I really liked the progression in Zul'Drak. Icecrown on the other hand was just annoying and kinda enpty.
ОтветитьDid you forget dragon flight or did I miss it
Ответить“The Maw is the reason I checked out early from Shadowlands and I don’t think I missed much”
SAME. I was aboard the hype train for that expansion and was massively let down
Back in TBC, Hellfire had the extra issue of every lv 60 from both factions funneling into one zone from a single point of entry. Blizz very quickly realised this was BAAAAD and fixed it in Wrath with Borean Tundra/Howling Fjord.
ОтветитьI'll be waiting for the best zones video 😊
ОтветитьWhat? I always liked Desolace. I don't know why. Maybe I am drawn to desolate, dark and pessimistic places. But Desolace wasn't that bad. It was rather diverse too. It had a desert part, oasis part, demons, or stronghold, centaurs, and then coastal area.
For some reason though, I ways felt that after Cataclysm, the quality of the questing experience was reduced a bit. Despite the zone didn't change much. I think it was mostly cause the Horde hubs lost most quests, and the quests got focused to the neutral hubs instead.
Because I like such kind of places, I wanted to like Silithus too. But... Nothing good ever came out of Silithus. The quests were almost non existent there. And the mobs were tough and poisonous. In the times when mana regen played much bigger role, it was exhausting to level there. I'd pick Silithus over Desolace as a bad zone. I never had a feeling in Desolace that the questing sucks or drags on. Or that it's too hard. Maybe in few places the levels of the mobs were too high. But was about it.
No dragonflight zones?
ОтветитьI didn't level all the way through Krasarang Wilds until MoP Remix.
ОтветитьIt's hard to explain to someone that didn't play shadowlands, how it was a whole new level of bad. Made WoD/BFA look high tier.
ОтветитьI didn't play cata when it was current but I've played every other xpac. Still to this day I've never been to tol barad.
ОтветитьTend to agree mostly with those choices. Shadowlands I've only just started to play on a new alt. Yes when you make a new alt these days you can chose which area you want to start your questing in. The mobs scale to your level as do "most" of the quest rewards lol
For me the worst full expansion was Legion. Yes there was some great bits it wasn't all bad, but all your crafting skills relied on collecting items from raids and dungeons to level them up. Add to that my Guild kind of fell apart around the same time so I was playing alone, guildless. PUGs have no interest in helping you complete your Alchemy Quest in the dungeon, especially if it requires killing an extra boss that THEY don't need to complete the Dungeon. Quit that game because of Legions really poor solo playability. Oh and the fact you spent a lot of time and effort learing to fly in the legion expansion zones to find that one of the end game zones didn't allow flying at all.
Just returned last August (2024).
Borean Tundra is called the boring tundra for a reason at least Zul'drak had a nice troll aesthetic
ОтветитьThe borean tundra literally has an achievement called the boring tundra. Even blizz knew it was garbage
ОтветитьAbout to start watching it and i Gaurantee Both Vash'ir and Descolace make the list, Both really good zones too, just Popular to hate on them so its an easy pick for EVERY video like this ive seen
ОтветитьI feel Shadowlands should be entirely skipped as it is the absolute worst WoW expansion.
Vanilla, since it's so big you can list two zones. Silithus and Blasted Lands are my choices.
Shoot me, but I liked Desolace
ОтветитьDesolace is great if you are a warlock!
ОтветитьDesolate? Zul'Drak? Man, this guy STINKS!
ОтветитьI liked the ideas they had with the Maw. Not the execution thereof, but the ideas. It was a potentially interesting twist on what people expect to do in MMOs but ended up just feeling bad. The only thing they got right was the sense of danger you were in being there.
ОтветитьThe Maw wins overall
ОтветитьHaving never done TBC on an Alliance character I never found Blade's Edge all that bad. My vote is definitely for HFP. I still have PTSD from that fel reaver sound. And there's nothing like getting swarmed by a wandering pack of mobs when you're already fighting a pack of 4-5, including casters, so you can't just group them all up and aoe them down. First thing I did when I hit 80 in Wrath was go back to HFP and start 1-shotting every Fel Reaver I saw.
ОтветитьAnything from Dragonflight
ОтветитьI think the maw being awful is exactly what made it so unique, they absolutely delivered on the fantasy of the darkest most miserable pit in hell and since you weren’t allowed to spend a lot of time there it never felt to annoying to deal with. Imo a really successful and memorable zone that accomplished exactly what it went for.
Korthia and zerethmortis on the other hand….
Tanaan Jungle was one of my favorite zones ever
ОтветитьDesolace is not the worst place in vanilla. It's Silithus.
ОтветитьAin't no way Azj Kahet is the worst zone in TWW when the Isle of Dorn is right f'kin there lol
Ответитьi would have sex with your wow chartacter
ОтветитьNot once did I ever have to level in Blade's Edge to hit 70. By the time I was done with Nagrand I was at 69 or close to 70. BE was always my easy gold quests at max level on my toons to buy my mount.
ОтветитьPicking zul’drak over crystalsong forest is WILD
ОтветитьDo people really hate Hellfire Peninsula? dang, its always been one of my favorite zones. I love how empty it is, it kind of makes it feel cozy, and some of the scenery is legit gorgeous.
