Yarn Snob Reviews New Lion Brand Yarns [A Few Big Hits and Bigger Misses]

Yarn Snob Reviews New Lion Brand Yarns [A Few Big Hits and Bigger Misses]

TL Yarn Crafts

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@adeleb7753 - 25.03.2021 20:58

Thanks for your reviews. I like Truboo🧶

@kllm9292 - 31.03.2021 18:09

OBSESSED with Mandala Roving!!!

@johannamariarose9073 - 12.04.2021 07:15

Thank you for this beautifully presented review! You give exactly the kind of information that is most valuable--and I love your sense of humor too. Brilliantly done!

@carmelleabron4058 - 12.04.2021 17:28

Mandala is my fav because of the color combinations.

@morganacockerline5862 - 15.04.2021 07:48

One question. I just started crocheting. What is stich memory

@sussezqt.1439 - 02.05.2021 23:35

Thank you so much. I am new to all of this and really appreciate you sharing your knowledge!

@robynleyes7986 - 13.05.2021 18:37

yes ,I BELEIVE you are very ralented ,great eye for cololr......... shippery...is the word .....

@middleworldwitch4810 - 16.05.2021 17:46

I’m really disappointed that Lion discontinued Color Made Easy. 😢 The S on S ply yarns are my favorite.

@elizabethp2395 - 20.05.2021 04:42

My daughter says she likes all of them not likes loves actually

@finwilliams4865 - 30.05.2021 02:39

Truboo Looks so S M O O T H to crochet with

@makadoodledoo - 20.06.2021 03:20

See I was thinking a nice bikini for the truboo yarn

@LaylaFamily2024 - 24.06.2021 23:09

Thank you for the tipon switching the type of yarn hook.

@bonniekonjevich7574 - 29.06.2021 23:17

SO IMPRESSED, SO ADDICTED TO YOUR CHANNELS. So much of my work will become more polished w/new to me fantastic, ingenious ideas. I am so happy!


@carpediem.9 - 01.07.2021 14:18

Oh I absolutely love bamboo and bamboo cotton mix yarns, my absolute ego to yarns, love the shiny and smooth to the touch feel and they feel so soft and nice on the skin :)

@Brandileelee1016 - 06.08.2021 01:39

Luv truboo best yarn ever! I'm surprised you didn't like it

@misskitty2998 - 06.09.2021 05:59

I love all of your reviews
You give pros and cons so we can make our selections on the traits that mean the most to us

@monicabuch3827 - 17.09.2021 01:11


@Bowie_E - 02.10.2021 03:03

Yarn barf!! 😂 Yesss that's the term! 😂 I had a HUGE yarn barf out of this cake of LB Mandala Baby. So much so that I bought a yarn ball winder to try and help me deal with the resulting horror. This yarn sticks to itself BAD and I'm so frustrated. I'm about to have to cut it and knot it back together 😤

@tatum2245 - 03.10.2021 03:11

truboo is not a bit slippy, it is VERY slippy

@cinamonndsugar - 17.11.2021 05:44

what exactly is good stitch memory?

@Nacho-Mamma - 19.11.2021 09:06

If you are looking for a standard #4 acrylic yarn, that’s at a very reasonable price, you just might want to consider the Walmart MainStays brand yarn. In comparison with RedHeart yarn, the MainStays actually has a softer feel, and much less itchy than RedHeart is. It comes in 7oz 397yds skeins for under $2 a skein, with mostly basic colors, and a few variegated colors. It also comes in the jumbo skeins like the big RedHeart Supersavers, but for another the same price of a regular skein of RedHeart.
This yarn is reasonably priced, supple and soft, easy to work with, and available in the stores or online.
I made a patriotic triangle shawl that was sent as a gift to Melania Trump. The center consisted of a blue triangle, with 50 size 8mm white pearls spaced throughout, then the 13 alternate red & white stripes.
When completed, I washed, rinsed & hung it to dry on a line in my smaller bathroom. The flag shawl took up the entire 12’ width of the room, and came out soft with a nice drape, and very lightweight for being a 4ply.
So, if you’re on a tight budget, consider the Walmart MainStays brand yarn. It’s a great deal.

@julieshaker225 - 04.12.2021 01:40

I made a shrug and beach dress out of summer kiss. They came out beautiful and feel really decent. Not baby soft but very comfortable to wear. Plus I got the skeins for $1.99!

@rondiefenbacher3478 - 01.01.2022 01:59

Love you video! Quick and to the point, love it! I'm working on a bulky weight beanie now, that yarn is beautiful. HAPPY NEW YEAR 🎊🎊🎊

@knittingnana2939 - 06.01.2022 18:09

I got a mystery box from mary Maxim and some of the yarn in this video are in there . I haven't tried them yet, but I am looking forward to it.

