33rd degree knowledge: This was taught ONLY to a select few.

33rd degree knowledge: This was taught ONLY to a select few.

Quazi Johir

1 год назад

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@alexandergestine91 - 01.02.2025 17:41

Freemasonry did not start in Europe lies lies lies lies 😂😂😂😂😂

@ada2607 - 01.02.2025 22:59

Why are there secrets? Why we all just can't know the truth?

@tecno8335 - 01.02.2025 23:42

This sounds like something Griffith would say and believe in 🤔

@MLFProp - 02.02.2025 04:13

You present this in a very structured way, but what a load of horse dung.

@IssacAintPlayin - 03.02.2025 02:07

As a mason myself non of this is 33rd degree “knowledge “ but it’s overall great information 😎

@georgiadim5333 - 03.02.2025 05:11

WOE unto you hypocrite are serving SATAN!
You have the audacity to mix the Holy teachings of the Holy Bible together with the satanic teachings of satanic masonic lodges! WOE unto you satanic hypocrite, through this video you are aiming to catch in the clutches of the satanic masonry unsuspecting uninformed individuals. May God have mercy and protect them...

@KMSZZ - 03.02.2025 19:07

I do have a question; in most teachings I came across and also yours I see the concept of the three planes (spiritual, mental and physical). Why is no one talking about another plane thats beneficial. The emotional plane. Why?

@hamig2228 - 03.02.2025 21:46

Thank you for your awesome teaching! Can you please recommend meditation music or mantras?

@Bee-k3r - 04.02.2025 10:45

Rubbish you have to decode the proper bible not the 1the Catholic church altered changed to suot its own corrupt group

@GreenGreen-dm9tl - 04.02.2025 15:10

Why are they staying secret

@bad_vaporizer - 04.02.2025 15:11

Aren't freemasons racist?

@chriswood7165 - 05.02.2025 07:37

I studied in my old life all that stuff with some top people. Then God choose me , he oulled me in. I got baptized in the holy spirit and fell diwn and was changed forever. All this is a pure deception to keep you from God. Its a demonic distraction. Gid showed me this in a supernatural experience. Life is nothing with out God. The whole point of rabbit whole is to keep you from the truth that set you free.

@jasonm2261 - 05.02.2025 20:21

My Grandfather was a 32nd Scottish Mason. He would not tell me anything about it orher than it makes you a better man with a brother hood. When he died at his funeral his best friends had a few beers and started talking about it. One of them said 33rd is only for astronauts and president's his wife kicked him under the table and changed the subject. It was super creepy. I later found out the earth is flat, and the 33rds are well aware of the secret.

@iansinclair8161 - 06.02.2025 23:17

I am reading the Kybalion and your clip popped up mmmm so it is .

@StanleypeterDickinson - 07.02.2025 20:46

The Last Trump
Shofar S-----o Good. . .
Empty Tomb?
'Rapture' Debbie Harry.😮
Pray that you shall be counted worthy to escape what's coming on this celestial ball park.
And stand before the Son of Man
Emmanuel. Does ALL Things Well!
'For Your Eyes Only' Virgin Mary to Joseph.
Sheena was a punk rocker!❤

@StanleypeterDickinson - 07.02.2025 21:01

Tower of Babylon
Freemason Jesuit Elite
Pursing what they always do.
Pope Franco Witchcraft is ElioT coming bacon? kevin.
Home Alone. Back In The New York Groove II.
Mordor on the dance floor 9/11.

@limelemon2916 - 09.02.2025 04:12

🚨⚠️📢 WARNING. Let's cut to the chase: THESE Societies are SECRET for a reason. They belong to the kingdom of darkness led by Satan and his demons. End of story. WHY SECRECY? These are Satan's powerful groups but Jesus is revealing them through their converted ex satanists. 📢⚠️ Anybody without Jesus for whatever reason cannot enter heaven. These secret societies also awaits to live with Satan in the last extreme torment: revelation 20:15. Don't sugarcoat these wicked groups. Good news is that while they are alive, they can call upon Jesus to save them, and Jesus will. It's a choice we all make.

@ebonyshalom - 09.02.2025 17:04

The first thing I noticed and is not a judgement- you said that real knowledge cannot be learnt it is known - you do not have to be in a secret society and it is not strictly for the elite. They might have you think that. Everything is energy and if you can master yourself from this perspective you will unlock the wisdom from your soul. It cannot be learnt- it is experienced on this journey.

@eyakingsley9219 - 11.02.2025 21:13

man you are the best

@Aldrnari - 11.02.2025 23:35

I'm sorry, but as a Freemason, a Masonic Rosicrucian, a Master of the Royal Secret, and an initiate in an even more secretive but semi-related group, this video is such garbage. And I feel bad saying that since you say you've been studying this for 8 years; I hate to say all that work has been in vain. But many of the claims you made about Freemasonry and Masonic teaching simply aren't true, and I don't want you misleading people. First of all, the idea that the most secret knowledge of Freemasonry is reserved for those holding the 33rd degree is just nonsense. Even within the Scottish Rite, the Great Secret towards which everything builds is revealed in the 32nd degree; not the 33rd. Those of you who know will understand when I say that the 33rd degree touches on things of a more administrative nature, rather than philosophical per se.

