Imperium > Rebellen
ОтветитьLong live empire
ОтветитьThis is for all my fellow gymbros out there who listen to this banger while hitting those hard ass sets 🎧🏋🏼💪🏻
ОтветитьFun fact everybody(this is from my friend). The rebels(terrorists) blew up the first and second Death Star. So while they were doing that they also killed a lot of innocent people. So the rebels(terrorists) may have killed the same amount of people as the galactic empire(or maybe even more)
putting an add half way through is a sin
I know it was you tube not the op
Emperor has died, but not the Empire! Long live the Empire!
ОтветитьLong live the empire!
ОтветитьLike the empire of aek 🇬🇷
Ответить0b1 conobe Roger princes
ОтветитьAntartica mission induction direct helicopter completion 234bcwinter
Sort instructor Daniel Vega jose***
ОтветитьDental 564789 Wrigley deapolonia Vincent Vitaly defender legal aid sir inicent on our own reconicenc e5 sir 157
ОтветитьLap is correct boss my lapi feel amused
ОтветитьCopy maneul Puerto Rico the shining star Gonzales to Vega
ОтветитьI'm at princes Vega imperial navy siut Puerto Rico the shining star
ОтветитьIn a galaxy near buy
Ответитьman do I miss hearing these when the Empire and Vader showed up
ОтветитьI think our country needs more Star Wars!
ОтветитьMan I love Empire at war <3
ОтветитьBring back star wars commander
ОтветитьYou may Fire when ready.
Ответитьantifa : exist
me 1 second later :
Even the Borg Collective would piss their collective pants if they heard the Imperial March.
Ответить“We’ve captured a command post! Hostile reinforcement count is diminishing!”
ОтветитьListen at 0.75 speed - even better!
ОтветитьWho wins?
The Galactic Empire?
Or the Universal Union?
Universal Union if course, they span multiple dimensions and universes and have hundreds of billions of soldiers of all types and species.
What a terrible military policy...
only ONE death star
Who ordered it?
don't they know, that all it takes is one tiny hole and were taking on space
military always demands at least 2, 2 death stars for 100
we must always be prepared for sith
you want to die because of one chink in the armor
no, you appease the sith and surprise them with the second death star
why didn't you send the orders up?! who are you... demoted
this little FaRT will be the death of us
Of course things will go wrong, that why we have TWO
is it a money problem? you mean we can one death star but not keep the business for more open? how do you expect to be an empire...
oh yeah, win... invest... then fall short
dis disappointment is what gets us all killed
I'm not here to talk about accuracy
I am talking about Backup
if we have two docs then we have 2 on order after we take 2 out of the dock
how is the coffee maker...
2 or else!
I heard... but that's top secret. Pride to us all... If we announce 3 death stars, then you know there will always be two more, and two more in dock...
not everyone works for money, credits, or hankie
the empire looks bright, join today
demand cookies
This is so cool, I wish racism was real
Ответить“Boss, look!”
ОтветитьAs it relates to current events;the rebels in the deserts will defeat the great technological empire
ОтветитьI like to keep this video handy for whenever I'm playing Stellaris and get my fleets past 200 ships.
ОтветитьLong live the empire
ОтветитьThis is what Mandalore heard before turning into glass
ОтветитьThe fleet assembles
ОтветитьAaahhh, as realidades das guerras de Órion...... Imaginar ficção é margear realidade. Felizmente redimido, o grandioso Comandante Sideral que inspirou a composição do também grandiosíssimo personagem Darth Vader conseguiu conectar-se ao seu par ontogemelar que ainda vive na Terra, justamente por meio desse referencial de ficção. Ninguém cria nada do nada. Grandioso trabalho midiático e cultural, Star Wars, especialmente episódios de um ao seis. Outros personagens podem também ter base real. Ficção e realidade são contínuos contíguos. Trilhas sonoras geniais!! Dois grandes gênios sensitivos: George Lucas e John Williams.
Ответитьfine addition to my collection.
ОтветитьPour réfléchir à notre côté en nous
ОтветитьI don’t want to rule a planet, I want to rule a galaxy.
ОтветитьBring my shuttle 😤😮💨
ОтветитьI wish we had the empire in real life.
ОтветитьI'm sorry, I have to.
"Squidward! The Empire's taken over the Navy!"
"Not the Navy! Attention Bikini Bottom, run for your lives! The Empire's taking over the world!"
"OUR World!!!!"
(Instant panic)
Meanwhile, with Obi-Wan
Luke: "What's wrong?"
Obi-Wan: "I feel a disturbance in the force, as if millions cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced."