I’m definitely not getting as many zombies show up as you were for some reason
ОтветитьJust got nerfed
ОтветитьBro a 15min domination game with double xp if u get high kills is way faster, my opinion tough
ОтветитьSadly the zombies one seems to be patched with less zombies spawning and a long wait between exfil regen
ОтветитьI like the fov bug
ОтветитьDoesn't work it gives the same amount of zombies every time took me 4 hour to level 1 gun up to 26 with 2x xp
ОтветитьI guess its patched doesnt let me recall for another extract
ОтветитьHow did you get that much double weapon XP token ?
ОтветитьWhy call the chopper in?
ОтветитьHow he have so many double xp
ОтветитьSo why when you ads in the beginning it looks like super far away? My buddy has this problem a lot but wants to get rid of it.
ОтветитьThe fact u in 200 fov
ОтветитьDid they patch it or something? There were so many of the super strong ones that i died..
Ответитьwhy does blud have so many 2x xp token dam
ОтветитьYou sure you maxed out this weapon in a single game? What about the max level up cap of 7 they set for weapons per game?
Ответить0 Manglers
ОтветитьWait till the timer goes to 0 and hits the 15 minutes left to exfil and tons more zombies and special zombies spawn on exfils or just all over too
Ответитьonly time i can get 10-12 levels on a weapon is when i use my own double xp tokens in zombies. when they have a double xp event. that shit do not work. buster my ass the whole game i’m maybe able to muster 7-8 sometimes 9. like how do you get less during the xp event. but more when you burn your own tokens. makes no sense.
Ответитьnice vid!
ОтветитьIs the zombie method still working or did they put a cap to the amount of xp you can get on zombies? Read some comments on other new videos talking about how zombies gives you around 4-7 weapon levels before you can’t get anymore xp in the same game. Is this true or does this method still work?
Ответитьnah bros starts the rounds
Ответитьfor me the zombies method is very verry very slow, idk if they fixed it but i killed maybe 1000 zombies and berally went up 1 level
Ответитьlearn to reload your gun while the clip is not empty yet, and the reload will be a lot faster
Ответитьthis is the most helpful guide i’ve ever watched for this method. i’m brand new to cod and want to level a lot of my weapons so this is a HUGE help. thank you thank you thank you
Ответитьi’ve been doing the alien pod/ spore things and just camp it but this seems way more efficient
ОтветитьHi my name is zakre
ОтветитьWow dude maxing guns out is gonna be so easy
ОтветитьI don't have a xp token
ОтветитьThe zombie method is very good because i got my wsp swarm all the way to level 27 and got my cor-45 to level 15. pack a punching your weapons you want to level up also helps alot for the exfils
ОтветитьThanks ❤ I got the PSDW to max after playing a couple minutes of zombies
ОтветитьBro playing on 300 gov hahah 😂😂 I
ОтветитьHow tf you got so many xp tokens? I saw 88/80/112
ОтветитьAy, I want the game but I don’t have PlayStation plus, can I still level up my guns the same way in the offline mode? Pls help, these new cod games are confusing asf. I want to get the game to level up my guns but I gotta pay fucking 200 bucks to play, not gonna happen. If I play offline mode, will my guns level up and transfer to warzone 3? I’m asking you because the internet doesn’t know shit apparently.
ОтветитьIm late, but how do you have that many double xp tokens?
ОтветитьGod bless you bro
ОтветитьThis dude must have been on shrooms when he set his fov lol because it’s goofy asf lol
Ответитьstill work?
Ответитьthank you
Ответитьyo ima try this see if it still works
ОтветитьFirstly, I just want to thank you for helping out the Call of Duty community. You’re a good person. At first, I just watched about 1 minute of the video, then I came back and watched the full thing. I was only killing a few zombies then getting on the exfil helicopter. I’m glad I watched the rest of the video and saw how you kept calling the exfil helicopter and didn’t get on. Overall, a great guide, 10 out of 10 stars.
Ответитьthank you soo much will help allot
Ответитьhow did you get so many token?
ОтветитьIf I buy MW3, will I get that zombie nod to upgrade my guns?
ОтветитьI feel like you should have explained in multiplayer HC gives you double xp
Ответитьweak weapon xp. best xp is hardcore at multiplayer , much faster then this shit.
Ответитьhope it wasn't patched
ОтветитьEZ Weapon xp!