It's also not true that members of the Blue Lodge are given "false interpretations" of symbols to mislead them from the "true" teachings of Freemasonry. That's misunderstanding the quotes from Hall and Pike, which rather mean to separate those Masons who come to understand the symbols on a deep level, from those who go their entire Masonic careers without looking below the surface for meaning. But if you were a 32 or 33 degree Mason, you would understand just how FUNDAMENTALLY all the secrets of the Scottish Rite build upon and reinforce the very teachings given to all Master Masons in the Blue Lodge. Indeed, one CANNOT grasp the depths of the Scottish Rite teachings without FIRST truly understanding the Blue Lodge teachings. So there's no reason to obscure them with "false interpretations," which would only hamper and harm the further learning of the Mason.

When you read quotes from Manly P. Hall or Albert Pike, keep in mind that their exoteric writings that you have access to are not actually Masonic teaching. They must be viewed as an individual's personal reflection of Masonic teaching onto an external belief system that they brought with them INTO Masonry. In other words, when Manly P. Hall explores ideas from the New Thought movement in a Masonic light, those aren't coming FROM Freemasonry; he's using Freemasonry to think about ideas he's gotten from elsewhere.

These "4 Laws" that you mention feel extremely alien to Freemasonry. It seems as though you've taken the New Thought leanings of certain historical Masons and inferred from them that Masonic teaching must be primarily of that ilk, which it is not. And then you've taken very foreign ideas from Eastern mysticism (likely through New Age influence) and applied them to Masonry where they don't belong.

You, as someone who is not initiated into these secrets, should NOT be pretending to understand what they are, and certainly not teaching this to others as if you had any clue! Shame on you, sir!

@BushBush-qi6le - 15.02.2025 05:26

Did men write the bible?

@imustbeames3727 - 15.02.2025 11:04

Those who have eyes to see can unfortunately see how you are using same and similar charisma-linked speech tactics that many cult leaders and some "gurus" have used. You are quoting a lot, and generally talking a lot, without actually saying much (of substance).

I can see through the fronts you are putting up. I see you standing there - you, 'the man behind the curtain.'. Even if you are not selling snake oil, you are most assuredly at least selling something very close to snake oil. Not subscribing & downvoted & I have justification.

@evergreen111 - 15.02.2025 22:40

Masonry before Christ.

@pradyumn2453 - 19.02.2025 10:54


@Illumignostic - 20.02.2025 00:29

No 33rd degree knowledge has EVER leaked.

@nicolevazquez9664 - 20.02.2025 09:22

It is true, Scientology is alive and thriving. A lot more organized and civil than Freemasonry. Scientologists are fu**ng powerful

@nicolevazquez9664 - 20.02.2025 09:25

In Scientology they have the OT levels, degrees of knowledge. You'll go crazy if you do it out of order but if you get it right, the world bends to your instruction

@maikelcaraballo3849 - 22.02.2025 04:34

This is a beautiful information (let's call it that), but there's not only few 33°, and the majority of them (the 33°) are clueless, in some cases, even more than many of the lower degrees

@chadjennings3729 - 23.02.2025 01:48

A true Yogi

@Mysticislander02 - 23.02.2025 06:43

Brilliant! It just makes sense. Thanks for sharing.

@iliadimitrov5377 - 25.02.2025 09:17

masons are orsini soujars

@lauraanderson2112 - 26.02.2025 16:28

Watching this a year later and seeing you’ve achieved your goal almost double for the views.. namaste dear one for all the confirmation and freedom you’ve given my soul, in sharing this knowledge. I’m sure your blessings have come full circle by now!

@JacobJarvis-e7h - 26.02.2025 21:46

Khazarian mafia is the tippy top

@Peace_5200 - 26.02.2025 22:28

Please read the book "Yatharth Geeta" once in your life, it's available in 29 world languages !!!

You will be able to overcome any major issue/obsession with a step by step formula written in this book, it has answers for all the queries !!!

"Yatharth Geeta" will help in understanding universe top kept secrets with the simple explanation. This hidden gem is worth reading to transform life positively!

Great Book ever written on Earth 🌎

@LwoGray83 - 26.02.2025 22:55

The fact that nobody talks about the forbidden book Secret Laws of Knowledge by Jace Raven speaks volumes about how people are stuck in a trance. Book can really change the life!

@elevate-t7q - 27.02.2025 00:55

very well explained

@sbmcreator4663 - 28.02.2025 15:51

☠️But the father of secret society is 9 unknown man 🤝

@RanjithKumar-c4x7y - 28.02.2025 16:54

unnoda mukkona varalaru mudivuku varum yecha koothi

@RanjithKumar-c4x7y - 28.02.2025 16:54

athu yethanaya venalum irukum ulagam ungoladathu mattum illada yecha

@RanjithKumar-c4x7y - 28.02.2025 16:55

unga koothi kumbala vida uyarntha manithargal irukirargal

@RanjithKumar-c4x7y - 28.02.2025 16:55

mukkona thiruvodu mattumey ungaluku urithanathu

@RanjithKumar-c4x7y - 28.02.2025 16:56

yethathu paithiya kaara koothi maathiri konnom oombunom nu sollatha

@IssaTexaco - 01.03.2025 03:27

The problem with knowing the knowledge is explaining it In other words it’s like talking to a child until they understand or reach the realization/age

@Tuhin36912 - 01.03.2025 17:34


@tommymerchant7026 - 02.03.2025 21:26

That's your opinion my friend!please before you automatically condemn everything about other beliefs study them!!you only see,by looking with your own eyes

@TheWargod66 - 06.03.2025 00:06

" I know that I know nothing"
Philosopher Socrates
