Mineral Systems and Pool Ionizers (vs. Salt or Chlorine)

Mineral Systems and Pool Ionizers (vs. Salt or Chlorine)

Swim University

7 месяцев назад

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@방희진스 - 10.08.2024 17:25

Does a stain cause an indelible stain on the pool tiles? Show me a picture or video of the stain.

@chrisrobert8718 - 10.08.2024 18:24

Great content! Thank you for your advice. We need a video of what is the best filter for the above ground pool.

@SimpleDesertRose - 10.08.2024 19:30

Thanks for this. I've been toying with the idea of getting one off and on for a while. Just a quick question do you have any videos on switching from a standard chlorine pool to a salt water pool? I'm considering switching to salt next year.

@glennjr15 - 10.08.2024 19:53

What are some of the mineral systems that you recommend? Links (affiliate or not 😊) would be helpful in all your videos. Thanks

@rjn1124 - 10.08.2024 20:15

Great review. Thanks for providing it as well as so much other excellent content. I have a Nature2 Fusion system, which you add trichlor tablets to one chamber and the mineral cartridge to the other. It comes with a startup cartridge, which they say lasts about a week. I purchased a new cartridge on Amazon, which is not from the manufacturer of the unit. It's less expensive (I''m told) and got very good Amazon reviews. You can control the chlorine output by the number of tablets that you put in as well as a dial that lets you select five settings, 1 to 5. My pool volume is relatively small, about 7,000 gallons, and I initially filled up the trichlor chamber with 3" tablets and set the system to 1. This produced way too much chlorine so I removed most of the tablets, which solved the problem. CAUTION: Once you get the trichlor tablets wet it's almost impossible to dry them out completely and they slowly emit dangerous chlorine gas (yellow/green). Even when these tablets are stored in the plastic container the chlorine gas leaks out, which is why I'm storing the remaining tablets outside. If you encounter chlorine gas, which is denser than air, DO NOT BREATH IT IN. Better yet, don't get your tablets wet in the first place. If this does happen to you do not store the container inside, including in the garage.

@BryanKerr1 - 10.08.2024 21:43

Mineral systems didn't work for my spa, we were using it a few times a week and it couldn't keep up. Just use bromine

@martinduggan4077 - 10.08.2024 21:44

and when the pool is,on the turn
we have to use our old friend chlorine

@markwhittingham5270 - 10.08.2024 21:55

My parents had a pool sanitised with a copper / silver ioniser and a UV light unit and no Chlorine at all. This was in the South of France so quite hot. They had a octopus thing that scrubbed the walls automatically. Every one showered before swimming and they never had algae.

@stevebugg9568 - 11.08.2024 00:03

Great Video. I've been using the Pool Rx for a couple of years now and really like it. I do get staining, but it's sky blue in color. I don't find that offensive.

@DLaronsView - 11.08.2024 21:02

I love your content. It is really helpful to know my pool better.
I added the Pool Rx two weeks ago. It works great. Help me understand better how now the chlorine is at a lower parts per million? Is this to mean that when I test my water that a lower Total Chlorine and Free Chlorine is acceptable? Any help clarifying would be great! Thanks!

@DLaronsView - 11.08.2024 21:04

I love your content. It is really helpful to know my pool better.
I added the Pool Rx two weeks ago. It works great. Help me understand better how now the chlorine is at a lower parts per million? Is this to mean that when I test my water that a lower Total Chlorine and Free Chlorine is acceptable? Any help clarifying would be great! Thanks!

@ehhyo76 - 11.08.2024 23:26

I had a mineral pool system, and converted it to regular chlorine. Way cheaper to maintain and effectively does the same thing.

@suzannesmith8824 - 12.08.2024 01:57

I found a nail in the bottom of my pool and it created a rust spot. Any way to rid of the stain?

@janiferkeel154 - 25.08.2024 18:20

Can you use the mineral system with well water ?

@kathyr.6825 - 24.10.2024 03:44

Thank you great information

@JMora-fj3bv - 02.01.2025 06:50

Thank you SU ❤

@defaultHandle1110 - 23.01.2025 03:31

Interested in silver. How much silver at what ppm is needed per 10,000 litres of pool volume ?

@not-9672 - 15.02.2025 10:40

What's CYA?
