Your Inner Thoughts Are Here

Your Inner Thoughts Are Here

Mattias Pilhede

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@Nights57 - 13.03.2025 20:33

I come back to watch this every 6 months

@FireyDeath4 - 12.03.2024 12:55

"What are you gonna do when I do publish this, and everyone hates it, and then I realise everyone is a mean jerk like you, huh? You're just gonna validate yourself, and your ideas of me being an irredeemable failure?

What if I just keep trying and trying, in the hope that eventually you'll be proud of me? It's not like I'm gonna do some catastrophic, irreversible damage like setting a schoolbus on fire or something. And since that's the case, why are you judging me at all? If I choose to live an ultimately pathetic life, why is that your problem?

Cheer up, or I'll make you suffer, because like it or not, I'm going this path. It might be stupid. It might be another bland, brown forest, with trees, some rocks, and a bunch of weeds. But as long as nobody's walked it, I have a chance to find something new, and there's nothing in life that isn't a gamble, so that's totally normal"

@kainaris - 31.07.2023 14:57

I wish I could relate to this video. At least then, I would understand myself better. But I'm depressed for another reason. Something so stupid and illogic I literally can't put it into words.

@Lucatheclimber - 13.07.2023 15:18


@kidredglow2060 - 30.06.2023 04:19

when you realize the quality of the video goes up througout the video
perhaps the mistakes the blue inner self guy was talking about are IN THE ACTUAL VIDEO ITSELF

@sonjaboes3138 - 15.06.2023 23:30

This is me and my inner thoughts😂 thank you for making me laugh since ....

@abishekpaul1trillion - 15.06.2023 16:24

Man this happens everytime, I wanna end myself but I will not. I am not a give up bitch.

@Djiehh - 11.06.2023 21:23

Boy I'm glad I work a job that doesn't rely on creating something and that I'm confident in doing well in. 😅

@GiGitteru - 29.05.2023 02:19

What helps me with that negative person in your head is to personify them, give them an actual image and then pretend its an anime episode when you have conversations with them
Its still negative but at least it deludes you into thinking your life is a grand soap opera for a while, even if youre just talking to yourself

@victory1060 - 25.05.2023 20:18

This video actually helped me a lot with a depressive rut so thanks

@Gamingpandacat - 23.05.2023 23:03

me too

@asaultikk - 22.05.2023 18:00

my lazyness overcorrects for this

@Gameknight2169 - 16.05.2023 05:05

"I think I need to take a break"

And then he took his schizophrenia medications.

@Levio100 - 16.05.2023 04:26

I really like the ending, it shows why the negative voice is actually important, and you can just imagine what happens if the negative voice never came back.

@kurtcobain7388 - 14.05.2023 06:24

😄....bro find a wife

@dontsubtomeijustwannamakec5524 - 13.05.2023 12:28

bro this is really well-made actually

@username5155 - 11.05.2023 15:44

Plot twist: The blue man isn’t part of his brain, he’s just a guy.

@Joseph-s - 10.05.2023 06:24

It truly be like this

@shosho_hrubblefongers9311 - 19.10.2022 14:25

I'm going to share this to my friend who has thoughts like this.

@NameOfTheChannel - 15.09.2022 18:20

Hilarious stuff

@legitgamer8884 - 03.08.2022 02:48

if your physically talking to your thoughts then its just the left hemisphere talking to the right hemisphere

@Slash-and-burn - 30.06.2022 06:44

Hey, thanks for helping remind me not to be so self critical!

@tashammcglashan - 11.05.2022 14:06

That's amazing. It's hilarious and tragically accurate simultaneously

@kamille286 - 15.04.2022 08:03

Gosh this makes me think it would be nice if you could take your negative thoughts and physically see it as a separate entity from yourself, imagine how therapeutic it would be to stare it in the face and tell it what's what

....I suppose the point of this video is to separate your identity from that doubting voice inside, you can do that within your mind already

@joselucasruiz3731 - 14.04.2022 22:44

I feel too related to this 😅😅😅😅

@gheromesilvestre7803 - 24.03.2022 17:18

it's okay to be

@frankaxe6700 - 22.03.2022 13:01

Wow this relates to me on a level

@thesaddestdude3575 - 08.01.2022 20:33

Relatable, except i gave up on working.

