Woke Disney PANICS, Deletes INSANE Episode From Disney+ After HUGE BACKLASH!

Woke Disney PANICS, Deletes INSANE Episode From Disney+ After HUGE BACKLASH!


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@chaznonya4 - 22.11.2024 00:19

I have been boycotting Disney for 30+ years. Glad you all caught on.

@CharlieCarstensen-m9p - 22.11.2024 00:37

Don't need to see anything like this

@patrickgallo9314 - 22.11.2024 00:39

Too late Disney. You're done. Close up now perverts. Leave our kids alone!!!!!!

@godzillalover2 - 22.11.2024 00:58

And in real life teams are forfeiting matches so their all girl teams don't have to risk getting injured playing against a team with a huge male who identifies as a girl, who has already hurt other girl players in previous games. NO ONE should be promoting this insanity. We used to have to test Olympic athletes so the Russians couldn't sneak men into women's sports.

@revolvermaster4939 - 22.11.2024 01:13

Absolutely disgusting that ANYONE would create this garbage for children!

@Naceymam - 22.11.2024 01:34

I will never forgive Disney for betraying those of us who used to love Disney parks and movies. I have refused to buy or watch anything Disney for years now and refuse to set foot in their pdf file, Marxist agenda promoting parks.

@williamjames6835 - 22.11.2024 01:51


@John14-6... - 22.11.2024 02:00

We conservatives may consider it a victory that Disney decided not to put this garbage forth, however they will never quit their Woke propaganda pushed by Black Rock and Vanguard with their agenda to change the culture from within. They will push these excessive and obvious woke trash as a test to see how much the public pushes back and then they will pull back a bit, but they have to goal to constantly change what the public views as acceptable. Just look at what is now acceptable compared to ten or twenty years ago!

@alynneflanery9918 - 22.11.2024 02:02

even the volleyball is boylover/girllover colored.

@CarysCorner - 22.11.2024 02:05

Why anyone gives any Disney company any business at all, is puzzling. They have gone out of their way to alienate the family marketplace.

@knotkool1 - 22.11.2024 02:11

walt was crap and disney is worse than crap. tolkien didn't want walt anywhere near his work.

@kindytheb - 22.11.2024 02:31

I canceled Disney+ when they fired Gina Carano, and I've avoided all of their other products like the plague ever since.

@SNUSNU-lz7dh - 22.11.2024 03:57

They destroyed our beloved shows like Dr Who , Star Wars , Marvel superhero’s and even Indiana Jones with this bile and they can’t even let the kids have a wholesome show 👎

@TheWholeThing - 22.11.2024 04:42

The fact that this show exist is all the more reason I’ve come to my senses about Disney being shit on by Family Guy for years now

@Sky5504-la - 22.11.2024 13:18

It's enough already! Disney has made it clear, they hate children and are very evil people. Stop giving Disney ANY money.

@rexwilson315 - 22.11.2024 15:41

As a kid. I loved Disney!!! Kids are not pawns. Social thinking. Politics. Dose not need to be part of their world as a child. Let them enjoys some of life. Before the world comes in.

@NWO.YOUREDAYSAREDONE - 22.11.2024 16:50

I wouldn't expect anything less or different from a show titled "Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur."

@vickyhovan1991 - 22.11.2024 18:47

They took God's rainbow

@tinabrown7404 - 22.11.2024 19:04

Then they need to fix Snow White too!

@dustyk103 - 22.11.2024 19:36

Making woke perverts sympathetic victims of righteous morality. Basically saying God is evil and Satan is good.

@sevenspecie592 - 22.11.2024 20:38

What is wrong with these people!!! im so sick of this woke BS!!

@JM-mv7sv - 22.11.2024 22:39

They still jab Trump over Woke garbage no one wants. Has nothing to do who won the election. No one is watching or playing woke media. It’s failing globally.

@panicfarm9874 - 23.11.2024 00:27

Bob Igor needs to be in prison

@rogerrichardson4679 - 23.11.2024 03:04

Hurt THEIR Pockets
Enough of this EVIL E'FFN B.S

@xA-A-RONx - 23.11.2024 06:43

Just remember. These companies don't backtrack due to a change of heart. The backtrack is due to that profit margin. These people hate you and your children.

