This bothered me only because I highly doubt AJ knew about her unfortunate misfortune prior. He’s always shown Beyonce and all of the members of DC genuine love. Nor does he have a reputation of being malicious or seeking viral moments when conducting interviews. I truly hope they were able to talk one on one after this interview. Beyonce appears to be a kind and truly believe she’d be receptive. ❤️
ОтветитьI can't believe she was once in a cringe worthy interview
ОтветитьAj was really acting slow in this interview
ОтветитьShe just being regular
ОтветитьI believe that bitch is at the top of the diddy shit absolutely she is the puppet master
ОтветитьShe went from wanting to stay 'private' to everything about her being 'Mrs Carter'. Hot mess.
ОтветитьShe's at me and she could be a murderer
ОтветитьShes sick and needs serious help... 💯💯💯
ОтветитьShe really does have a 5th grade education.
ОтветитьOh boo hoo, you asked to be a star, you actually got it! You weren’t the first! Why so sad?
0% sorry you purposefully went into a shady life.
Sasha is demon who controls her. Sold her soul in satanic Hollyweird..
ОтветитьShe is disgusting please stop showing her
ОтветитьShe is extremely evil.
ОтветитьDamn something is up! She getting mad when he talked about Jay-Z, her marriage and having kids... and at the end, she talked about her alter ego that she just killed... WTF 😂
Ответитьwhat the fuck has is got to do with him or anybody, regarding when she has kids ??
ОтветитьNever realised how dull she is
ОтветитьAj like f u what yo husband did to Free
ОтветитьHow can she say I don’t know 😂😂😂
ОтветитьNeither of them did anything terrible, she just felt some of his questions were a little out of bounds.
ОтветитьThe interviewer would have never handled a eyte person like that.
ОтветитьHe’s tone deaf and obtuse. Any human would be annoyed.
ОтветитьWhy does this have 5million views ?
ОтветитьShe is evil and killed Kathy and got a surrogate or Kathy already had the baby! They think their smart but they’re not.
ОтветитьIn 2024 is crazy
ОтветитьNo one from 2024?
ОтветитьThis is why she stopped doing interviews 😭😭😭
ОтветитьBeyonce seems like they forced Jayz to marry her 😂😂😂 she aint proud of that man sorry not sorry
ОтветитьWhat kind of idiot puts an apostrophe in gets?
ОтветитьIs she high? Why she looks like she is drugged up? Jesus this lady had been handle
ОтветитьThis was around the time, JZ as allegedly had a baby with Free from 106 and Park.
ОтветитьAwkward ass interview
ОтветитьI remember this interview was done in Trinidad at the Hyatt 🇹🇹
ОтветитьI always loved beyonce
Ответитьthe description is so stupid
ОтветитьThis was the weirdest conversation. How awkward
Ответитьwhoever posted this has some back-asswards ideas of what 'rude' is... or rather, WHO was rude here. /eyeroll. good for her for not being toyed with... in such a POLITE way, too. ffs my dude lol
ОтветитьOoook so we now know Sasha Fierce, was the "broken by infidelity" Beyonce..
ОтветитьHow'd she go from speaking pretty well during Interviews to now talking like a dazed little kid🤔
ОтветитьThe trans dude can't get pregnant.
ОтветитьShe seemed more annoyed than mad
ОтветитьI see why she stopped doing interviews. I don’t BLAME HER at all!
ОтветитьSad reality of being famous especially at that level, it’s not all glitz and glamour
ОтветитьTHAT DUSTY WAS IRRITATING TF OUT OF HER. I HOPE HE GOT FIRED. The way he was looking at her before his ugly ghetto ass said "I know you can cook" was so cringe! His mannerisms the way he's gazing at her the rude questions just completely unprofessional
ОтветитьWhen ppl ask why she doesn’t do interviews anymore:
ОтветитьAnd she’s even worse than this is real life 😂
ОтветитьDidn't she have blue a year later.
ОтветитьAs a Virgo… I can tell she was annoyed but she wasn’t gonna go there with him. She kept it cute & playful.
ОтветитьIs the camera raggedy and messing up her eye or something? This must have been recorded on a Nintendo?