@greenestbeans - 10.01.2022 14:02

Truboo is my favorite yarn I’ve tried, I love it! I’m very surprised it only got 6/10

@dawnbutton3321 - 11.01.2022 00:11

Your right on. Seams I mostly agree with you. Thank you 😊

@SaffronGear - 20.01.2022 00:29

I’m just now getting back into crochet and this is really helping me decide on yarns

@MelissaK133 - 28.01.2022 01:31

I can't buy a lot of the yarn you review being from Australia but I just love watching all your videos anyway! So informative and your videos are perfect to listen to in the background whilst I crochet 😊

@katya2032 - 08.02.2022 23:36

I'm using TruBoo to crochet up some scrunchies. I think the silkiness of the yarn will help to not leave marks in hair, and it will be lovely if you wear it as a bracelet.

@mhfreeman4061 - 01.04.2022 22:10

EXCELLENT REVIEWS! Succinct, clear, well thought out, pertinent information, easy listening, and NO wasted time which I greatly appreciate. Thank you so much!!

@maryhancock9681 - 15.04.2022 01:43

Any recommendations of yarns for stroke survivors to use? I have gotten so slow since I had my stroke. Could use some help of any kind. Love your videos

@stephanieladeinde3224 - 18.04.2022 10:21

Hello beautiful content ❤️ pls what's the best yarn for throw pillow

@sy2.083 - 28.04.2022 03:15


@pattaylor4792 - 29.04.2022 18:47

This was so helpful. You’re the best!! Lovely personality, thorough instruction, educational vlogs and THANK YOU for what you do “lovely” lady 😘

@suzannekaster4462 - 17.05.2022 08:16

Thank you Toni for always being very honest with your description and opinions of the yarn you bring to the table. I love the shimmering yarns so I know that Tru Boo is a must have for me. Well done!❤️

@helenhershey7094 - 25.05.2022 21:58

Anyone know good blocking methods (if at all?) for "Truboo" as a crochet summer top?

@theresapassarelli1599 - 14.08.2022 19:29

Nice video, thanks!

@HelenQuinonesGreeson - 16.11.2022 06:04

I love the feel of Trueboo. But, if I even think of relaxing my tension that shine screams that I’ve goofed up. Big time. Even with wooden needles, too stressful for me. But sigh, the drape and feel is so nice.

@adeleb7753 - 21.01.2023 14:48

I love Mandala roving

@shirleyapsouris3232 - 28.01.2023 03:29

I just not a one pound ball of Pound of Love...what a pain.wish the.Mills would learn how to proper!y wind a ball of yarn! There should be one
End hanging out one end of the ball. I've torn this sucker apart both ends and cannot find inner end. So I'm !EFT with having this giant ball
Bouncing around the carpet for days. Now I will calm down and must spend many he's winding it all into smaller more manageable balls.
This also not good...yarn looses some of its puffiness or body when you rewind before use. I'll be careful not to buy this brand again!

@PhotographyGirl97 - 02.02.2023 19:03

Here’s the thing…I love truboo, but I DON’T love how much it splits on me and I totally feel you on the shine!! If they would remake this yarn with maybe a different ply and toned down the shine it would be amazing!

@1949chefjojo - 20.04.2023 02:07

A wood hook is a great tip with the cotton bamboo combination. I would like a summer cardigan made with it. Thanks for a tip.

@wendyk79 - 17.05.2023 23:28

I'm new to your channel and love it...
Have you ever done a review on? I love this yarn by hobby lobby. Would love to hear your opinion...❤

@Aurora_Dawn - 22.08.2023 10:00

I love your videos and your puppy. I have been wanting to find a good bamboo yarn. I have sensitive skin and can’t wear wool 😢

@Day-tm2pb - 14.10.2023 03:11

For southern hot temperatures states, truboo is awesome for baby items and wearables. To each it’s own but I love that it is DK and the shine and softness of it is adorable. It also has great stitch definition and once again, the shine is lovely for baby clothes. Definitely use a hock smaller than the recommended one, I personally use 3 and 2.5 with it and always tapered. If you are left handed, it does not split

@johnralph3704 - 22.01.2024 18:40

Lion Brand is my favorite, too. I made a yarn basket out of a blue jean color yarn.

@johnralph3704 - 22.01.2024 18:43

I use the pretzel method when doing a slipknot.

@elimark717 - 03.06.2024 19:43

I am personally using the truboo yarn (in white) to make like a summer crop top thing and I found that the white color I am using kinda helps the shininess blend in more with the yarn but it is still there. I could also see people using that yarn to make like swimsuit cover ups for the beach and pool. I definitely appreciate your yarn reviews I think about them a lot when I buy yarn!

@jennik.h.7970 - 13.06.2024 18:26

Loop fur is my favorite yarn

@Linda-vs9lr - 09.07.2024 06:56

Splits too much for me on truboo...and nuboo
