A Genuinely Helpful AI App for Windows - FREE and Open Source

A Genuinely Helpful AI App for Windows - FREE and Open Source

Gary Explains

2 месяца назад

6,784 Просмотров

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@kingofgamer1102 - 18.12.2024 14:26


@legendarystuff6971 - 18.12.2024 14:29

Ferst, sock it googl!

@legendarystuff6971 - 18.12.2024 14:37

I'm tinkering along the same lines, really appreciate it, I'll probably be the first user lol. I was thinking to use it for prompt engineering where you paste a much more refined and enhanced prompt specialized for your own use case

@mastafu80 - 18.12.2024 14:45

Great idea. Small efficient and powerful tool that i need !

@greenzest - 18.12.2024 14:54

Hi @GaryExplains, good video and good software idea ! Can you link the git repo ?

@debojitmandal8670 - 18.12.2024 14:54

i use every day for coding also text tools a lot

@TheVirtualArena24 - 18.12.2024 15:32

Will google use our clipboard history or save it on their servers?

@StefanMarjanov - 18.12.2024 15:50

A few ideas: 1) Add an option to start with the system. 2) Show some kind of "thinking" loader/animation/spinner on the screen so we know what is happening and when it is done. 3) As you said, local AI would be a great addition :)

@laci272 - 18.12.2024 15:53

you didn't include a link...

@laci272 - 18.12.2024 15:57

Ii use all 3 daily, with different LLMs for coding and questions, and other services to generate images/video (for ads).

@HyyskanPolttaja - 18.12.2024 16:14

Great, and now the same for Linux, please.

@dennyfox3139 - 18.12.2024 16:25

Great idea! How can you use it to generate code? Say a Python script or a Home Assistant automation in YAML? I have used ChatGPT, Claude, and recently GROK to great advantage. A real time saver.

@DriftlessCryptoToo - 18.12.2024 16:40

Bravo! 🎉

@HenrikoMagnifico - 18.12.2024 16:48

Cool, if you could make a tool which can read a code project and help with fixing errors that would be even cooler

@laszlodavidtarsoly - 18.12.2024 17:01

call it TrAI

@ko1pakov - 18.12.2024 17:56

Would be great if you were to add some kind of loading or thinking notification so we could be informed when it is reday to paste.

@christanner8765 - 18.12.2024 18:15

Got it installed. Good work Gary!

@AithaChannel - 18.12.2024 20:01

Great idea but processing taking like 3 mins just for 3 lines.

@bendavis3545 - 18.12.2024 20:09

Could be neat to couple with voice commands and a way for the tool to reply with message box or bubble so you could have interactive chats with the AI while in the context of a webpage, for example, and build off previous highlighted text.

@Mr.Ciobanu - 18.12.2024 23:55

I have premium Gemini, is the API key different?

@univera1111 - 19.12.2024 00:51

Make a linux version or if there is a Linux version show us. For Linux mint

@LewisCowles - 19.12.2024 00:59

Why did you leak an API key...

@stevetrapp1095 - 19.12.2024 02:23

Why no link to /app/api

@_lisan_al_gaib - 19.12.2024 03:16

thank you gary, this is great!

@razvanab - 19.12.2024 18:46

If you can add Ollama support in the next version, it will be great. Thank you for this great tool.

@malkogindrat - 19.12.2024 22:43

Cool idea to put the menu on the systray with the different actions. I use AHK and ChatGPI API and have some shortcuts with premade complex prompts for my daily work, but then I forget the shortcuts of the least used prompts. You could add shortcuts as well, and also that it pastes the results right away, so you kinda know that it did the job.

@alexxxxxxxx - 21.12.2024 15:57

It would be better if it was integrated into explorer as right click options

@Stuart-AJC - 22.12.2024 02:04

What a great resource. Thanks

@thoth1652 - 22.12.2024 17:06

hmm. despite all other succeses, I did not get it to work. no .exe file, and with the CMD prompt it started, but got no connection/resposne from Gemini

@Vyomesh-ir5hq - 23.12.2024 17:39

If they provide some kind of keyboard shortcuts to enable it that will be great 😃

@joseserena907 - 23.12.2024 22:52

I found another use for your program. I write in Spanish, and when I asked AITray for a function, it gave the right answers, but in English! Now I have a handy and nice translator. I translated the text in your source code, recompiled the program, and now it works in Spanish. Thank you for sharing this utility.
