TATE BROS TAKE - MOATS with George Galloway - EP 417

TATE BROS TAKE - MOATS with George Galloway - EP 417

George Galloway

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@luizmanar6025 - 01.02.2025 23:39


@voice88out - 02.02.2025 01:28

Tate admiditly said he is a pimp 🤓

@ShahTheGod - 02.02.2025 05:13

Wow what a panel. We need more of this

@respectNluvforall9742 - 02.02.2025 06:11

Trump is the biggest jok on our planet thats why ppl listen straight comedian/clown trump show for the next 4yrs

@KarstenKriwat - 02.02.2025 06:14

Where is your german friend Diether Dehm? I miss him very much...

@ShahTheGod - 02.02.2025 06:27

I would only vote for Tate if he anoints GG as the minister of foreign affairs

@peterpan-pr7ok - 02.02.2025 06:52

He didn't mention Glasgow grooming gangs' bad apples on every tree 🌳

- 02.02.2025 12:07

Oh, please. Remove that filthy British flag.

@angelwhite376 - 02.02.2025 12:24

News ahould be kealted on a news app not a mjlti media app utube whould mqke Newtube a news only app kt would imporvw aockety ans protect our lifes kids minds only dont want ro be forced to watch yes we can turn it off but jjst a snkpoit is currisoity and it leads to horrific vilionce on children so utune why not have NEWTUBE shows like tnis ans mqny others prey on children get th3m young and make them all activists nloody scandelous uk can be sorted in a week or two homes for all who work your own home comunitys are culture done correct we all need to end inheritance tax qe all nwed a society of protect weath it cwn be qll fixed forward thinking a charity wants end uk poverty by 2030 tjis cwn qlwo be done wee jimmy the dish washer thats all he wants to do look hes got his own flat he owns and wnen he retyers his flat is worth selling moving protect wealth its all possinle and costs notjing and makes 100s more billions profit profit for otjer projects we could run uk without goverment goverment is buisness and jas tje monopoly not m3nt to be no alternitive one day other will build uk 110 per month nhs 40 55 bupa doctors nhs no alternitive jnless we pay private monoply is not allowed it all can be fixed forward thinking with action everh 1 in a job can jave a flat every family couple a home tjier own bought home cant they goverment see no cost to goverment 100s 800 billions profit no ,more housing crisses all council joles in bushets doswd the more you need tje netter for all no cost to council or hoverm3nt qnd all who work single or familys your new own home it all can be done no poverty by 2030

@petesorganicmarket - 02.02.2025 14:11

''the truth straight from the tate brothers household''...george you are on the way down, you have sold your soul for fame and stupid hats..the ''tate brothers' are so obviousd disinfo agents..carlson, rogan..etc

''the red army'' it was going to invade europe, why did hitler invade Russia?...the Bols murdered 26,000 poles..and blamed it on the germans..

the red army invaded 4 countries...
the highest sniper in ww2 was a finish sniper, who killed 500 red army soldiers..

you talk nothing of the funding of the red army and Stalin.. a muderous lunatic that you completely avoid...he was a mass murderer...

russia isnt the same country you go on about ''saving us''

you need to look into the funding of wars, and who are still in business now...the bank of england you never talk about..the federal reserve its satellite..both criminal entities..

''andrew tate himself'' what a joke...yuo are no longer a serious commentator..promoting these loses who used women, acted like women to men..and basically are compromised...

everyone is waking up to the team of western copmmentators cross promoting each other..we kow george..try to keep on complicating the simple..while we get along with fixing things..

and just a month after you ''gave up'' on the middle east'' now you are back professing...success?....make sure you promote tates ripp off fake uni...and his masters in langley...

@nothing5640 - 02.02.2025 17:10

Why you bring this animal here?

