Must Know Art Tips: Studio Vlog

Must Know Art Tips: Studio Vlog

Sandi Hester

2 месяца назад

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@loganmarieone - 07.12.2024 02:32

Sandi! I love your work, you inspire me so much! I did put the link to your classes on my Christmas list 🤞

@sharonabdullah - 07.12.2024 02:54

Another great video. I was hoping to see you painting more christmassy piece, have you made any this year?

@cathybockel1213 - 07.12.2024 03:43

Thank you

@Vyviews - 07.12.2024 04:06

I put a thin coat of Vaseline on the threads and the lids don’t stick.

@andreaharutunian3838 - 07.12.2024 05:10

Love your videos! I have a question :
Can I gesso a board for painting w/ watercolors?🎉🎉🎉

@lisakorp - 07.12.2024 05:39

So much fun. I love these types of videos. Thank you so much as I am sure they are a ton of work. 🙏

@Bonnie-r4b - 07.12.2024 06:04

You work so hard, Sandi!

@Karenfree2202 - 07.12.2024 07:15

Hi, love your energy. Buying your art would be like getting to have your energy in my house!

@impish22 - 07.12.2024 07:30

always helpful, thanks again Sandi

@cslattfri - 07.12.2024 07:42

I am definitely going to try those boards!!!! Thanks so much for the links!

@JoAnneSmith-di8ok - 07.12.2024 08:56

I enjoyed your video and tips. Thank you. Have a beautiful holiday season. 😊

@gwenritch - 07.12.2024 11:28

Thanks Sandi for all the tips. Do you use pastels on the mixed media pieces that you sell? If so, what do you use to seal the piece? Thanks

@rakhivalrani1230 - 07.12.2024 12:43

Hi love you and your work! please can you make classes on table scapes..

@lynnwilkinson5206 - 07.12.2024 13:43

Shellac under Gesso...the best!

@liesbethartlife - 07.12.2024 15:01

Creatief video like always !

@deborahmeyers551 - 07.12.2024 15:03

You are sooo inspiring me thanks for sharing Sandi ❤

@Anonymoi - 07.12.2024 17:46

Yay, studio vlog! I am wondering if you have ever observed any support induced discoloration when using acrylics on wood? Any staining of the gesso itself? Golden recommends GAC or gloss medium as a first coat on wood, prior to gesso, to prevent this phenomenon (tannins and other water-soluble contaminants in the wood causing discoloration.) I have been paranoid enough about it that I do always follow this advice, but supposedly any discoloration would happen while subsequent medium/paint layers dry, so it is not, as far as I can tell, an archival issue. Apparently if you don’t see it when your painting is finished it won’t appear later on. I don’t know of this staining can bleed through a dry paint layer to a new wet layer (as can happen with, say wood knots continuing to bleed through multiple dry exterior paint layers if it is not blocked by an appropriate primer.) It would appear as yellowish or brownish staining.

@leonalii1533 - 07.12.2024 19:17

So inspiring as always! ❤ Maybe a dum question but why gesso the backside of the board? To prep for painting on eventually?

@thesparrowgrass1246 - 07.12.2024 22:17

I was also going to comment about GAC100. I have first hand bad experiences of wood grain and discoloring showing up in my paintings-years later! It's awful to say the least. The product is glossy, so you have to use it as the first layer then use gesso over it. Love your work so much! ~Debra

@christinebarone2151 - 07.12.2024 23:56

Hi Sandi, question …aren’t the boards heavier than using canvas boards ? Do you not like canvas boards , if not why ? Big hugs from NC.

@studiouma - 08.12.2024 00:14

Hi Sandi! I saw in the comments that you're preferring the masonite boards. Can you say why? Thanks! PS. do they need to be sanded?

@jessbutterfly1934 - 08.12.2024 02:13

I love the most is that you used to drink out of there so beautiful and a decent size whereabouts do you get them from? Does anybody have any good recommendations for hand done pottery mugs?

@thompson_jules0 - 08.12.2024 04:27

Such a fun video and lots of great tips as always💛 I really appreciate all your hard work creating these wonderful videos, thank you so much for sharing🙏🏼

@redandpink219 - 08.12.2024 06:02

Lovely vid as always, Sandi. I appreciate how much effort it takes to do all the content creation stuff in order to let us see your artist's life. Thank you.

