Film producer interview / How to become a movie producer / Career guidance

Film producer interview / How to become a movie producer / Career guidance

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@themelissaobrien - 09.09.2019 02:22

Go Mark!!

@larrydwilliamsii - 25.11.2019 15:56

I would have to disagree with one thing most films schools (in america at least) teach the technical side of it the business side of it isn't really taught. I wish it was.

@familywonder9811 - 07.06.2021 08:44

Hello I will subcribe If you help me to be a producer

@aek.1988 - 11.08.2021 06:01

I felt like Walter White(aka heisenberg) was giving the formula of blue films

@KJ9999 - 17.10.2021 03:23

Cool interview. I got into producing about 4 years ago after coming out of the business world of marketing. I was interested in cinematography because I didn’t even know anything about producing. The director I work for noticed the uniqueness of my situation and skill set and told me to go learn everything I could about producing along with his mentorship. It’s been the best and hardest road I’ve ever traveled but like Mark said, it’s amazing to work with such talented artist and provide my skills of handling the business side so they can be creative. I’ve mainly been doing commercials but making my way to the feature side. Great interview and thank you for sharing. It’s hard to find content out there about producing.

@7777voyles - 03.04.2022 00:59

Thank you so much it was very entertaining and educational!

@englishcool247 - 15.10.2022 23:47

Very nice interview...thank you...greetings from El Salvador

@Mr._Johns_Productions - 31.05.2023 18:01

How do prevent your creative content from being stolen?

@alexandra4real360 - 08.12.2023 18:26

This was great. But I wish they went into HOW he became a producer. So he wrote a script and decided he wanted to get into the process of making a film. But how did he become a producer? Did he have previous contacts from his business career? Did he act as assistant producer for a few years? How did he get more producing work in the beginning? How did he connect with sponsors to raise money for his films? How does he connect with distributors for his films?

@theeScene - 10.12.2024 17:05

Great one
