Fully Finished Park. Full Tour - Planet Coaster 2 Realistic Park Series | Ep 18

Fully Finished Park. Full Tour - Planet Coaster 2 Realistic Park Series | Ep 18


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@DagAlbrecht - 21.02.2025 18:08

I really like this park

@aransweeting969 - 21.02.2025 18:42

Peep level is low because you are crouching😂👌🏻

@kimbrolyy - 21.02.2025 18:56

It's so great seeing the details in your park.

Something I struggle with is having rides in the middle of sections, instead of at the end of a path, especially roller coasters. So I'm trying to look at how you incorporate them into squares and use the fences to prevent guests from going to places they shouldn't

@Andrew-lp6nd - 21.02.2025 19:18

Don't get me wrong - like always - you did do a great job with this park, it is great. I have always joined you for your previous parks but there was just something about this series I just never really enjoyed as much :( (Not your fault, at all! Just - when videos from this series were always recommended to me - I just never felt interested or motivated to watch this particular series of yours).. BUT the idea of you starting fresh with a brand new park is definitely what I need, I need a change & I am so looking forward to you hopefully beginning a new park soon which I definitely plan on following all the way through for sure, thankyou!

@ZamTx1 - 21.02.2025 19:28

You could have had a staring contest with that creepy dude.

@Bmkmusic - 21.02.2025 20:42

I know this isn't your 'best work' (your words), but I've actually enjoyed the series and the fact that you pushed through and finished it. There are a lot of creators that have either abandoned or temporarily paused series' I was loving to wait for new updates/content from the devs - which I get - but I'm thankful that wasn't the case with you. I've downloaded the park and visited a couple times on my own - it's definitely one of my fave PlanCo 2 builds so far. I know they will just keep getting better and better and I look forward to being here for all of it! Which parks in the US have you visited? Just out of curiosity. I have yet to go to an international park, but I definitely think I'm going to start traveling to do some of that soon

@Gijsinator1 - 21.02.2025 21:38

one small nitpick I have with this game is that we cant put the intamin hydraulic launch train on the vekoma even though it has the vekoma vest restraints

@ThrillsofColdplay - 21.02.2025 21:51

I really hope we get the modern Vekoma Tilt Coaster

@ThrillsofColdplay - 21.02.2025 21:52

Do a Six Flags park like Great Adventure

@ThrillsofColdplay - 21.02.2025 22:02

The in game splashdown is so ugly

@ShaneDeLorme-v9r - 21.02.2025 22:19

I'm really glad you pushed through. It's clear how frustrating the game was getting towards the end, but you're content is my goto PlanCo content on YT. I hope that it hasn't discouraged you too much, as I am really looking forward to your future PC2 projects.

@chrisbennett3036 - 21.02.2025 22:36

I like the stand up coaster!

@camsanderson - 21.02.2025 23:06

Thank you for doing seatview POVs! Feels so much more immersive, like you’re a guest visiting the park. Riding the coasters with the park now complete looks great

@Thomas-N-n4m - 21.02.2025 23:09

Great job where did you get bins from in the queue lines

@TheTofu93 - 21.02.2025 23:59

Hey Chacho, if I may suggest something to you:
Instead of doing a full park again, you could maybe make something like a "blueprint series" in between the parks. Something like a coaster every other week and a flatride / shop / restaurant / or some typical theme park scenes or whatever in between. You could spend your building time on more detailed buildings/scenes, more complicated build styles, and themes, instead of the big picture and filling gaps / curbing as you do for a park each week.
You could also include some tutorial section within these videos to show some tips and tricks from your countless hours of PC1/2 experience. The format could be shorter than your regular sunday videos. Just an idea as you mentioned that you had to "pull through" the park. Maybe a little shake up of your PC2 schedule can get your creative juices flowing in an new direction again :-) Also, it may be a new content type from you which could attract a new viewership or old viewerships ?!
Anyways, I am always impressed how you are able to finish a park. Like 99% of people like myself never even reach 50% of a park. Although this may not be your best one, it has the unique chacho-stype which I can spot from miles away within a millisecond! Cheers, mate and have a great weekend! (Sorry for the wall of text!)

@nascarfan1880 - 22.02.2025 00:05

Just curious, what type of theming are you doing in the family park?

@michaelw6222 - 22.02.2025 01:41

Especially considering the "getting to know the game" and the performance issues, this is A+++++

@stormxcloud - 22.02.2025 02:09

Love the park!
Amazing work as always.
Just one small question.
Did you plan on killing all of your guests that ride the infinity? LOL.
It goes right through a support.
I just can't imagine you hate the guests who like that coaster that much.
Or was Steve on it?
But to each their own... LOL

@Aboutro - 22.02.2025 02:58

This series has felt very… different. Frontier has a long way to go to fix their game, and attempt to save it. Once it’s at that point, I feel like watching the game will be a different story. A game that I loved with my whole heart and was so excited for, can sometimes feel like a chore to play. It feels like a step forward in certain ways and a step back in others. I’m looking forward to your next series, as hopefully a lot more will be ironed out when that comes to a close, and the game will be in a good state. It just hurts to see something with so much potential in this state, I really hope frontier manages to rescue this, I really do.

@Fazcoasters - 22.02.2025 03:19

Good on you for pushing through, and you did good work. I think it came across as very obvious through the series that you don’t like this game, which is fine. Don’t put yourself through the trouble if the game isn’t meeting your needs. Maybe smaller parks are the way to go until more updates come out

@aitchtwoowaters8472 - 22.02.2025 04:07

Can you change the level of fpv? When I enter fpv, I'm eye level with the adults. It's as if you're a kid. EDIT: I see it reverts to normal hight after you got off the tilt coaster.

@x9thousand8 - 22.02.2025 06:03


@AnotherAnnoyingVegan - 22.02.2025 09:10

I don't mean this as a dig or a negative or anything but you nailed the some areas are nice and some areas are disappointing vibe of a cedar fair park haha. I know you fought the game to finish this park but it turned out great! Cant wait for the next series!

@AdventureSparker - 22.02.2025 10:28

Love how this park turned out! Wonderland is my home park, and I’ve been to Carowinds a number of times, so this park makes me feel right at home haha. Thanks for sharing your journey with this one, and I can’t wait to see what you do next!

@leemainwaring6439 - 22.02.2025 16:58

love the series, from peep level you can see every little detail you put in, like kerbing, foliage building details etc. so good to see, nothing is by accident. brilliant work! 👌

@obvious2886 - 22.02.2025 20:48

I’ve never seen the peep view so low

@kirm84 - 22.02.2025 22:12

Maybe a few smaller parks in future series would be good

@pkay.prod. - 24.02.2025 07:04

absolutely stunning, phenomenal work

@jroc2k - 24.02.2025 08:16

Pretty cool park!

@robertbright3924 - 25.02.2025 22:13

I can’t download this with the code is it coz I’m on console do you reckon?

@GenixYT - 26.02.2025 15:15

I noticed, and you also commented, that the peep camera is very low in this video. You’re actually in crouch mode!! If I remember correctly (I haven’t played the game in a couple of weeks) you can press left ALT to switch between crouching and standing. I’m only 5 minutes into the video so apologies if you realise this later in the video, but, if not, that’s how you can get a better peep view!

@CC-jo4fu - 27.02.2025 09:36

Great park👌

@TAMZSAAZ - 13.03.2025 16:02

진짜 놀이공원 같다
