Take Sougayilang fishing rod with me to go fishing

Take Sougayilang fishing rod with me to go fishing

sougayilang official

3 года назад

3,565 Просмотров

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@planquesamuel13 - 18.08.2022 02:52

Pueden muestrar cómo se comportan las cañas cuado hay un pescado

@badwolf9792 - 24.04.2024 09:22

Hello sougayilang can I get free fishing rod , reel , wire , etc

@Tacticalgaming212 - 13.08.2024 22:49

Why did you do this to me soygayilang I trusted you guys😢😢
I ordered a ek 3000 spinning reel with 11.79 kg drag it does not have 11.79 kg drag its only 2 kg and the reel is also 1000 size😢
I ordered first time from you and you did this to me
