The Lost And Cancelled Characters In Mortal Kombats History! Part 2

The Lost And Cancelled Characters In Mortal Kombats History! Part 2

History Behind The Warrior

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@robertpicasso4214 - 07.12.2024 00:30


@bht824 - 07.12.2024 00:30


@Darkyugi92 - 07.12.2024 00:30

How are you doing, bud?

@SupportGamin2025 - 07.12.2024 00:52

Unfortunate I was looking forward to seeing fujin as potential DLC and an story expansion on General Shao rebellion and onaga in mk1

@masterxe215 - 07.12.2024 01:05


@ScorchingProductions1 - 07.12.2024 01:08

Can you do more videos like these but with other fighting games? I know for sure that Street Fighter and Tekken have plenty of cancelled characters.

@Tonto114 - 07.12.2024 01:10

NRS biggest sin is not letting us play Sektor in mk11 with that BANGER design

@gjtrue - 07.12.2024 01:32

I remember tweeting Ed Boon way back in the MK9 days and he mentioned/confirmed that Ryu Hayabusa from the Ninja Gaiden series was also considered as an Xbox exclusive guest too. As for MK11, it's a crime those cool designs of Cyrax, Sektor, and Ermac went unused.

@DJDTHTRP - 07.12.2024 01:57

I remember the Mortal Kombat Online website's Fight Night chat to ask the developers about MK vs DC, my submission asking "what sort of DLC can we expect to see" in an open-ended way, and then someone ELSE steered an ask towards characters, where we got the Quan Chi mention in the chat. To this day, I remember that interaction.

@TylerPKegger - 07.12.2024 02:18

Kronika was suppose to be playable in MK11 as well, rip…

@jaidora - 07.12.2024 02:19

One timer I remember hearing was Kai being a possible candidate for MK X but they didn’t get far into development or figure out how to program/develop his handstand moves. What upsets me the most is Fujin getting axed twice before he was playable again in MK 11, he’s such a fun and creatively tangible character

@hakksemerci9988 - 07.12.2024 03:58

mk 2011 also had tanya voiceline too

@BiggestGal - 07.12.2024 04:15

You actually forgot the cancellation of Ash Williams as a guest character in MK11.

@townzee415 - 07.12.2024 05:06

I want sonya, kano and jade for mk1 so bad!

@Nonlifting_breezy - 07.12.2024 05:10

I guarantee Warner bros saw how much a story mode cost and said no to that dlc ever again. Story mode needs scaled back anyways as we can see that mode got the most polish while everything else took a backseat

@whoputthatblockthere - 07.12.2024 05:13

You did miss that Kintaro was actually officially announced as a dlc character for mk9. I still own the magazine where he, kenshi, and Skarlet were announced

@ultron_sigma - 07.12.2024 05:25

Kinda strange how both fujin and nightwolf arent in the new era since they both helped liu kang get the crown.

@NomaGang - 07.12.2024 07:10

Wasn’t worth mentioning MK1 leaker already jumped ship he got fed the wrong info

@xaviervalencia9296 - 07.12.2024 07:36

Fujin would have been interesting to see MK9. Especially his design.

@power-backinblack - 07.12.2024 07:43

The myth known as, lol, Fate unknown is either Ed Boon or Boon adjacent. Maybe the mythical Tobias. Lmfao

@KommanderZone - 07.12.2024 09:00

I could be misremembering but wasn’t Johnny Cage also planned for MKvDC?

@xD3viLxlI - 07.12.2024 09:55

It was also told that Skarlet was supposed to be in MKX as DLC but they ended up putting her in the MKX Comic book

@melpops6521 - 07.12.2024 16:09

Just Rise above our dissolution

@dionneking8 - 07.12.2024 18:30

I love fujin

@demeterstidbits7146 - 07.12.2024 22:24

I swear there was word on Tanya being potential DLC for 9? Maybe i’m remembering wrong

@HyperFoxx - 08.12.2024 19:38

I'm still sad that Ash Williams got cut from mk11.

@Nedak2003 - 09.12.2024 12:00

So disappointing that Sektor didn't make it into MK11 as playable. He had such a cool new design and it just went to waste.
I hate the guest characters too. I'd way rather have mk characters in their slots.

@PascalReeds - 16.12.2024 14:10

Kung jin😢😢

@JAC3DG33K - 30.12.2024 14:44

I just bought MK1 with the expansion pack for under $40 a few weeks ago and would have liked to have had the male versions of Cyrax and Sector be playable vs. just cameos. Hopefully we'll get them as skins before the game gets completely shut down.

@iloveafterschool100 - 06.01.2025 21:38

The 3rd combo pack would’ve gotten way more sales due to fan favorites
