Accurate and informative. Shows the International poverty trap.
Would love to see a description of the very real situation of Poverty Traps in first-world nations. America is a great example because we have the world's most-poor living along side the wealthy global elite.
I'm from India and my family is in this poverty trap from many years and covid pandemic things got even worse.
ОтветитьPoverty trap is when you don't have inherited wealth from parents or relatives.
ОтветитьThis is why I believe in UBI. If people could get out of just survival mode then they could begin to truly contribute value to their own personal lives, families, communities, countries, and ultimately the world.
ОтветитьFunny how this relates to the intro of the movie Up. They keep their extra money in a jar so that one day they may travel but each time it's nearly full, there's a huge setback that happens that force them to empty the jar. And by the end of the introduction, their entire life has passed by and they never were able to travel.
ОтветитьThe so call progressive tax was designed to keep u in that slippery slope, You are taxes for everything.. They already tax ..foid , water.. And they are trying their hardest to tax the air you breath all in the name of climate change.. 50% or better of your pay to the government.. its a different plantation.. its still slavery
ОтветитьExample of a Poverty Trap in the US is the high costs of college tuition, that enslaves students and professionals to a debt the most of them aren’t payable in our own lifetime. It’s shameful and it does not contribute to a real development in any nation. Some of those “third world countries”, have university programs that you don’t pay a cent for getting a grade. But the US doesn’t have problems on spending billions or trillions of $ on war campaigns than on the well-being and development of their own people.
ОтветитьNot to mention the systems in place that are meant to keep people impoverished so they can be exploited
ОтветитьPoverty: They trap the opening voice.
Ответитьwhy does poverty always leads to blavk people. Arent the white peoples are in poverty?
ОтветитьI moved out of a developing country into a developed one. However, for the first 6 years I was stuck in a poverty trap. What I learned from my 7th year onward made me realise that being frugal and investing the extra money wisely would make me slightly richer than most people as long as I have a stable job, even if this was back in the developing country. Now I have "friends" contacting me out of the blue, expecting me to hand out free money in exchange for their company. I'd rather live alone in a cabin somewhere not worrying about my next meal than being around the wrong type of people.
ОтветитьI am poor and trying to get out of there learning how to ge out of poverty and been learning why some people are poor and others are not living in a Country where there is a lot of money.
ОтветитьI reject the notion that poverty is a "trap" that people can't get out of, for several reasons. First is the fact that the majority of people in the poverty income level don't stay there for long. The poor are simply people at a certain point in their lives. One could be below the poverty line because she has graduated from college and got her first job, and is living on her own for the first time. One could be "poor" because he's trying to start a business, or because he just got divorced. Most of those who live under the poverty line go on to get better jobs, or work two jobs, and make more money as time goes by. They move out of that category. Of course, a minority of people stay, because they don't do anything different. If my income isn't keeping up with inflation, I need to do something to overcome that trend, rather than staying in the same situation and feeling trapped. Three-quarters of American workers who were in the bottom 20 percent in income in 1975 were also in the top 40 percent at some point over the next 16 years. As we get older, we gain experience and skills. We get married and get promoted.
The second reason I reject this characterization that there's nothing the poor can do about being poor (which is what we're saying when we say poverty is a "trap") is that I myself was poor. For much of my childhood into my 20s, I was poor. But I was ambitious. I worked 3 jobs at one point; a full-time job as an administrative assistant, a waitress a couple of nights a week, and a retail clerk on weekends. I cut expenses, saved my money, and owned a house by the time I was 35. Many of the people I grew up with -- who lived in the same foster home, went to the same inner-city schools, and lived in the same low-rent neighborhoods as me -- have pulled themselves into a middle-class, upper middle-class, or upper-class lifestyle. People who say that it's impossible to save money are not committed to saving money. It is possible. Millions of people at every income level do it successfully every year.
There will always be people who go through mental gymnastics to excuse their own laziness, lack of vision, or lack of financial self-control. They will say they can't get a break, that the world is against them, that inflation is keeping them poor, or whatever. These are the same people who eat out at restaurants more than three times a week, have a late-model cell phone, do not share their living space with any other families, spend hours a day on social media or video games, and have enough disposable income to have a pet.
Don't like being poor? Do something about it. Nothing changes if nothing changes. And when we don't change, that's a trap of our own creation.
Poverty will end when Capitalism isn't a thing. A person shouldn't own more than somebody else because that person was born with money. A person should be rewarded for being kind and compassionate. Education and housing are free. The big houses and the luxuries go to the most compassionate and kind people. Money has no merit to it. A person shouldn't be rewarded with heaps of money just because that person came up with an idea that people like. People a literally giving that person power, with absolutely not checking the person's merit first. Capitalism needs to end for humans to be able to share. The world is based on greed. One count has an abundance of food, and that country has entertainment around the abundance of food, while other countries have little food. Through Intelligent Quantum Computing, each country will have its own Super Intelligence, monitory and share resources with other Countries' Super Intelligent Computers. Humans cannot be trusted with any kind of power. The attraction to a person that has plentiful of material, must end. Greed is to appear attractive.
ОтветитьThese captions 😂😂
Ответить🐑📊What is lamb replacement?
ОтветитьWords can't explain how much your videos help me, Thankyou!
ОтветитьMark 10:29-31
[29]And Jesus answered and said, Verily I say unto you, There is no man that hath left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my sake, and the gospel's,
[30]But he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions; and in the world to come eternal life.
[31]But many that are first shall be last; and the last first.
Credit is slavery. Now go to work or lose all you trappings.