Oh and everyone else actually tell me im awfull, so thats nice. Turned out the inner voice was right huh.

@HollinHexen - 07.01.2022 15:02

Thoughts are like wimsical energies flowing. Mix with Good things and bad things, only you can see what stands out from the river.

@RGC_animation - 04.01.2022 03:10

Everyone is gonna get a job except you.

@rsl1195 - 03.01.2022 04:01

maybe work is the problem

@apogus - 02.01.2022 22:10

this is so relateable

@dewydewback - 02.01.2022 11:34

I'm like this, except I do like an hour of work a day and spend the rest of the day procrastinating on my work, and whenever I go to bed I always think that I'll do better tomorrow, and then I don't.
It's not great

@trdrudedude6099 - 31.12.2021 12:48

That's why i hate having silence
I haven't had prolonged silence for 11years

@younes3573 - 19.12.2021 07:48


@jonathandavis8051 - 14.12.2021 10:45

Something about your content keeps reminding me of stuff I've learned about spychology.
For instance, this video:
Most people are overly self-critical, and when asked why they often say that their self-criticism is their way of not letting themselves get off too easy. It's a way to keep themselves working and make sure they work well, but what studies found was that that exact self-ctriticism is detramental to motivation and just all around feelings of self-worth and happiness and such.
Also, "You are not your thoughts." It's something I learned from a video about meditation. When you meditate, you clear your mind which allows all kinds of intrusive thoughts that you suppress throught the day to come in. It can seem disturbing that your mind is capable of coming up with such things, but what you'll find after a while is that those thoughts are completely without substance. They aren't you. And if those thoughts aren't you, what thoughts ARE you? You aren't. Thoughts themselves are just a result of the brain, and the brain can do some weird stuff sometimes, but that doens't change who you are. You may think "Ok, but I'm a result of my brain, too." Alright, if someone programs a computer for a car, then programs a desktop PC, is that PC now a car?

Anyway, my point is, these videos are so damn random but I always find some way to thinking critically about them XD

@GeoffreyGonzales - 13.12.2021 23:03

convergent thinking is useful in the creative process, as it leads to higher quality work through checking for feasibility, errors, etc.

what is shown here is convergent thinking unbridled, which tends to lead to spirals of negative rumination about one's work, often leading to imposters syndrome or low self esteem

the solution : hone and trust a process, get outside opinions regularly, and most importantly prioritize your wellbeing through exercise, time in nature and sunlight, socializing, and solitude

@ddoogg88tdog79 - 05.12.2021 06:06

I want a separate entity to criticize and compare everything i do instead of me actively calling myself fat and not doing anything about it

@Jupaodebatata - 08.11.2021 21:31

"I'm finally finished. Well, I guess I can rest now because I've been doing nothing but work for days"

That's what I've been telling myself since the beginning of the year. I can say with a lot of experience that you will not rest even on vacation, enjoy these two free minutes on Saturdays before you go back to doing what you were doing

@non-yesman7995 - 03.11.2021 21:20

This is insanely accurate! Lol

@skyfallunoPretzel - 01.11.2021 15:47

Honestly I think that working like this is mindless I'm told when I get tired of writeing or feel frustrated because it didn't turn out how I liked or because I need to give myself a break, although it is natural to get nervous and think what if they don't like it but I've thought I'll live with it if they don't like it I'm happy with it I shouldn't have to change what's going on if they don't now if I think it couldn't work plausibly for the characters that I'm useing the inner working of the world that's when I usually decide to scrap some ideas

Just don't think to hard it's crap I've heard the first few things you write could be not written so well under devopled the technique in your writeing is hard to keep up with or you cringe at uncomfortably because it was your first work and you may have potentially made something questionable as you were when you were young in your head in your fantasies or your too tired from other things you've written to think in the present and it just feels off from what you've written before

