摩羅上街兩旁開滿了一間間售賣字畫、藝術品、傢俱的古董店,以及擺滿了印有毛澤東肖像的鬧鐘、李小龍電影海報等小玩意的小攤子,琳瑯滿目的商品,常常讓人流連忘返。 近來年,不少本地時裝設計店和古著店也先後進駐這一帶,吸引更多本地人和遊客來挖寶。
Lascar Row Antique Street Market
The highlight of Upper Lascar Row is the seemingly endless row of antique stores, offering an eclectic collection of Chinese calligraphy, arts and vintage furniture. This runs parallel to stalls that sell an array of bric-a-brac collectibles, such as Mao Zedong alarm clocks and Bruce Lee posters. In recent years, local designer boutiques and vintage clothing stores have popped up nearby, attracting more locals as well as visitors.