ОтветитьGundrak is not a zone. Zul drak is. Gundrak is the capital that has the dg in it
ОтветитьVashjr is not a zone its a continent.
ОтветитьI don't think the maw was bad per se. It does what it does very well.
Korthia on the other hand....
There really should be segmented chapters in your videos, timestamps, or they should go in order of expansion.
Ответитьhow come it's not Siren Isle when it was just some recycle of cancelled BFA map fucking lazy blizzard...
ОтветитьDesolace is the worst zone ever. Long distance without having a mount
Ответитьhonestly dont mind Desolace, it hassome alright quests and vistas, azshara on the other hand is awful. there is like maybe 3 quests there? and the place is too big for its own good and everything just looks the same. also annoyingly dense areas of mobs so traversing it sucks too. another area id like to mention is thousand needles, the original thousand needles has some of the same issues. way too long area, too little quests. and whatever pools of quests that is in the shimmering flats is just infuraitingly grindy quests.
ОтветитьI liked Zul'drak. Okay, fuck the vehicle quests; but the overall story of watching an empire callapse was good.
ОтветитьIirc the Zone was Zuldrak and Gundrak the Dungeon.
ОтветитьAh yes the Maw... where Blizzard both in and out of universe decided to torture countless innocent children.
ОтветитьHere's my least favorites zones.
1. Dread Wastes (MoP) ..You've already hit max level by the time you get to this zone, and most of it is spent working with the Klaxxi. The entire place is packed with mantids around every corner.
2. AZSUNA. I don't care if it's the shortest of the bunch.. Azsuna's story is all over the place. You've got one story about the Blue Dragons and the Nightborne stealing their mana crystals. There's another one where you have to help the Illdari kill one of their traitors, there's another subplot where you get abducted by sea giants, another subplot where you make a pact with an imp... and then there's the Court of Farondis / Naga storyline which comes out of nowhere.... (But it's faster to level through) and it gets boring real fast....You're better off with Val'sharah or Highmountain.
3. Stormsong Valley... It splits off into two storylines, one of them was well made which focused on the Tidesage cult. The other was about the Horde invading.. the issue isn't the idea of the Horde invading but how it was handled.
4. Didn't play TWW. Skip.
5. The Forgotten Reaches (At max level) ...Bland. Forgettable. Should've defeated that one Drac'thyr so he didn't become a no-nothing final boss in Aberrus.
6. The Garrison in WoD... I hated it when it was current, I hate having to go through it when I level an alt, and we could've had Karabor and Bladespire as Major Cities if not for this thing and for Ashran....
7. Silithus (Cata) ....It's exactly the same as the Vanilla version. No new quests. No changes. Almost everyone goes to Blasted Lands to level in Cata.
8. Azshara (Vanilla) ....There's literally nothing there. The only reason you'd ever go there is because of the Hydraxian Waterlords for Molten Core questlines. That's it. It was supposed to have a Battleground but it never came to existence.
9. Netherstorm... I barely remember anything from that one since most of the quests have you going to these large manaforge things.. and they're basically all the same but with one strange quirk to them. The only thing I vaguely remember was that one zone with the ghosts of a destroyed alliance village.
10. Hrothgar's Landing... The only reason you'd ever go to this one zone far up north in Icecrown is for one or two dailies with the Argent Tournament faction. I hate the weird mist effect any time you go near a Kvaldir area in Wrath. It's existence is pointless, but it's a separate zone so it counts.
11. The Maw.....This is the worst zone in the entire game. If Shadowland's story didn't kill your interest, this zone will make sure to destroy any hope you had left. (And the worst part is that you spent most of the end-game in this zone from patch 9.0 to 9.2 until Zereth Mortis opened up.)
Ehh, Suramar wasn't that great. like, yes, great story, it looks beautiful, but all of that content is mostly compressed into the south east quarter of the city. large chunks of it are pretty empty except lots of elite mobs packed together and the -1- elite group world quest (which was just... kill elite mobs) Azj-Kahet at least actually lets you wander and properly explore the city (with things to actually find!)
ОтветитьThe worst leveling experience I've had was my first time doing the Suramar questline. I was honestly expecting that to be the choice in this video, didn't realize people actually enjoyed that. I mean, it's a good looking zone, but I'm still haunted by "an illusion! what are you hiding?"
ОтветитьI agree with all besides your wrath pick. Worst zone in wrath is sholazar basin it is just soooo boring and the zone layout is horrible. I love Gundrak though it is a really cool troll city
ОтветитьThe Maw, The Maw. THE MAW
ОтветитьDread Wastes was the worst for me in MOP, I ABSOLUTELY HATED THAT ZONE! Stupid Klaxxi!
ОтветитьHard disagree on WotLK. Zul'Drak was very good for leveling. You can pass by the Drakkuru questline to go to the middle of the zone and instantly get tons of great and easy to fulfill quests in a small area. The upper reaches had the same easy and density for the time. Storm Peaks was far, far worse to navigate and the questlines there asked you to travel tons of distance on flying mount repeatedly back and forth.
ОтветитьDragon riding…inside caverns…/quit lol.
ОтветитьI loved how Desolate Desolace is!