Roman Hackle Sulphur Fly Tying Tutorial - Comparadun Style - Dry Fly

Roman Hackle Sulphur Fly Tying Tutorial - Comparadun Style - Dry Fly

Nick Mango

4 года назад

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@davesmith7906 - 09.06.2020 16:47

What a great trick, I suppose it’s like a lady’s curling iron, I wonder how he thought of it. Thx for the help.

@GeorgeSemel - 09.06.2020 20:23

That is an interesting trick. The hackle is a lot like our hair, the hair will take a set with a curling iron, so yeah a little head on a bodkin would do the same here. Thou a little UV like bone dry would do the same thing. After all, we put all sorts of glues on the head of flies, I am not convinced that the weight would make much of a difference. It looks to be a quick way to tie a comparison, thin water, and slow flat currents, the kind of thing you see in late spring, summer, and going into fall. I am thinking Blue dun hackle, olive body on the 22 to 26 hooks for the tiny blue wing olive hatches that go on was I live from mid-June to the middle of Oct. On the plus side, it would be a fairly durable fly.

@andersklasson1226 - 09.06.2020 22:07

Tanks for the tips 👍

@jn7457 - 09.06.2020 23:12

Thanks for sharing that tip! A great way to pay tribute to your friend.

@TERRYBIGGENDEN - 10.06.2020 09:05

NINice work. Tey call that singing—its a technique used when making a Japanese ink brush. In that case though there is also some gelatine glue embedded in the fibres. Anyway, its a way of sealing hair. Love your clips. :-)'

@georgeglantzis6707 - 11.06.2020 04:36

I think this is my new favorite pattern!! Thanks for the teach!

@reserrvoirman - 20.05.2021 21:49

Thanks for the neat trick, Nick. I will add that to my bag. Your videos have made a better tier out of me and for that I thank you.

@imaxfli - 04.08.2021 19:40

The fibers are hollow and you melt them together.......

@imaxfli - 12.10.2021 19:32

What color wing does a sulfer really have? Grey ? Sulpher?????

@carlosazor9003 - 28.06.2022 23:58

You can call it ironing the hackel..

@Adipper - 01.09.2022 03:25

I have been tying for about 50 years and learned new trick, thanks for sharing. Always something new to learn with such an amazing hobby!!

@PhilippeMERY - 20.06.2024 16:15

easy trick!
philippe from France