@glennwirth7334 - 23.11.2024 06:50

Dis z “ scusting

@joanjust8241 - 23.11.2024 10:16

Disney is floating in the sewer. They need to do a total reset.

@heavensea141 - 23.11.2024 11:25

Your clothes remain dry if you jump into the water with your clothes on without drysuit if it rain outside and you go outside and let the rain hit your hair your hair remain dry

Driving Motorcycel
Some who never have drived a motorcycel No first hand experiences '
Have more knowledges then all who have been drived a motorcycel, not only that but know more about it then all who have, even thoose who have been driven Motorcycel's for many years ' Because first hand experiences never matter never had!

My own twist on wokeness 😂

@paramahansayoga84 - 23.11.2024 12:26

Bring back the Comic Code Authority and extend it to Cartoons.

@SterlingsOpinion - 23.11.2024 15:06

Don't trust any 'woke' person or organization.

@timefoolery - 23.11.2024 15:31

Why are they so intent upon bringing sexuality into the lives of children? They’re so creepy. Like the new Doctor Who. He looks like a toilet trader lurking in public bathrooms.

@THORMYN1 - 23.11.2024 18:19

They are sick!

@Emjay_blackdogranch - 23.11.2024 19:21

We have Disney+ as an available free subscription through our phone plan. They hounded us for months about setting it up. I told customer service there is a reason we cancelled that mess a long time ago, and we won’t be using it even if it’s free. Disney is in trouble when the only people subscribing are the ones getting it free

@trplankowner3323 - 24.11.2024 13:15

"But we did everything right", reminds me of what Whoopi Goldberg said when she got the Koof. I laughed so hard at that idiot!

@ScratchGlass9 - 25.11.2024 05:45

9 Grandkids that do not know who Mickey Mouse is.
Never will their product be bought or watched in this family 🇺🇲

@TXCherlock - 25.11.2024 08:28

Sick. Disney is 100% Trash.

@JoyfullOne - 25.11.2024 09:08

If only attendance at the parks would decrease...

@DF-lz2jw - 25.11.2024 14:18

Parents spoke out. FINALLY!

@DF-lz2jw - 25.11.2024 14:42

Why not make an episode showing this boy permanently injuring a female athlete. How about showing an episode about how REAL young women feel about boys playing in their league and how it upsets the young women. How about making an episode where the other team members feel bad about their team mate permanently injuring a FEMALE athlete. That would be a fair depiction of the situation.

@robertdiaferia7356 - 25.11.2024 16:56

No more garbage like this on tv!

@whoisbrucewayne17 - 25.11.2024 17:08

Blaming Trump even tho we're still 2 months from when he gets sworn in. Cop out.

@stephenblum1078 - 25.11.2024 18:39

I don’t let my grandchildren watch anything Disney.

@jenniferseals3642 - 25.11.2024 19:33

Walt Disney would be horrified at what is being done in his name. Save Disney from Eiger.

@jakkfamily61 - 25.11.2024 20:33

This is probably a Kathleen Kennedy approval!

@michael-rc5pv - 25.11.2024 22:10

Disney is a clown show always was

@Liz-be1wq - 26.11.2024 04:00

I think the excuse of "due to the recent election" is SUCH bullshit. It should be shelved because it's a ridiculous notion that this should even be shown to kids. If it were realistic, it would show this athlete injuring the other female players because "she" is inherently stronger than the rest and it isn't fair to the other team.

It's not a left or right talking point, it's a reality vs delusion talking point. Impactful and amazing my ass. Enough of his adultbaby self-victimization.

@leongay3190 - 26.11.2024 12:11

don't put it on dvd disney

@geminidreik2608 - 27.11.2024 13:00

I say that the "trans propaganda" should be aired, but also something to balance it out from the other end of the spectrum.

It´s a coward move to take out that episode and say that it was because of the party that won the elections.

@Mariofanaticanimations - 30.11.2024 06:32

This is just disrespectful Josiah, get out

@fushigishonen - 26.12.2024 14:35

Go Disney go! Keep on keepin on! You guys are leading the pack. You're doin great! Everyone is so excited! The public be damned! Go go go! You can show them they don't even matter. After all you've got Rachel Ziegler. What could possibly go wrong?
