10 NEW Fall Decor DIYs Using Common Thrift Store Finds/Autumn Thrift Flips

10 NEW Fall Decor DIYs Using Common Thrift Store Finds/Autumn Thrift Flips

Canterbury Cottage

6 месяцев назад

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@megancampbell3914 - 31.08.2024 07:06

Wow, you are so creative. The decoupaged pan was a surprise, loved the hobbit door and the moon clock.

@pamelasheldon1055 - 31.08.2024 14:44

All these projects were great!!! I love how you make them look so high end! You are gifted with a beautiful imagination!

@victoriabell8519 - 31.08.2024 17:48

Love your content. Yes, please on another video like this. Got some great ideas. I think my favorite was the mantle clock turned hobbit hole door. Just a thought. Maybe have better lighting with your videos. Its hard to see what you are doing. But love your imagination for sure!!!

@lynnegrove3194 - 31.08.2024 20:54

These were all great ideas but I thought of a change I would like to do for the wire cloche I would like to take fishing line and glue to the top so the butterfly will float in the air and flutter.

@elainereynolds7701 - 31.08.2024 23:43

LOVE the Pillow... My Favorite is the two cups and candle arrangement.

@ehpeachylove - 01.09.2024 04:57

I love the whole collection of up cycled thrift finds… it is hard to pick a favorite.

Well done Sherri 🌺

@cynthiagraven3343 - 01.09.2024 05:43

This video is so inspiring! I am amazed at how beautiful the old sauce pan turned out! And I love the picture frame. And the pillow. And the hobbit hole. And the blocks. Your creativity is amazing! Please do more like this.

@dixielong9099 - 01.09.2024 07:13

I laughed at your glue gun. It looks like my glue gun!

@fantan04 - 01.09.2024 16:28

What lovely projects! I sit here, often with my mouth agape when I see the wonderful ideas you come up with! Honestly, sometimes I am truly astounded! I love the the Hobbit clock house, in fact I love them all - they all heralded the promise of autumn with their beautiful warm colours using nature's own bounties. NOBODY can transform unwanted items like you can Sherry and I mean that! I would love to see more of your thrift store creations and maybe you could include a lantern or a mirror 👍 With love from the UK - Ann xxx

@mossycreekdesigns2 - 01.09.2024 21:05

I watch every week and plan my inspired projects. I have all kinds of projects that I want to do and just never enough time to do them all. Idk how you do it all. Maybe I'll get them done when/if I get to retire 😂

@debranicodemus5637 - 01.09.2024 22:20

I love this. Yes please show more of this kind of video. I loved them all, but my favorite was the wooden clock. I am so going to try this. Thanks for sharing your talent. ❤

@michelleraiford4135 - 01.09.2024 22:36

Love them all. Would love to see more!

@janetcox3628 - 01.09.2024 23:48

Love all these projects. More please!

@SherryeHefren-f5o - 02.09.2024 04:15

Thank you so much💖💖💖💖

@monicamaree376 - 03.09.2024 14:57

Hi Sherry, I'm from South Africa and I absolutely love your pieces and your personality is beautiful. Thank you so much

@terriverduyn7392 - 04.09.2024 19:54

You’re so talented.

@analorenacastrosalazar7007 - 05.09.2024 04:21

Me encantaron todas . Están divinas. Saludos desde Costa Rica

@SultanaOfSwing - 05.09.2024 07:55

Hey friend! My favorite was the coffee mug project. Primarily because it's something I could actually do. 😅😊 Looking forward to fall outdoor decor. Thanks for being awesome, Mrs. Sherry! Loved the fairy door too!

@yzolakitchi - 05.09.2024 17:05

The 'Simple Life' decorative frame is fabulous! Has given me some ideas for Christmas decor this year - and the squirrel is too adorable! 🙂

@aushinaree - 06.09.2024 22:32

Your diy’s are so beautiful 🎉

@ginam4122 - 07.09.2024 01:51

The fairy door is my favorite. I really enjoy your videos and would love another featuring Fall themed upcycles!

@debbieholbrook3827 - 07.09.2024 17:17


@sonjaholder4930 - 08.09.2024 03:25

Simply amazing, as always. It's hard to pick a favorite, but I think the clock and the wire vase were the top two.

@jeanbean9797 - 10.09.2024 22:46

The hobbit clock was my favorite. Thanks for all the beautiful crafts you share with us!

@marypech7552 - 11.09.2024 04:09

Where do I buy a roller like yours when you’re applying decoupage?

@sebrinagilbert2892 - 16.09.2024 21:53

You make this look so easy.
I have made things for years but you come up with ideas I would have never dreamed up.
Thank you

@elladennis5454 - 21.09.2024 02:15

My favorites are the mantle clock, picture frame and the cups! Definitely would love to see more ideas like these, maybe something with a teapot without a lid because it got broken, oops 😊 thanks !!

@mangopuppybaby - 21.09.2024 21:57

That fairy house clock is so precious ❤❤ so creative!!

@maryannbroadbridge1119 - 23.09.2024 13:29

My favorites are the Currier and Ives frame and the Hobbit hole clock. Fantastic 😍

@tfntexas - 23.09.2024 17:40

Greta job! You are a wonderful teacher!

@elizabethrocha975 - 26.09.2024 20:34

Still catching up with your videos: All of the ideas were wonderful, but I especially liked the two mug idea. Thanks for your hard work. Your Virtual Neighbor, Liz

@kbencsik1 - 01.10.2024 00:54

Who would think of using old paper for the crescent 🌙. Brilliant.

@nancykeenan3556 - 01.10.2024 03:24

The pillow. I so want a inkjet.

@janice5309 - 07.10.2024 04:21

that hobbit house is spot on ! love all your work!

@NYouTubeFan4ever123 - 07.10.2024 06:16

Sherry your creations ate always so beautiful& original. Thanks for sharing & God Bless you & yours.

@elizabethhealey5609 - 09.10.2024 04:18

I love your amazing D I Y fall decor , tank you sou much to fall decor ideas😍

@ajarofpotential - 10.10.2024 02:21

Definitely would love to see another video like this one. Very much enjoyed your ideas and creative flair 😊

@laurela.235 - 17.10.2024 15:15

I know this is late, but your bookshelves are gorgeous! I have library envy. 😍

@TammyB-x2h - 19.10.2024 05:26

You absolutely have to be the most creative you tuber!

@peculiarstar4261 - 20.10.2024 08:40

I'd like to see the plaid wrapping paper diy decor. I bet it's beautiful.

@margaritacanincia1906 - 21.10.2024 07:56

I'm amazed at all of your projects! Everyone of them are my favorites. I really couldn't choose. I'm so delighted, I found your channel.

@margaretwalker5188 - 27.10.2024 05:04

More please❤❤❤❤😊

@susantucker40 - 31.10.2024 21:19

You never disappoint. So nice to see your viewers are ever growing

@mukundwa8071 - 10.11.2024 16:03

Yooooo ubwambere nkuguyeho ariko mpise nkwikundira .usobanura neza kandi witonze kandi ibyo uvuga niko kuri . Komerezaho kandi Imana ikomeze ukwagure igukoreshe ibikwiriye mugihe cyawe.❤

@Jwh-563 - 12.11.2024 04:49

I just found your channel - you are such an inspiration and get me going -not just to shop but to rethink all my treasures tucked away - Love to watch you DIY

@susansmith8602 - 01.12.2024 08:48

The fall squirrel blocks were brilliant!

@deborahbarber1510 - 24.01.2025 19:57

I love them all!❤

@kmoore6105 - 11.02.2025 12:44

I loved the moon clock, the simple life frame and the pillow.
