I brought Go Pro to film at school! Studying in Commercial Cookery, Perth Western Australia

I brought Go Pro to film at school! Studying in Commercial Cookery, Perth Western Australia

Beehunt Travel

55 лет назад

517 Просмотров

Alhamdulillah, we had so much fun during this sem. At first, I was so scared, because you know..at this age I'm studying in Commercial Cookery. Puas la berhabis duit kat Malaysia belajar Animation, tup tup minat still kat masak jugak.
Anyway, it turned out to be so much fun! Most of my classmates are all the same ages as me, lol! And our chef is very considerate. They do know about halal & haram. He even said to me, you are Muslim right? You don't have to touch the pork :D
Thank you chef

*This video was uploaded 2-3 years ago. Lil did I know when I work in Australia, no matter what, I have to touch porks. This is a very sensitive issue. But Alhamdulillah working as a chef in Australia is not so bad =)


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