After the cringe uncomfortably is where I started going on about somebody I know

I'm not saying you can never get better personally I think if you keep going in the right mindset not overwork yourself out of your comfort zone not saying that writeing something new is a bad thing but when you feel frustrated with or just can't thing anymore or your just uncomfortable stop and think what has actually made it fun for up till this point take a break and think about those things and if you don't have the energy don't think think about when your warming up with your write so something like this

Also adding this when you feel tired of writeing what you've just completed give yourself whatever amount of days to not feel that wighed down feeling of being tired or that slight pain you get before you realise your tired note you need to stop before that just realize when you've reached a place where you need to take a break

So I really like when I do this with the story or the characters

Let's try that after thinking it over for awhile maybe weeks or month or 2 at a type write little by little converstaions of the characters what you want the world to be like the characters are inhabiting

I haven't written a whole mostly just have fanfictions that I'd like to work

I've just started as well but I have lots of ideas I find the more I go over them in my head the more I can think about them later usually when I'm just chilling for the day then my mid starts wondering what if character did this for this reason that gas already been proven quite plausible in the orignal story then I made dialog around it with what I felt was most natural for them granted I was tired and I wrote till 8 to possibly to 10 or 11 but it was all in good work because I got something liked out of it and it didn't feel out of bounds for me too nutty as I would say

After reading it over myself I had one where I tryed to put all the characters togother because they spend the majority of there time togother it was still good on the temperament of all the characters in my opinion that I had decided to use but then I went to another app wrote down small conversations between two or three character found I felt more comfortable just handling two characters I liked both but now I just want to merge the two and make it better still haven't written after that as I have for awhile had bad case of just simple procrastination along with denail that I was wrong about of course and just procratantiation which was just me being undisciplined even in my daily outerworkings of my life schedule and things like that

That's the end

I hope we can all learn alot and do better and not be hard on ourselves like this as they say everyone starts somewhere take it slow no one is asking to be perfect Or like the writer that you've know that's been writeing for 5 years and hasn't even published a book but just enjoys writeing

I'm not saying your bad I'm saying it's going to take to come up with something that's good maybe or you just don't realise your doing really good and your blinded by it if you have a friend that you know will give what they think of your work if asked and will tell you what they like about what they think they can read better what they struggle to follow without bashing with saying stuff like this socks you shouldn't write or that or even if they don't like the idea you've put togother but they're still willing to review how good it was written from there expreince personally they don't have to be a person who published just someone you respect and admire there good work or the way they write there story and characters and has been writeing for a good chunk of their lives atleast I know somone who's been writeing since they were preteen and now they have a job and a driver's license I've read some of their first works I can't say that I liked it as they did put it under almost all my works and cringe pile so I can't say that I liked them but I do like what they've turned into and also what there works turned into

@fostersstubbyasmr9557 - 31.10.2021 21:48

The music is from forgotten hill puppeteer?

@CalebWillden - 30.10.2021 19:47

A deep exploration of self-limiting beliefs and how they manifest. I can definitely relate. I think my favorite part is "I'm not going to talk to myself in a way that I wouldn't talk to anyone else." I like that idea a lot!

@blackchibisan8116 - 30.10.2021 07:00

Why must you read my heart as I write?

@oxc513 - 27.10.2021 23:31

In college right now
Instead of thinking "if I don't work hard then I might as well quit" I often think "If I don't work hard constantly not only have I wasted tens of thousands of my parent's money, but I'm also completely useless now"
Which leads to another thought that would be slightly too edgy for this comment section so imma leave that out

@humanitysenterprise - 23.10.2021 16:05

I'd kill my inner thoughts if they were a person. Oh wait, they are! Off to hang myself!

@geeegaewlwlwll9328 - 17.10.2021 02:59

i come back to this video every time i feel especially shitty, and every time it manages to get a couple of tears out of me. these 'self-critical' thoughts which really are just the manifestation of self-hatred are so familiar. i hope one day ill be able to handle them a little better

@illgamealot - 16.10.2021 23:16

This is so relatable it's sad.
