Where to Buy a Home on the Turkish Riviera | STRAIGHT TALK EP. 26

Where to Buy a Home on the Turkish Riviera | STRAIGHT TALK EP. 26

Property Turkey

4 года назад

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@eissiz - 19.09.2020 15:46

great work...

@AladdinsTurkey - 19.09.2020 16:18

That was fun !

@tanveer5335 - 19.09.2020 17:16

Always Great. How is canakkale?

@tanveer5335 - 19.09.2020 17:26

How about izmit. To settle by investment with family. I heard about earthquake is it true.

@7lildavil - 19.09.2020 17:46

Camron ❤️🇵🇰❤️

@AJ-on5tv - 19.09.2020 19:23

Described in a very well manner. Amazing Turkish Rivera

@jamesmiller4114 - 19.09.2020 20:14

Great content guys

@wasim_ak - 19.09.2020 21:25

Superb explanation by Mr. Cameron 👍
Mr. Cameron seeking your expert opinion on comparison between Asian vs European side of Istanbul. Plz make a video in this topic. Thanks.

@JoshLevente - 19.09.2020 22:30

"Where apparently Cleopatra would soak herself in donkey's milk. Don't try this at home." LOL

@kalkaneldorado2401 - 19.09.2020 22:32

Thank You Gentleman You Guys are great. I have been living in North America for the last 40 years. I am now thinking/ planning and want to retire and move to Turkey and find/Build my ocean front sea side modest home somewhere along the Turkish Riviera. My anticipated move is next year 2021 around Christmas. I am currently consulting with a Property Turkey member of your team Mr. Mazin Mansoor and he has been great. Your videos are fantastic and i greatly appreciate all your valuable efforts explaining life in Turkey. Stay Blessed !

@andym28 - 19.09.2020 22:41

How has turkey been with climate change? Has it been much hotter in recent years?

@amazingvideos1700 - 20.09.2020 00:54

Guys you should describe rest of 70 % of coast

@valeriealacoque8974 - 20.09.2020 03:40

where do you recommend someone live who needs to work, and speaks English......

@natikyusifov7582 - 20.09.2020 07:24

This is a beautiful example of the Turkish Rivera analysis I was looking for. Thank you. One of the best clips on the topic. Congratulations and thank you again.

@fredtoloui7002 - 20.09.2020 10:04

Great production value and content! My only suggestion would be that your website offer the pin point location of the property

@naveedchohan3190 - 20.09.2020 11:52

Once again nice informative half an hour... Thank you guys especially Cameron...

@tetianad9085 - 20.09.2020 19:05

The Straight Talk episodes are absolutely amazing! they generously&elegantly provide volume of information on history,culture, geography, investment n rental values of different areas. With each new episode, I keep falling in love w.Turkey ,it's people& revieras!

@paralvusa - 21.09.2020 20:51

You guys are answering a lot of my questions i asked i never got answer for it.

@NasirStudios - 22.09.2020 18:38

Your experience is great about turkeys culture weather traditions,
Plz advice me, I'm sculptor, where should I come?

@DreamingDownUnder - 06.10.2020 23:24

Thanks for your great content. I am looking at moving to Turkey. For mature singles without kids, would you say Bodrum would be the place?

@DreamingDownUnder - 06.10.2020 23:28

Would be great if you can do a video for locations for singles.

@simakhodapanah2715 - 21.10.2020 21:11

What is the property turkey phone number in istanbul

@Lara-bn5fp - 04.11.2020 21:37

Hello 😊 I enjoy watching your videos 🤗 I find the southern coastal part of Turkey one of the most fascinating places - if not the most - to live or spend time in . Althoug h I've never been there. I'd like to visit Turkey one day. One of my prior destinations is Istanbuk ❤ I'm sorry to hear about the earthquake that struck Izmir a few days ago. I hope your family members are ok in your hometown - as you mentioned you're from Izmir I pray for the families of the victims 🙏 Keep safe 😊

@nadz4832 - 06.11.2020 06:47

Super informative and entertaining video guys - thanks. but have to say you guys really smashed with a perfect ending with the price of tomatos in the barber shop :-) LOL

@vinny1864 - 08.11.2020 04:48

Love your real talk it’s very informative

@cristinaemichael4177 - 16.12.2020 16:39

Why you guys don't show Alanya

@atifmanzoor63 - 29.12.2020 21:27

You didn’t mention anything about Alanya maybe I didn’t hear it properly

@drqureshi3000 - 07.01.2021 13:17

Please always show MAP???????????????.

