ОтветитьThis is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you, John and Bob for this analysis!
ОтветитьUnfortunately, there is a segment of white men in this country that would rather go without health care than to to see an “unworthy” black person receive it.. Aware of this peculiar phenomenon, the private health care insurers pander and exploit this tendency to keep health care private.
ОтветитьIn stemming the authoritarian tide, do not under estimate the value of kitten videos
ОтветитьIsn't it interesting that the same people who fight vehemently for pro-life and the right to bear arms issues might also be willing to follow an authoritarian?
ОтветитьShout out to Manitoba.
ОтветитьListening to this interview in April of 2021, his predictions have been uncanny.
ОтветитьThank you, John/Bob,
Your work lays out, opens up and connects what I had come to realize but had little knowledge of.
4yrs later - 2025