Hammer Brand + Colonial Shur Snap Auto Knives - Retro Knives

Hammer Brand + Colonial Shur Snap Auto Knives - Retro Knives

JW's BulletsNBlades

11 лет назад

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@gunnwild1 - 25.11.2013 01:41

Those auto knives are so cool. To bad they're illegal in Commierfornia

@robbie574 - 25.11.2013 02:06

Ever since you did that video on Italian Estilettos, I've had my eye on a Honey horn Picklock at bladeops, but I just can't bring myself to spend $124 and it doesn't have that cool swinging hilt. Maybe after Christmas. :)

@GearObsession - 25.11.2013 03:51

Awesome video, thank you for showing us these classics!!!

@Dafarnakis - 25.11.2013 07:08

im 30 seconds in and I love the video. You the man JW. you have the best knives

@deputysheriff100 - 25.11.2013 09:05

I have a Hammer Brand switch blade just like that. Don't know what year it was made but I got it in 1958. I was 13 years old then. Had it in my collection for 28 years and it still pops open. It was awesome when I saw it in your video.

@Waldhandwerk - 26.11.2013 21:55

Very nice knives my friend. All the best, Sepp

@garypareja6899 - 11.05.2015 03:16

When I was 8 yrs old I bought that knife,,,,,,,,i don't think Hammerbrand,,,but I purchased for $1.00 and and a note from my mother at Kress's in Florida!

@shiestycolman732 - 18.08.2015 19:25

very cool jw, I have a 1900's shursnap and a 1930's edgemaster fishtail stiletto, I'd be willing to trade if your interested, I'm kinda starting to stray from my antique autos, too much money for the restoration process

@Tune-O-matic - 10.03.2018 23:36

those front bolsters are different on the colonial knife.....i wonder if those are factory
