O2 UK (Virgin Media O2) 2021 Network Roundup: 700MHz LTE+NR, 2600MHz (B38) LTE, Merger and more

O2 UK (Virgin Media O2) 2021 Network Roundup: 700MHz LTE+NR, 2600MHz (B38) LTE, Merger and more

Peter Clarke

3 года назад

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@sbrown9020 - 06.12.2021 03:41

Sounds like everywhere had spectrum auctions

@galaxyallie - 06.12.2021 03:53

Fantastic video and very interesting perspective (Northern Ireland's unique situation). I'm hoping we get some n28 SA next year :D

@anafal - 06.12.2021 03:55

Hey peter , from 2019 the lte band b20 800 stuck on 10mhz , after site upgrade the band work with 5mhz after some months turn to 10mhz , now almost fhree years without improving the band , is that band will stuck at 10 mhz a long of times ?

@elixier33 - 06.12.2021 05:07

Can you do some more videos on EE 5G network? How is it that they are so good I so well performing and are they going to have better coverage inside of the future? How comes EE is so far ahead of everyone else?

@joeyjhones678 - 06.12.2021 10:36

Awesome. thanks

@johnpower986 - 06.12.2021 14:22

Great videos Peter, may I ask what App you use, and if it requires the phone to be rooted?

@jamessmith99731 - 06.12.2021 17:21

Thank you for your work.

@HenriqueCarrega - 06.12.2021 20:45

what device are u using?

@Chad19996 - 07.12.2021 15:29

Excellent analysis

@eddie01962 - 07.12.2021 18:03

Many thanks for you info

@markwoolley3672 - 07.12.2021 23:11

Definitely interesting following the o2 / Virgin Media merger - I remember the first day of the now CEO of o2VM Lutz Schuler's first day at work in the then BT, now o2 network in Germany back in 1998/1999 - the business card I still have from back then just states "Marketing Manager". I was trying to explain my latest and greatest technology, and I didn't think he got it very well. Must have been my problem explaining as he rocketed up the hierarchy, and has jupmed from CEO to CEO position over the last few years!

@ARBITOR44Chris - 13.12.2021 11:40

Fantastic, detailed & interesting video as always Peter. Thank you. 2021 was a fun and interesting year for team blue! And I think it's safe to say 2022 will be another one too! Hopefully some more interesting deployments and hopefully even some NR SA deployments!

@arnelmorata1341 - 21.12.2021 03:10

hi peter how much roaming data can i used in 100gb outside uk? thank you

@gulam82 - 07.01.2022 02:52

What app are you using to check the frequency?

@duli3169 - 24.01.2022 03:02

What is better in the UK o2 or Vodafone?

@tonygallagher6989 - 23.08.2022 15:09

Alternating between poor signal and no signal here on the North Wales coast. It seems like the merger with Virgin Media led to a drop in investment in the maintenance of their network infrastructure. People seem to be complaining nationwide, so it's not an isolated case.

@reece95offical - 11.09.2022 17:43

Jio Network should come in UK

@warlockboyburns - 14.06.2023 18:04

virgin mobile to o2 has been a massive downgrade from 40mbps to 20mbps on a good day. Do they have any plans to improve it?
