A film about Photography in 2022, for me… and maybe you

A film about Photography in 2022, for me… and maybe you

Kyle McDougall

3 года назад

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@john_murch - 10.01.2022 06:54

Looking forward to what 2022 brings us!

@jonkk - 10.01.2022 11:10

Insanely gorgeous location and editing. Great kick to the new year, Kyle!

@mohammadvarzideh780 - 10.01.2022 11:27

Great 👍.
There is a battle between us and ourselves . A grand battle between our inside interests and External requests of the environment Just this . All about self satisfaction . Trying to do what make myself happy and Live for myself . That's really HARD .
Good luck and have a great year .

@Antonioperezphoto - 10.01.2022 11:38

This hits the nail on the head. Been suffering from all of this lately and finding passion for my work is hard with the pandemic still raging on and work being mundane. Appreciate the perspective man. I'll return to this whenever I need to remind myself that I am still human. Cheers.

@Nofigenet - 10.01.2022 12:05

Loved this

@Leondrian - 10.01.2022 13:08

I were almost to taken away by the beautiful filming to listen to what you said! It kind of blended in which in a sense made it resonate even more. Especially as you're talking about finding balance in work and personal life.
Thanks for making me ponder over my choices.

@TrentGamingCo - 10.01.2022 16:26

he says from the top of a mountain

@tycjantrzpiola - 10.01.2022 16:40

Beautifule as usuala. But youe speach is right to the point. Slow down and ourself makes mistakes. This is the best lesson to lear.

@SathyaPeacock - 10.01.2022 17:32

Much respect for making videos like this Kyle. Certainly resonated with me and what I’ve been thinking about and trying to work on last year and continuing to do so this year. Beautiful visuals too 👊🏽 happy new year to you!

@Eclectachrome - 10.01.2022 17:33

I like what you said about not letting it consume you and neglect the other things in life that are important. It's easy for it to do that. Lovely video, thanks! Looking forward to what you have planned in 2022, and how gorgeous is that trail! I hiked the Glydr Fawr path (I think that's what it was called) and would love to go back and do more there.

@wimjansen7453 - 10.01.2022 18:58

Kyle thanks for the video! Keep going!

@soccerjockey - 10.01.2022 19:44

This was an inspiring video and beautifully shot. I feel ready to kick off 2022 with a balanced mindset

@stanislife_ - 10.01.2022 19:46

This is beautiful!

@TheRenalicious - 10.01.2022 20:14

Let it be about a fulfilling journey, not a perfect one.

@tobeshawkins - 10.01.2022 20:54

Another beautiful film.

@RobbieMaynardCreates - 10.01.2022 21:10

This is awesome, Kyle!

@DMorrissey1313 - 10.01.2022 21:37

Thanks for the reminders, Kyle!

@liveinaweorg - 10.01.2022 21:47

It's Snowdonia; it's Kyle McD and it all resonates - what's there not to enjoy :) Happy New Year Kyle, looking forward to see where you take us in 2022. Looking forward to where I take myself too.

@haolanlll - 10.01.2022 22:27

This video is really incredible, please keep making such good content, with all my support❤️❤️❤️

@bamherd - 10.01.2022 22:54

Great message. Great visuals

@Nashvillejasonwain - 11.01.2022 00:10

Great video! Would love to know how you color grade this video footage and how you got those halations on the highlights? Thanks kyle.

@rpavl - 11.01.2022 01:27

Awesome! Would be nice to see a video tutorial on how to get that film look.

@chrisbone7149 - 11.01.2022 01:34

Happy New Year, Kyle. An important set of messages, thank you. Photography-wise, 2021 was my least productive year in a very long time. My plan for this year is to get out more, enjoy the process, and hopefully make more photographs that please me. I really enjoy the content on your channel.

@niklasthalmann7851 - 11.01.2022 02:16

enjoyed alot!

