#TBT Munich Review

#TBT Munich Review

The Official Roger Ebert

5 лет назад

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@TheOfficialRogerEbert - 10.05.2019 04:06

Request reviews from the Vault!

@CesarM780 - 10.05.2019 04:26

Love this movie

@genskiel4187 - 10.05.2019 05:46

Mr. Worldwide

@angelcastaneda529 - 10.05.2019 06:02

I’m always amazed how Steven Spielberg is able to do two movies released in the same year. This and War of the Worlds but this definitely is the much better movie.

@smoothALOE - 17.11.2020 18:35

Outstanding movie. I never heard or saw Ebert’s review on this, so I’m happy to see it now. My favorite moment is when the man is so conflicted about what he’s doing versus his own, Jewish faith. I’d imagine anyone who has ever had to take life, even for “just” reasons has had to deal with those feelings... unless they are a sociopath, haha!

@Locadel2003 - 30.09.2021 01:49

Eric bana was phenomenal in that movie

@RustinChole - 01.12.2021 04:00

Great movie. Almost forgot about that one. Stacked cast too.

@dakritic - 08.01.2022 07:33

We miss you Robert ♥️

@jothishprabu8 - 22.07.2023 18:36

One of Spielberg's weaker films

@DkZeria - 29.12.2023 14:50

Wish they added a part where they mistook a Moroccan waiter in Norway for one of the men and wrongfully assassinated him (the “Lillehammer Affair”) which would lead to members of the Mossad team to be captured and tried by the Norwegian justice system, and in the end leading to the disbanding of the operation

@richardwhite2460 - 31.12.2024 05:49

No Islam Know Peace...
Know Islam No Peace...

@Jsmith2024 - 07.02.2025 19:31

Thanks. I decided to see it based on a friend's recommendation and this review.

@LaurenMiddleton28 - 18.02.2025 16:51

Typical Hollywood to hire Eric Bana and Daniel Craig as Mossad soldiers... However when you see the real team it looked like Howard Stern and Jonah Hill lookalikes... Can't say i dont blame Hollywood ..the men in Israel are 🤮. Hideos.

@filmfreak21 - 06.03.2025 18:23

Its a masterpiece