@petarz9029 - 14.01.2021 22:33

Thoughts on Marmaris?

@zaidal-hindawi1784 - 16.01.2021 17:48

Bodrum is beautiful.

@88lamalama - 25.01.2021 01:20

Antalya is the best🥰

@atterraggio2490 - 29.01.2021 23:16

Good stuff, but somewhat disappointed Alanya was completely missed out. Fantastic weather all year round. Good terrain. Good hospitals. Huge expat community from all over.

@chrish.4891 - 09.02.2021 20:14

This video was so informative and well made. Thank you, gentlemen. The Turkish Riviera is absolutely gorgeous.

@abdikadrjerow6717 - 22.02.2021 04:30

Wallah I love this show , I watched 10 videos in 2 days bro. I was thinking for real estate investment in London since I live here but Antalya make send for me for investment view but I saw in your other view that this was true

@sammyhm6855 - 05.03.2021 05:07

The more I hear you guys , the more I would love to buy in all these places down south.. waiting for you guys to tell us more about Alanya ..Great work Aladdin and Cameron..also my wife and I noticed you both have a nice blend of Turkish and RP accent ... maybe this comes natural for Turkish people speaking English I don't know :)

@aau541 - 06.03.2021 16:20

You haven't discussed about more northern spots such as Kusadasi, Cesme etc. But thanks a lot for sharing your views

@giuseppepucciarelli5939 - 07.03.2021 10:12

Where is best to invest buy to let, antalya or belek??

@nabihasaed4447 - 24.03.2021 07:11

Omg, it’s very good to this video and thanks a lot for sharing such a great information

@jpthiran - 18.04.2021 21:12

...lol...less publicity on Fetiye please.... :-)

@vasutyannick5247 - 05.07.2021 00:59

why you dont talk about Alanya

@geoffwaterman6560 - 15.07.2021 12:36

I'm a new subscriber from Australia.
Thinking of exploring a new start in Turkey and really appreciate your videos.
Just have to work out how can I avoid my local Nazis so I can travel

@roadtriprob8442 - 15.07.2021 16:23

Thank you for the very informative video , my wife and I are Canadians less than 2 years from retirement...both with varying degrees of arthritis but still active....I had been leaning towards Antalya as we would be looking at wintering there with the summer months spent in Canada but humidity is not our friend...so my question is is there a large difference in humidity between Bodrum and Fethiye ...Thanks In Advance

@redarbz6545 - 28.07.2021 02:33

I think this a great analysis, would you know of a tour to visit it all, It is only by seeing and feeling things that one can go make a purchase afterward..

@saberahansa2754 - 29.07.2021 15:43

Would appreciate bit if u could give some info on kusadasi and living there. Also what's da weather like etc

@ebonieriley8309 - 03.09.2021 08:10

Great Video

@ozansaglk6485 - 03.10.2021 01:17

I see that lots of people are asking about why they didn't mention Alanya in the video. I think it's simply because Alanya is not in their focal point. Even though I own a property in Alanya - which I love it - I'm aware that Bodrum and Kaş are more sophisticated locations. Thanks for that lovely video about the beautiful Turkish Riviera.

@bellalorenzi9699 - 24.01.2022 13:58

I fall in love with Cameron Deggin.

@rahimbacar1736 - 04.09.2022 12:27

Hi guys - excellent presentation, I am convinced that you are a great team and I plan to have some serious talks soon there with both, thank you..