@BilalAhmedSayed - 02.02.2025 21:44

people using dress codes and specialized personal prayers for self gratifaction or sexual individuality must stay away and live their peers right wing all the way* because their orientalism has guidelines to keep abrahamism and not navigate their identity 21st century english most widely spoken language in the "world". In this day and age things like asking your fathers mothers mahrams are outlawed? why? what is social media what is whatsapp/telegram? people the these need to stay back they are encouraging deobandism ultra-sunnism or Wahabism which is a sin in this day and age with technology most of all a dinosaur word from the indian graves caste!
I think Malaysia styled living is outdated and "blasphemous" if its coming from the only area mentioned in the bible without any formal kings and rulers to dictate you know the (texas vikings who want to be Aladdin all of a sudden ksa). Who is offended is?what is a video call? Hormones oh🤔 a chat or video call will obviously determine hormones? age? history🤬 if your girls are a problem thats your whore of a daughter? As for mutah and Muawiya be careful go to a sex worker!

@BilalAhmedSayed - 03.02.2025 00:28

Sex work all the way no religious organisation ever approved by God has ever outlawed prositution whether you want to swing to "atheist protestants" or LGBTQ nonsense and the voyeourisms of china that is your thing the tates know more than any wahabi or malaysian they give a 🤬 about 🦃history and only self gratifaction you know why they know more because they want to be worshipped as Arabs because the last sermon by the prophet says an Arab is not superior than a non Arab and not "do not" 7 dialects koran these Arabs and Malaysians want to be worshipped and in 50 years time these left wingers are gonna lock them up and "Christianity will be no 1 and their own grandchildren are going to fill up this number" they are dumb orientalism🙆🏿‍♂️

@rhysbuckley3147 - 03.02.2025 01:43

this is awesome !

@WaseemKhan-gc3mn - 03.02.2025 03:10

Brave man Andrew tate , brave and respected man George Galloway

@fifitheexplorer4074 - 03.02.2025 10:01

Young man , young man, young man. There young women too, going through the worst, talk about them too

@BrainRichTV202 - 03.02.2025 23:35

Long Live King Tate

@CamiloJamesGuitar - 04.02.2025 05:31

You're a legend for having the Tate's on George ✊..like you all said, freedom of speech is so crucial these days

@addj7093 - 04.02.2025 14:16

Challenge’s / Quiz’s / Test’s > problems 👍🏻

@muhammedrahman7013 - 04.02.2025 17:48

Always Remember, Western Leaders and Politicians are Only ever in Office, Never in Power!

@muhammedrahman7013 - 04.02.2025 17:50

They only Allow Voting and Elections because They know it Doesn't Work or even Matter!

@muhammedrahman7013 - 04.02.2025 18:32

I have Never let Schooling interfere with my child's education" Mark Twain.

@HarmashBungerking - 05.02.2025 03:34

good to see you again george, keep up the good work

@LengJai89 - 05.02.2025 05:15

Why u interviewing a guy that is the equivalent to jeffrey epstein

@DaveNoronha-h7c - 05.02.2025 14:34

Tate has evolved from the crude sexist he once was. He has supported the children if Gaza and has encouraged people to be warm towards Muslims. He is far from perfet but he is human. Far more than the likes of Starmer, Sunak and Blair

@IanConcannon - 05.02.2025 16:07

Well. Some people want me to hate the tate brothers. Ive heard them before and found them interesting. Now, im more interested. Thanks.

@catrionaskivingtonskivingt4819 - 05.02.2025 17:12

First time I’ve listened to Tate I don’t get what the big deal is he said not much of anything 🙇‍♀️

@markstewart362 - 05.02.2025 19:23

I enjoyed this episode george !

@Sca5555 - 05.02.2025 22:04

The Tate brothers are a pair of scamming con artists . Andrew is a predator who uses and abused young vulnerable girls minors as well for his sick perverted pleasure and financial gains .

@James-RJM - 05.02.2025 22:31

Andrew unfortunately failed in humility at the very start of the interview! Body language doesn't lie!!😏
However, it was likely a combo of cockyness/nerves being exposed momentarily. Maybe due to GG's presence or more likely, being a little rusty vs previous media expressions of confidence.

