We Rank The Top 5 Best Fruits To Ever Exist ft. Andrew Ilnyckyj

We Rank The Top 5 Best Fruits To Ever Exist ft. Andrew Ilnyckyj


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@eventhorizon8756 - 19.02.2025 10:21

1. Guava, 2. Pomegranate, 3. Persimmon, 4. Mango, 5. Jackfruit. The smell of my grandma's house after picking a bucket of guava is incredible.

@lindseydrew9812 - 19.02.2025 13:21

I’ve rewatched this video no less than twenty times over the past two weeks. This is definitely my favorite top 5 beatdown

@adamholbrook4408 - 19.02.2025 18:40

am I the only 1 that thinks that the guest is a total douche bag?

@Indyanna16 - 19.02.2025 18:58


@alecroberts9271 - 19.02.2025 19:34

Hey Ryan, I eat tomatoes like apples.

@olivia-zh6ou - 19.02.2025 22:14

Ryan's list was just whatever fruit they have dancing in those baby sensory videos

@liamwalton4093 - 20.02.2025 03:31

Get this vegetable boy outta here

@katies598 - 20.02.2025 06:40

I love this show LOL

@audreyintheuniverse6592 - 20.02.2025 07:18

Wrong: peach, strawberry, lime, mango, banana

@theKabbage - 20.02.2025 19:48

My grandma used to grow big heirloom tomatoes I would pluck them off the vine and bite right into them for a nice snack. I miss the smell of it and the slight sweet taste they had. Just superb fruit

@giginoelani5880 - 20.02.2025 23:36

Not the lemon party reference

@giginoelani5880 - 20.02.2025 23:43

Ok I've thought about it and here is my top 5:
5. Papaya
4. Mango
3. Cherry
2. Blueberry
1. Tomato

@juliakrigbaum3742 - 21.02.2025 00:04

The bottom half of Andrew’s list made me so mad

@joeknapp9162 - 21.02.2025 01:29

Ryan and Shane are 2 of my all time favorite fruits ❤️

@rowanmarlow7402 - 21.02.2025 04:17

Shane is right about lemon. Best thing to do after a meal, eat the lemon wedge they gave you for the lemon juice. Excellent, fresh, cleans your teeth... i eat lemons. Eat everyone else's lemon wedges too. Assert dominance. If i were on this beat down, i would've brought a lemon with me to demonstrate. You can absolutely eat a lemon as is. Its like eating spicy food or drinking coffee: you gotta acclimate slowly.

@sennethhartvigsen4417 - 21.02.2025 04:59

everyone mourning the absence of mango is correct and i also was horrified at the lack of NECTARINES!!!!!! nectarines are like if peaches were always good and i will stand by that

@ioannaff - 21.02.2025 16:02

for anyone hating tomatoes i suggest trying them in Greece, Italy or Spain if you ever have the chance They are so much better

@nate-ro5ek - 21.02.2025 16:22

Ryan saying he likes versatile fruits and then revealing kumquat sent me

@breathingspace3485 - 21.02.2025 21:30

“Good ass” 🤣🤣🤣🤣 he has a point 🍑

@dwainschumer9298 - 22.02.2025 01:22

I work in a grocery store during my 20s and yes, I have seen tarantulas in bananas. The boys in the back in the warehouse always wanted to keep the tarantulas as pets and then that starts how is that a pet? Don’t get me started on people who keep scorpions.

@dwainschumer9298 - 22.02.2025 02:10

To me the only grape that doesn’t just taste like a ball of sugar is Concorde grapes and they are mostly sold to Welches and are difficult to find. Luckily, I live between Springfield, Missouri and St. Louis and along 44. There are lots of great farmers growing Concord grapes. Yes you have to spit the seeds out or just swallow them. They’re not gonna kill you, but they are good. Grapes with lots of flavor.

