ОтветитьHE DIDNT DIE AND HE WON SOO IT DOESNT MATER 😭this makes me so sad😢
ОтветитьDad dead
ОтветитьPlease make spidermoth video please man I ask nothing more please
ОтветитьThanks you so much ❤️
ОтветитьYeah, that coulda happened too... Neat that it didn't tho~
ОтветитьAdam: "Don't worry, chick... you will be my new daughter now"
Charlie: "... I'll kill you one day"
Adam: "Maybe. But if you want to beat me, you have to become stronger. Stop whining and staying with the weak. Close your heart, use your wrath for your vengeance. Come with me... I'll teach you how ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves"
And that's how the journey for revenge started... a good fanfic can come out from it
And Charlie would lose control and Adam still unalives.
ОтветитьCharlie: (transforms into a giant demon and kills Adam and Lute)
vaggie: Charlie honey it's me vaggie, your girlfriend.
calm down, come to your senses.
Charlie: (transforms back and cries on vaggie)
alastor meanwhile: "with lucifer out of the picture my plan will go very well" (evil laugh)
meanwhile in heaven:
sera: (is reading quietly)
Emily: (comes up behind sera and points an angelic gun at his head) you monster, because of you lucifer is dead!.
sera: Emily stop, think before you act!.
Emily: too late.
a shot is heard, angels run up but are shocked by what they see.
BRO only god or extra high archangel can slain luci no exorcist or adam can do that
there is a comic where luci got shoot to head by some sinner by rifle made out of angelic metal and it didnt faze luci slightlest
Where's part 12 of vaggie's son
ОтветитьВопрос Когда выйдет ребёнок вэгги
ОтветитьI mean... I guess in this world it was true when it said "God made all humans Stronger than Satan" In this context "Satan" is luci
ОтветитьAdam: Well be back Charlotte your lives are over. (Flies away) (as the exorcists and Lute followed him and left Hell)
Charlie: You can’t be dead you can’t be.
Lucifer’s a Seriphim he wouldn’t have lost
ОтветитьAdam is alive?
ОтветитьLong live the king is crazy
ОтветитьLogically he cannot die to figures inferior to him, sooooo yea
ОтветитьDulse justicia
ОтветитьFaff, I Really Don't Wanna See This On Hazbin Hotel Season 2. 😭
Ответить( Just gonna leave this here )
Warning ⚠️ Hazbin Hotel season 2 spoiler
[ Sorry if my English is bad 😅 ]
Hazbin hotel OC ( Headcanons )
Malachi: ( evil grin ) So, whatcha gonna do about it ?
( Abel looking at Hayden ( oc ) Emily ( oc ), Vincent ( oc ) Nervo ( oc ), Fallen Adam and Cain through the Omniscient Orb )
Abel: ( clench his fist ) I’m going to kill every last one of them , especially ( looking at Cain ) him ….
Abel: Does no one know
Who they're dealing with? Think I'll let it go “Forget” and “forgive” 🎶
Abel: The rage in me 🎶
Malachi: Yeah
Abel: Is terminal 🎶
Malachi: Yeah
Abel: There's no remedy 🎶
Malachi: Yeah !
Abel: But to burn 'em all 🎶
Abel: I still got a job to do, my mission's incomplete.
Only a traitor could consider making peace 🎶
Abel: That killer has pay ! ( Malachi: To pay ) For what he did that day ! ( Malachi: That day ) For what he took away ! 🎶
( Malachi evil laugh )
Abel: Storm's coming, I can see the clouds. No running's gonna save you now. And hard rain's Gonna fall down
Abel/ Malachi: Like gravity, Like gravity. 🎶
Abel: Eye for an eye says you owe me a debt! Blood demands blood, gonna get my hands wet! 🎶
Abel: The floods come and now you can bet on tragedy, like gravity! 🎶
I imagine Rosie comforting Charlie as she cries over her father's death thinking it's her fault but Rosie tells her it's not her fault and it's not her father's fault she tells Charlie similar things Rooter says to Littlefoot after he lost his mom to Sharptooth and Rosie tells Charlie it is nobody's fault as she helps Charlie to comfort her.
ОтветитьI’m so happy this isn’t cannon
ОтветитьSpider-Man: (Puts hand on Charlie's shoulder) princess pull yourself together he wouldn't wanna see his daughter crying now you have to be strong for him
ОтветитьThis is so uncanon bro Adam couldn’t even touch Lucifer 💅
Ответитьnow im just depressed again.
ОтветитьI love the comic so much just please stop using AI voices.
ОтветитьПривет карина вен чизу сан
It's just a dream
Make longer please and I found some things that aren’t true in this film
1. Adam’s dead and can’t kill Lucifer if dead
2. Lucifer is immortal and if dies comes back to life
If you weren’t for Charlie interrupting him, he would’ve never died
Ответить😆😆How I wish hazbin hotel had ended:
ОтветитьAdams needs to pay I'm healing Lucifer
ОтветитьMichael and the archangels: thanks Adam, finally that bastard is dead
Satan: thanks dad, now I will be the new leader of hell
Lucifer: hangs on scared for his life as his six wings are injured and he can't fly ADAM he slips but desperately hangs on BROTHER HELP ME his feet slipping
Adam then slams his clawed hands on Lucifer's hands making him scream in pain.
Adam: evil smile menacing voice Long Live The King
Lucifer has a horrified heartbroken look on his face
Adam lets go of Lucifer and Lucifer falls to his death.
Younger Charlie: NOOOOOOOOOOO