After some period, it's evident that he's opened up and warmed to GG, whom also shows interesting signs of agreement. Get a room!!😆😂
AT also exonerated himself in his parting demeanour and expression 😉
A decent interview, where AT expressed many moral and accurate views!👍

@paulgovan3507 - 07.02.2025 03:41

Toxic Tates - Toxic Taste

@Azar-25 - 08.02.2025 05:30

I wish you asked the Tates about their support for Tommy Robinson. Especially since you, George, have spoken a lot about this baboon in the past. In fact, even the way you say his name rings so well off the tongue that I thought you of all people would do it! Regardless, good interview.

@BD3FRB - 08.02.2025 06:13

Tates true colours are revealed, he is a munafiq and a false Muslim. He lost the real support from the Muslim ummah. What a shame.

@MegaLochgelly - 08.02.2025 17:12

Funded by pimps lol.

@jimdenham4008 - 09.02.2025 20:32

Tate is clearly a fascist and Galloway can only suck up to him.

@yousseftimili3800 - 10.02.2025 22:37


@desmondschinkel3993 - 11.02.2025 18:30

We need to have more people like Andrew. A couragious man who speaks the truth.

@007KevinD - 12.02.2025 11:12

so the misogynist filth Andrew Tate is now your new best mate? ffs who's next you'll share a platform with, Nigel Farage? .... oh wait.

@AndrewGora - 12.02.2025 15:09

A note to Hindus and Sikhs and Buddhists and Christians of South Asain appearance - any brown man basically ! Indeed the right wing is and always has attacked Muslims, because they are a easier target than black people and certainly Jewish people. The average Joe and Joanne in the street cannot distinguish between a Hindu Man or a Muslim Man - they are just brown men. And as a consequence Hindus and Sikhs and all the other sects from South Asia will be treated the way Muslims are. Because racism, which is a madness, does not make nice distinctions between who is a Muslim and who isn't ! If you're a brown man or woman, then you're a Muslim to the average white Briton.
So it would be wise for these non Muslims to desist from their natural predisposition to hate all Muslims. Because in the street they will be treated no differently from Muslims, because to all intents and purposes they look Muslim. Their hatred of Muslims, which is rooted in their backward sectarian culture, just as bigoted Muslims from that region hate Hindus and the other religious sects. They need to let go of their irrational prejudice, because they are in the same boat as Muslims !

@Larkful_Dodger - 15.02.2025 01:02

The problem is, just like the mainstream media senstionalises and bends the truth for views, so too can the new media. Once they gain enough followers, regular views, they realise the content that retains viewers and grows their channel and they can become exactly what they railed against when they started.

@MsDanaldo - 16.02.2025 22:14

GG was on a plane and they were singing tates name .Probably a bunch of football hooligans.

@rya2582 - 19.02.2025 08:19

Shocking that GG would even think of sharing a platform with such vile misogynistic criminals as these 💩s. Had a lots of respect for GG which has gone when he give time with garbage like these criminals! Shameful!

@MH-dy5pb - 25.02.2025 01:03

More like Mother of All Grifts

@laglobetrotteuse2271 - 28.02.2025 23:00

This hypocrite liar of Tate is the one who spread the mie about the stabber. This grifter who pretends to fight the matrix is a psy op since he is part of the matrix. He is not Muslim, he is an islamophobe.

@DigiologyStudios - 02.03.2025 21:18

Andrew Tate Is AWESOME!
America would be Nazi ridden, if not. Remember Andrew, "Britain was the greatest country in the world" with all its brutal, draconian, oppressive actualities.

@DigiologyStudios - 02.03.2025 23:29

The elitist and globalist would love for the people of the planet to forget and be blind to the true history of the world so they can have continual reaping the rewards of pillage and demise of our souls.