@forest88807 - 08.12.2024 07:36

Famous Australian artist Margaret Olley always used Masonite boards to paint on because she could sit in her chair and put them in her lap when she got old 😂 her still life's are beautiful and worth checking out

@natashaohnec3572 - 08.12.2024 11:43

Hi Sandi, I only recently discovered you and now have your whole back catalogue to go through (so many great videos to watch, yay! 😍). In an older video, you said you didn't like acrylics and only work in oils, but I noticed you have a course on acrylics, so I assume you've gone back to using them (amongst a ton of other media, I reckon)? Just curious: What made you reconsider? As a non-professional myself, I only use acrylics on canvas (and various other supplies for my sketchbooks) because oils are just so intimidating, and I don't have a studio. Anyway, thank you for all your great content, you really inspire me to be more playful/less fearful and hard on myself. Every time I watch one of your videos, it makes me want to get up and paint/draw right away. ❤

@jessbutterfly1934 - 08.12.2024 13:30

Sandy for the love of all things good could you please tell us when you’re gonna do a book that you can just flip through to your hearts content of all your artworks, including your sketchbooks. I don’t care if there’s a hole in Cyclopedia I live in Australia and it’s gonna cost me a fortune, but if I owned a house that would sell it to buy them

@willywonka1854 - 08.12.2024 16:17

love wood boards, great video thank you

@bagobeans - 09.12.2024 06:24

I love your videos! Thank you for sharing your tips!

@DawnJanko - 09.12.2024 06:30

Hey Sandi how bout trying some of those little round stick on pads you use on chair legs on the back of your wood boards instead of gluing the matchsticks? They would make a nice buffer and easy to peel off and you can get them cheap .

@annehirst7411 - 09.12.2024 14:56

Can you water the used rice? For a background wash?.....its pigment still after all.....knowing how artists hate to waste resources. Not sure it would work with palenta.....😊 though 😂

@discohandgliding - 10.12.2024 16:08

The taking off of the wood bits from the panels made me say Gradyyyyyy! because ngl that gave me anxiety 😅

@fairisle37 - 10.12.2024 18:37

I love your work and your classes (and of course your videos, which I look forward to)! I use puppy pads to put down on the ground and on a bench—if lucky enough to find one where I want to paint). The pad keeps my stuff on the ground clean from dirt and from falling between the slates of the bench. Also, when I spilled ink it absorbed it and I did not have to clean the public bench.

@taketimetoseait396 - 12.12.2024 15:21

Hope U go back to Europe and visit with artists there, Gaynor Pattle, S E of England? Doing a workshop together will B fun. She also travels to places near her home. ALWAYS SO much fun to watch the "fun" U R having. Ann, Florida fan 😊

@taketimetoseait396 - 12.12.2024 20:03

The rice = landscape 😂 just needs resin pored on it.

@taketimetoseait396 - 13.12.2024 15:39

Willa Wanders tips for choosing an everyday watercolor palette😊 3 weeks ago.

@junestartin9146 - 20.12.2024 15:17

Great video.. merry Xmas sandi + grady 😊

@turkowaa - 20.12.2024 20:15

You helped me to get out of an art block so many times, thank you. Please never stop sharing your art with us.

@jeanettegillings7202 - 23.12.2024 22:02

Hi Sandi…. Firstly, belated happy birthday 🎉. A while back you mentioned you were creating a Gelli plate class? How is that going? I’m really chomping at the bit to learn more ❤. Wishing you and Grady a wonderful joyful happy Christmas and all the very best for 2025. Thank you so much for all you do.

@kymcrowart7876 - 26.12.2024 06:36

I’m so excited for the class in January…Give us hints! I am so sorry about the editing being so much work. That’s what keeps me from doing a channel…..I don’t know how you do it and still find time to paint and have a life lol…thank you so much for these videos! We are all so blessed to have you.

@Purpleladybirdart - 26.12.2024 13:30

Lovely video, full of inspirations and tips. 🙏💜

@bernadetteabohan - 28.12.2024 07:38


@eileenreillyarts1229 - 29.12.2024 21:19

In your studio redesign think about getting those drying racks that printers use. If I had the room I would for sure get them. Like you, I'm trying to dry things on top of precarious items. For the brush between gesso treatments I usually have cling film/saran wrap to wrap my brush up to keep it from drying out.

@DollfieMew - 09.01.2025 19:35

Ooh leaving the brush in the water in-between painting gesso layers is a great idea! I was washing the brush each time.

@amandabutler9322 - 18.01.2025 21:45

You are so beautiful, thanks for sharing your space and art

@kr2112 - 30.01.2025 08:20

Sandi: Hi! Can you please tell us which Big Agnes Stool or Chair you are using? And if it’s the stool, does your back hurt during or after painting without a seat back? Thanks! (PS I have a three legged, collapsible stool with a narrow triangular seat. I always thought I’d use it, but then I imagine it being uncomfortable, so I don’t bother taking it. 😊)

@kr2112 - 30.01.2025 09:06

All of your recent videos have been fab! I hadn’t had a chance to watch for a few months. So I’m binging on them! Hahahaa😅

@jeckslynne - 21.02.2025 13:33

Keep being awesome, sandi!!!❤❤❤

@KikiFu - 04.03.2025 04:40

Hi Sandi- I love this! Idk what kind of drying rack would work best in your studio space. I bought the "Compact 20-Shelf Wall Rack" from Blick and I have had it for years. It's saved me so much time and thought having a place to put wet boards or watercolor paper. Anyhow, I think you might love having one. Oh, as far as cleaning pastels. I've used rice, corn meal and wiped them gently with toilet paper. My fav method is the toilet paper it seems to go so much faster for me. :) Happy painting!


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