ОтветитьLong nails
👇 like here
I love your nallis how you make it ❤❤❤🎉😊😊😊🎉❤
ОтветитьI love this!
ОтветитьCan you please do putting your sticker nails on and push them on place but don’t bend them i subscribed
ОтветитьLike attım senide bu yayınladığın videoda bekliyorum ❤
Ответитьമലയാളികൾ ഉണ്ടെങ്കിൽ like അടി 👍
ОтветитьHiiiiiiiiiii were in bed ❤😊
ОтветитьHow do u take them off tho
ОтветитьHow can we take out the nails ??
ОтветитьIt's fake 😒 😑
ОтветитьHow to take these off btw?
ОтветитьI like cheapo Ebay nail stickers! Some don't harden at all! Use Kiss nail glue to harden them! Uk 🇬🇧
ОтветитьI like the sunflower one
ОтветитьDo they come with the light?
ОтветитьIf I were to get these kind of nails were could I get the light to make them hard
ОтветитьI have nice long nature nails 😊
ОтветитьExplanation: they are basically lying because some of those nail sticker thingys aren't supposed to go under the light o she just put the time cut the video and put the timer for a few seconds and pretended to cure the nail just to get more buyers hope that helps
ОтветитьYou barely left the light on it
ОтветитьI'm still waiting for my nails😢
Will I ever recieve my purchase?😢
ОтветитьHow this nails remove
ОтветитьHow this nails remove
ОтветитьOlha queridinha você faça essa unha mais grande tá que você só faz em cima da unha eu quero que você faça mais grande queridinha tá porque você só faz esse vídeo que para ganhar é para ganhar dinheiro só se for para você ganhar dinheiro da rua ou do lixo tá querida beijinhos Daí foi para você mesmo que faz a unha e colocou lá embaixo
ОтветитьWestern Byers value honesty over everything in the products we buy. ❤️💯
ОтветитьYou Said its under 50$
ОтветитьCuánto sale para hacérselas
Воалта що лсз'алБ ели 1з пгти9ул❤ь щаьиьаьхм бо лц
ЛЛпзьїсдеь от із😂
ОтветитьNu mai creați articole de uz general toate fetițele astăzi este vineri deci de luni până atunci