ОтветитьWork all day, sleep all night and don't have time to think. Generational poverty ends here
ОтветитьWhy korea managed to get out of it
ОтветитьNot only does the poverty trap exist for financial reasons, but mental health plays a defining role on if you can get out even with external forces
ОтветитьVery useful for my studies! Thanks for making it a very detailed explanation!
ОтветитьImagine being betrayed by a woman and being from the lower middle class ? Having Child support and being laid off from your job while out for a operation ! , It doesn't take that much to put you in the ghetto and eventually lead you to become homeless while waiting for public housing a very long time ! . The states housing Authorities have all kinds of traps set up to deny men ! . I will wait until Judgement Day if that is what it takes to get an apartment from The Tennessee housing authority !
ОтветитьSimplest solution for poverty - skip university.
ОтветитьThis is also a problem in the US. I hate that people give food or coupons to the poor here instead of money and permenant housing and leave them alone. There's also some individuals who entrap people trying to get out of homelessness by "helping" them with food and resources, and then guilt and shame them to do whatever service they want. I hate that, it steals that person's dignity and keeps them in a bind.😡
ОтветитьI am totally traped in this situation i have no idea to get out if it
Ответитьthere's literally a chinese word for Poverty Trap called 贫困,meaning when one is poor, one is trap or confine to be free.
ОтветитьMost people in this world are in this trap. Even in places like America, Canada, and England. It will only continue to stay that way.
ОтветитьThe example of the woman with the chickens is a great example. The poverty trap is not having enough money to save for emergencies and neither enough to make any investment.
So it becomes a cycle.
Many things are cheaper being rich than being poor that’s why
ОтветитьThere’s actually a few types of poverty traps. Take a look:
You receive money from the government every month, but just enough to get by. You hate that and decide to get a job to have extra money, so you get a job. After a while you now have to pay for everything yourself, including things you didn’t need to pay for with government money, and find that you now have less than what the government gave you.
That’s a spot on accurate example of a poverty trap in America, showing that even working people are getting screwed and the government is the one screwing us
Grace in Tanzania 🇹🇿 will never be in debt running into hundreds of thousands . There’s no poverty in Africa it’s all about mismanagement and bad governance.
ОтветитьIn the US, there is also a benefits trap or benefits cliff. If you earn very little, you qualify for various types of aid, but as you earn more, these are all taken away. If a single person earns $12,000 a year, they can get free health insurance, food assistance, housing assistance, help with heating costs (LIHEAP), etc. If they work hard and begin earning $20,000 a year, all those benefits go away, and they will likely find themselves no better off (or maybe worse off) than they were earning $12,000.
ОтветитьYou mentioned about "money trap" - where one is unable to earn enough for either basic needs (e.g. food, shelter), or for unexpected events like disease / job loss / repairs, which do happen from time to time for everyone. What is even worse when it comes to poverty is "mind trap": loss of self-esteem or feeling that one's actions do matter, addictions and aggression as means of dealing with that, and (in countries with good welfare systems) avoiding employment because as soon as a poor person gets work (usually not paid well), they lose some or all of the welfare benefits, so it pays off more to be a lifetime welfare system client.
ОтветитьWhen it was time to describe poverty you had to switch to BLACK people in AFRICA. You people are brainwashed disgusting set of fools. Y'all live you entire lives on credit and still have the guts to call us poor. If every country in Africa decides to stop exporting their natural resources the entire continent of North America and Europe will collapse in just 6months. Bunch of fools y'all!
ОтветитьI thought this video was going to be about how college loans are a poverty trap, but instead it's about a delusion that poverty traps just apply to underdeveloped nations.
ОтветитьBeing POOR is EXPENSIVE.
Ответитьend capitalism todayyyy
ОтветитьIn new Zealand we call it living week to week
ОтветитьThe other problem is the lack of accountability, opportunity, and keeping the greek/witch systems in colleges, it is a very racist system, even more so with added affirmative action. It is wrong and immoral to have your classmates, teachers, and neighbors since most of it is gossip. Some racketeering scams or pyramid scams are for soroities and fraternities. Or as an illegal source of fundraising. They also sabotaged the poor, hated, misunderstood for stereotypes, so we will demand equal rights and change how favorability is settled outside governments and the armed forces and royalty.
ОтветитьA lot of overgeneralization. Schools give out laptops on hire from library. You can return and take it same day depending....but you are almost never not going to have a computer to work with if you want. Besides, college diploma does not guarantee anything.
ОтветитьThe college kid was white and Grace and her family was black😮
ОтветитьAnd demographers are panicking about lower birth rates. An economy that prioritizes income inequality will fail. It happened with feudalism and unbound capitalism will also.
ОтветитьThe real solution in a functioning Democratic governing country is taxes going to services that helps or ends this so called poverty trap. In a functioning democratic country the government does the work, the government is for the people, and it should stay that way but just like any other civilization there's two things that may cause to put a hamper on a democratic function greed and corruption especially by the very wealthy part of society. Another thing that is foul play is continuing or spreading lies and manipulation to keep the population dumb so education is another to end the poverty trap along with providing temporarily / permanent housing for those who have struck down the worse financial problems.
ОтветитьThe financial woes of the developing world are directly due to colonialism. To even call them "developing" assumes that their traditional cultures were inferior to European and British cultures and their former colonies. Meanwhile, all kinds of poverty traps exist for citizens within the so-called rich nations due to massive inequality. Until we stop allowing the world to be operated by a wealthy minority, life on this planet will get worse for everyone.
ОтветитьThis video should have been a hour long
ОтветитьThe government needs to let people on SSI earn money. Tax the mf 70 percent or w/e idc.