Saturn In The Second House of Astrology Birth Chart  (Saturn in the 2nd house)

Saturn In The Second House of Astrology Birth Chart (Saturn in the 2nd house)

KRSchannel - Learn Astrology

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@abhinavsinghbaghel6193 - 11.10.2023 11:00

Saturn in 2 house cancer ♋
I am Gemini ascendant 😶

@Harihar129 - 30.10.2023 13:52

I didn't have good food throughout my primary and secondary school. I struggled getting my mother's nourishment when young, untill 3 years of age. I had few friends who found me worthy and those who did invariably had saturn in Capricorn or Aquarius sign. I measure my words before I speak, but at home and with friends there is no filter.

Thanks for this analysis! The world needs you!

@bongchee4054 - 09.11.2023 11:02

True true true

@sukiliyah - 26.11.2023 11:34

Literally the MONTH of my 34th birthday this year, I finally got the position I’ve been working since 2013 to get ! And I got my dream car in July of this year in the most odd divine intervention circumstance! This is actually my Rahu placement but saw that because it’s in Aquarius, Rahu acts as Saturn. This description was 100% accurate for me. My actual Saturn is in 12th house (Sagittarius). But boyyyyy does this check out! My Rahu is in 6th in Libra in Navasma and Venus in 6th matched accurately as well! And I am Chitra Venus so that video of “Venus in 6th house Navasma” gave me liffffffe with knowing my ex has Venus in Pisces (exalted). You’ll understand if you watch that video! Helped me confirm my exes delusion immediately! (His Rahu in 1st in Gemini Navasma) Astrology has helped me figure out so much!!! Can’t wait until my Mom’s birth chart comes in the mail! So excited for the freedom of understanding the root of it all! Thank you Kapiel!

@sumaliarora - 01.12.2023 12:57

Hi Kapil , please put a new video of this position Saturn in 2 .. any thing more we all shud know .. everyone here seem to have mix results

@TheRealChwazi - 16.12.2023 21:24

i fucking HATE saturn bitch ass

@justmylife777 - 18.01.2024 16:14

I feel very lonely.....not very good earning...lets see...

@S2MichEl - 03.02.2024 11:50

No gemstones that can help you 😂

@barbaracalabro873 - 09.02.2024 20:12

At 34....things got better...

@fierycharm - 11.03.2024 10:49

saturn in pushya nakshatra cancer in 2nd house??

@Ann.b23 - 26.04.2024 03:21

Saturn and Leo in the 2nd house

@Hind-t4m - 30.04.2024 17:50

Dude im still 21 I can’t wait to 35 plz helllppppppp

@pagapp4330 - 05.05.2024 14:58

Harshad mehta had this n he died at 47

@sahinidavis6423 - 23.05.2024 04:53

Spot on

@SignedBlake - 26.05.2024 23:18

My saturn’s in Aquarius, 2H (Capricorn ruler).

Not you impersonating my mom😂😅 we weren’t poor, I’d say middle class. I definitely lied a lot, mainly to stay out of trouble/ fear (idc now). Always did well in school. I am noticing that I’m able to see the world in a different view.

And I absolutely feel that way in my career. I realize my intelligence and ability to operate but am not where I feel I should be. However, I recognize the things I need to learn and am embracing it.

@Staaaarrrrrrrrrr - 07.06.2024 19:22

This is 100% true so far. Im 33 years old and waiting for mid life for the money to stay lmao

@fatimadaffy - 20.06.2024 22:36

This explains SOOOOO much. Finally a video that actually elaborated on this. Thank you

@ankitagupta9184 - 26.06.2024 17:36

Mr. Kapiel your earlier videos were easy to sink me. These days teachings have become way more abstract 😂😂

@arulkuthiala - 29.06.2024 22:09

This is very true.....though in my case right now approaching 40...i am still behind in earnings despite being one off the top performers in all of my companies i have worked in till date


@TheElephant-l7i - 01.07.2024 07:05

Does this apply for D9? It is so accurate. I do not want to have a long life.

@skarusiya - 17.07.2024 22:00

Veey true sir, i have saturn in exalted in libra sign in 2nd house. My chilhood gone though all those struggles in terms of studies, lack of money and amenities, which we see in low income family.
Completed my engg some how. Even after i couldn't save until age of 36. And i could not see even 1 lkh in my account until then saved even after doing more than 10 yrs IT job, because of fulfilling my family needs.

However after age of 36( not 35), i started feeling things are coming in my favor in every aspects, in terms of salary hikes, foriegn travels( hugh savings from there) and good returns by investment in stocks.

In nutshell, with in last 5 years. I achieved everything car, house, and hugh savings.
Very correct prediction sir.

@andierichter1382 - 09.08.2024 00:57

What if the Saturn in the second house is conjunct the Mercury, Jupiter, and Sun?

@glitterginger - 12.08.2024 03:51

I have. Very slow to get better. I am still fighting hard at 44. I wont give up.