@justcallmesando - 11.01.2022 07:16

Love your channel... and share the love for Contax 🤩

@briandelatierra4629 - 11.01.2022 09:43

What a lovely message and sentiment to share as we journey forward with an equal amount of uncertainty and optimism. I will be loading up my bicycle in one month and touring the entire pacific coast of Mexico with my 35mm, medium format, and a 4x5! I'm also interested in making short films a long the way but don't have much knowledge of digital cameras for video. any recommendations?

@DrewWillson - 11.01.2022 12:36

One of my favorite videos of yours! Thanks for sharing this.

@johnandrew1680 - 11.01.2022 16:37

Hai Kyle I love your channel , always wait for you videos and above all I love your cinematography. From India

@linosaurusdeinemama - 11.01.2022 18:50

that is some really good advice. makes me want to go out and shoot more. thank you!

@michabutkiewicz702 - 11.01.2022 19:06

This is one of these videos on the topic of photography that I enjoy watching the most. Astounding scenes accompanied by deep yet concrete thoughts, thank you for your work

@giuliaciampini2533 - 11.01.2022 19:20

Kyle, this is such a beautiful and meaningful video. It just resonates. Thank you.

@agapyearish9982 - 12.01.2022 03:22

All so true. Thank you for your wisdom and your beautiful video. Gorgeous light!

@tonyhayes9827 - 13.01.2022 15:33

respect Kyle, respect.

@janb3888 - 13.01.2022 18:43

thank you!

@chopinho65 - 14.01.2022 00:57

Beautiful as always. The footage is stunning - is it super 8 or a digital representation. The colours just looked amazing. And of course, great insights and words to remember on our journey!

@jeg569 - 15.01.2022 01:46

Beautiful colours and a great message.

@ThePhotoDept - 15.01.2022 04:30

awesome man, really hit home.

@yhyun0402 - 15.01.2022 13:24

It's very hard to make good quailty contents. I want to make my contents this year. after watched your videos made me cheer up :-))
When I watch your videos just make me feel very relieve. Sometime I can't get it everything. (English is not my mother language.)
Thanks great messages and motivations :-))

@CJDuckett - 15.01.2022 19:31

This was right on time. I need to hear all of this. Thank you.

@rogiervdheide - 16.01.2022 13:51

Great advice for so many of us, in particular those who work alone. Thanks a lot Kyle!

@noahp.thomas9608 - 16.01.2022 19:55

Beautiful, truly inspiring and very relatable. Having switched from mobile to film photography last year made me slow and enjoy more the process, the mistakes and all that. I guess I'll carry on. Thank you and happy 2022!

@rodstewart7035 - 26.01.2022 17:31

Beautifully and wisely said. Breathtaking scenery!

@SteffenMiethke - 30.01.2022 19:05

Amazing <3

@JohnBarrow1961 - 06.02.2022 19:06

Incredible scenery. You live in a beautiful part of the world. Appreciate the insights as well.

@RonnyKohlmann - 10.02.2022 06:16

Thanks again for this amazing piece. This was my third time watching this from start to finish and it really resonates with me. Plus as an added bonus, the color in this is simply stunning and just pure joy to watch.

@gurugamer8632 - 09.03.2022 20:31

Hi, hope you can give me some help please. I have brand new films not expired all 35mm - Portra 400, Portra 160 and Fujicolour Pro 400H, Kodak Tri-X 400 - which ISO gives the most pleasing results for each of these films? Will be using with Leica M6.

@gadamwoll - 12.03.2022 04:44

What do you ise for a mic?

@CoreenMazzocchi - 23.03.2022 18:20

Very relatable video and definitely agree with this vibe. I would also like to make the rest of this year much more intentional.

@BoostFutbol - 05.06.2022 06:16

This was beautiful dude...both in terms of the message and also the scenes you captured as well. Really enjoyed it!

@JazWho-hg2zh - 10.03.2023 13:11

It's 2023. I so appreciate the authenticity in all of your videos.
