Secret Big Pig Strat - Ara History Untold

Secret Big Pig Strat - Ara History Untold

AgentNumberOne VODs

3 недели назад

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@jamess6097 - 27.10.2024 19:50

1. You can't see the Regional (provincial) borders because you have disabled that view in the map viewer! For some unknown reason you also haven't enabled national borders on the zoomed in view. It's so weird to watch it played without that critical information!
2. Being friendly is not sufficient for the AI to trade with you. You have to have some good or resource that they want (and don't have).
3. Archers are weak at melee. Look at the modifiers in the battle report and you will see that the Spearman get bonuses against them and your Archers get a penalty.
4. There will be a Rule which decides who gets to take a captured city. It won't be a bug. Before posting a ticket (as someone suggested) why not look in the forums to try to find out what the Rule is?

@KaKrassh - 28.10.2024 05:43

Umm, do any civilisations start with faster settler movement or is that only available from advisers?

@xXScythianUAXx - 28.10.2024 07:26

early settler is not that viable than intel and loot you get with additional scout or even two on start...

@garnerireland - 28.10.2024 15:56

It isn't the Wolf you want to hunt straight away, it is the Bear or Cougar, any Hunts 2 will give a feast.

@garnerireland - 28.10.2024 16:38

But that is deeply unintuitive that the nation starting the siege doesn't control the siege. Working theory appears to be that they had larger force so took control when they showed up.

@sethiewethi - 30.10.2024 22:40

I love this series and game love watching the cities grow and evolve