@SouvikDas-c2x - 16.08.2024 00:25

My mother is the best mother in the world, , but i am ruled by no.1 , I am born on 10 th of November , but some parts are true I had a very rough childhood but my mother was very strict by God's grace i never faced poverty,But ever since i started worshipping Lord Hanuman my isht my life changed because am scorpio as well i am ruled by Jupiter,Sun&Mangal ,Lord Hanuman changed my life 360 ° ,Trust me he is a total Gangster he changed my life and he change yours too

@SouvikDas-c2x - 16.08.2024 00:26

Trust Lord Hanuman start workshippong him and start worshipping Lord Venkateshwara

@SouvikDas-c2x - 16.08.2024 00:30

Now lord Hanuman is my best friend ,my guru ,my Captain my family my parent my everything, he gave me love like no ine did .

Yess 🪐 will take all the pending karma ,Start worshipping Lord Hanuman,And lord Balaji .

@SouvikDas-c2x - 16.08.2024 00:33

But i always had a gut feeling deep down since childhood since i had a very very very rough childhood ,i am going to be a king gradually .

@bhaskar4372 - 16.08.2024 20:36

I can vouch for the delayed results. I have saturn in 2nd hosue and trust me it hurts yar truly.

Few things i have observed are
1. You will lose all the luxury aspect in everything. Trust me on this
2. Your family, friends and colleagues dont believe on you ( my team mates and manager always argue )
3. You will be poor ( zero savings, so i have to rely on credit card)

And many things will depend on other planets which are situated in your birth chat..

I am 24 y old now, hopefully saturn 🪐 should provide me relief and give all the things i truly deserve and want. Pls Saturn 🪐 i love you.

@urenjini4336 - 26.08.2024 12:15

Gosh my sis have mars saturn and ketu conjunction.She is crazy😵uses curse words often,shouts and even is harsh with all
Am fuckin scared of her🥴

@peace-po1hy - 26.08.2024 19:05

So accurate i miss you!

@AshokKumar-ms5ou - 31.08.2024 20:31

Saturn will do whatever he likes to do or wants to do, it's not your choice,so just wait and watch, 😂

@youngnattymusic - 06.09.2024 20:27

Strange when I was young , I was hearing impaired got bullied and had speech delay . when I’m 30, all my debts should be paid off . 35+ I’m planning for retirement overseas

@Ic_truth - 11.09.2024 22:03

I have the sun in Ophiuchus in the second house, Saturn in Scorpio in the second house, Neptune in Sagittarius in the second house, Uranus in Ophiuchus in the second house

@kp5870 - 15.09.2024 09:07

Saturn 2nd House in Scorpio…

@kp5870 - 15.09.2024 09:08

I’ve been saving money for quite awhile, before the age of 35. I’ve been very good with money.

@ThemightyBee-s3f - 28.10.2024 19:02

I have Saturn in the second house in retrograde in Aries. I didn’t grow up in poverty but we didn’t have a lot. My father died before I was born. I 100% feel lonely at 27 but I’m married with 2 kids. Me and my brother are strained we do not speak. This is a very tough placement to have mentally, mentally I feel old lol

@sid-ym6fm - 03.11.2024 04:54

God bless you man I got answer to my question
Iam in my 24 i still think everyone is going good where am I lacking
But got my answer there are more 10 years to go

@pramodharshana-z7p - 13.11.2024 01:43

I have saturn in 2nd house I feel peoples pain so I need to take their pain all the time......

@Rumqueen - 16.11.2024 20:12

The 2nd house is not family. 🤔
Is this from a different style of astrology?
3rd house is communication, speech and siblings.

@harinimnshreni - 29.11.2024 14:51

Saturn in 2nd house Sag. So true. Family was not in poverty but parents were very conservative which was irritating initially but later on in life I am like them, I value those conservativeness because saturn is in Sagg Purva ashada I feel I am invlined to more Dharmic values also but I am so deprived of proper income. I cannot earn much as like my classmates despite being a hardworker. I am 34 now. Waiting for one more year to go for saturn to release its karmic debt on me.

@cathyb7038 - 01.12.2024 01:45

I have Saturn in my 2nd house, and I felt poverty my whole life as well as malnourishment from my mother. This guy is spot on. It is unfair in my opinion. Because there is only so much ego work you can do before it gets old. Next!

@sarvottamindia8237 - 12.12.2024 23:21

I have retro saturn 🪐 in Scorpio 🦂 in second house, so whatever you said multiply by 1000 times I face since my childhood. I get Shiver 🤯🥶 if someone asks me my childhood memories

@tractordriver8950 - 13.12.2024 08:22

Do Saturn aspects from the chalit chart count as well?

@shirleynayanar - 21.12.2024 19:44

Saturn in Capricorn ♑🐐 2nd.... this is very true words 😢😢

@Maius26 - 31.12.2024 00:35

There is no question that death can be foreseen in an exact chart, but it quite often isn’t !!
It’s much easier often to predict the timing of significant inheritance, and death of a Parent or relative can easily be determined from that.

@tractordriver8950 - 06.01.2025 04:34

I’m 44 and I still have the bad effects of this placement. The dispositor is the sun in the 12th house along with mercury is that why?

@Roymona2267 - 07.01.2025 04:53

I'm 37 saturn in 2 nd house in Scorpio jyeshtha nakshatra......still I see zero growth in my life

@big7444 - 07.01.2025 19:34

Any remedies how to overcone this my son is having this placement. I think@krs you can do miracle by giving remedies pls pls as he is 6 yr old and his shani dasha will start

@sakshibankoti1159 - 30.01.2025 10:10

35! 😢
