waiting for directives or tsunami early warning

@maayongaga729 - 10.10.2018 00:33

Yup...the animals probably got the warning and run fast than the people.

@MrTwotimess - 10.10.2018 04:30

So much happening in such a short window of time.

@stevens4877 - 10.10.2018 13:08

This is so funny

@faiskhoirul53 - 11.10.2018 01:52


@setajunior7851 - 13.10.2018 02:43

y Indonesia..???cos of antichrist

@meayerrdnr5649 - 13.10.2018 03:42

2.240 people died
680 more still missing
17.800 more on refuges camp

@anchabatubara - 15.10.2018 11:33

Indonesian Territory is on Ring of Fire, will be more natural disaster such an earthquake and tsunami and volcano eruption. Indonesia is a meeting area of 3 large tectonic plates, namely the Indo-Australian plate, Eurasian and Pacific plates.

@HesadrianBoediman - 16.10.2018 18:55

Please people here that have commented, you didn't know anything including the expert here in this video (Expert????). It was not the ignorance of the people, they are as smart as you are now. It was Liquefaction of the ground soil at the center of the city that surprised the people. Land was moving lateral and vertically, surface upside down, ground was creaking and split up. Only Something which you could see on Science Fiction Movies full of CG effect. There are lots of real video shoot at that time.

@iwenew - 21.10.2018 13:28

the tsunami happened 4 minutes after the earthquake, so how to escape?

@keithfoester7326 - 08.02.2022 17:18

liquefaction is very scary. imagine the ground you are running away on... turns to liquid, you'll die agonizingly