@mountielove15 - 22.02.2025 04:43

I eat whole lemons so... WRONG😂 Shane is right lol

@izzys1656 - 22.02.2025 06:33

1. Raspberry
2. Mango
3. Pomegranate
4. Blackberry
5. Banana

@martinvillegas04 - 22.02.2025 09:21

I would say mango for top fruit. Also I eat a good tomato like a fruit. It is a fruit.

@Sup3r_THRAX - 23.02.2025 09:37

One of the most basic things
One of the most chaotic episodes

@shainachavda - 23.02.2025 22:34

Mango?! Hello

@carolynkobe3721 - 24.02.2025 21:39

“you are like a teething baby”💀😂

@jakegarrett9217 - 25.02.2025 02:55

Ryan Bergara, the child’s lister. With the list and arguments of a petulant seven year old

@jacobbinns3644 - 25.02.2025 04:33

That always sunny watermelon reference went over their heads

@bryndelyea4245 - 25.02.2025 08:41

I've never had a kumquat but it sounds like my new favorite fruit.

@dayamayacalma1919 - 25.02.2025 14:54

“You cannot trust a grape” - Shane

@y_tambien - 26.02.2025 05:29

love how Andrew always approaches these episodes as a competition for best list

@Taylor-q8i - 26.02.2025 23:33

Shane is right, I found a black widow in some grapes from Kroger a couple months ago. Luckily I did not get bit but it was scary.

@cataylasunandriel8636 - 27.02.2025 03:17

I EAT LEMONS 💛🍋 definitely versatile best for food, dessert or beverage. It would probs be my number 1 ngl

@cataylasunandriel8636 - 27.02.2025 03:18

I mean a good Midwest apple from a cider mill is one of the best things you will ever taste

@CassandraL666 - 27.02.2025 15:10

Tomato might actually be the greatest fruit of all time, actually. It’s probably the most versatile, flexible, base for so many opportunities fruits. It’s in every cuisine. Even people who can’t stand them in their whole form eat the by-products it makes. Huh…

@christynnsims6986 - 27.02.2025 17:14

I feel like I’m on a bad date with Andrew.

@InsaneCake - 27.02.2025 19:37

Hear me out… a really juicy perfectly ripe apricot… absolutely amazing

@rosesaredead697 - 28.02.2025 11:26

It's wild boysenberry didn't make the list

@user-yy9kz2vr3l - 28.02.2025 18:53

Dude is pretentious. Never heard of strawberry pie?

@matthewdekker6064 - 01.03.2025 22:45

I agree with putting tomato on the list. It's easily the most versatile out of all the "fruits," in terms of the different ways to prepare it and the different things you can use it in. Something like an apple is somewhat limited in what you can do with it, and the different types of apple taste different (and IMO most aren't great, they're just "meh"). Whereas with tomato, besides the minority of people who absolutely hate it for some reason, pretty much everyone enjoys ketchup, and/or pizza, and/or salads that contain tomato, and/or pasta sauce, etc. I'm pretty sure 100% of people enjoy tomato in at least one of its forms, if not all of them.

@lunareclipse4430 - 02.03.2025 18:19

The way pears don’t make any appearance is baffling

@manon_0411 - 02.03.2025 21:04

Wait do y'all not have strawberry tarts in the US??? LIke a hard, crunchy pie crust with a layer of custard then another layer of strawberries cut in half covered in a nice shiny glaze???

@manon_0411 - 02.03.2025 21:15

I'm gonna say this, in the peach-like fruits, nectarines are MUCH better than peaches. A ripe nectarine so juicy that you have to eat it over the sink and your hands are covered in juice? BEST taste.

@AhNee - 04.03.2025 02:07

My list would be so weird. Sure, grape, white peach, watermelon....but jackfruit, cherimoya, mangosteen, dragonfruit, papaya, passionfruit, etc. And yes, spiders are found in fruit often, but it's usually in bananas, and most of them make their way out in the supermarket storage, where they don't live long.
Strawberry pie=strawberries and strawberry glaze, which is more gel than syrup. Tree-ripened lemon is still tart, but considerably sweet. Store lemons are just sour.
