Reforged razed | Technical Alpha

Reforged razed | Technical Alpha

Technical Alpha Patch Notes

5 лет назад

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@Polo_Bear - 02.02.2020 18:03

Good to see you two doing well. Remember watching WCF as a kid, loving it and spending hours of time on SC2 with no care. Good times.

@sweepingtime - 02.02.2020 18:22

The people who say that they enjoyed Reforged for 'what it is' are basically seeing the menstrual blood covering the room and going, eh, I always meant to paint the room anyway.

@squidmysterm - 03.02.2020 03:13

The released knowing it wasnt done, but the community will fix it them selves bc they are that passionate.

@Gownsan - 25.02.2020 01:25

Algorithm reforged
