WHAT TO PACK FOR INTERRAILING | Comparing to the *official* packing list & BONUS ITEMS YOU WILL NEED

WHAT TO PACK FOR INTERRAILING | Comparing to the *official* packing list & BONUS ITEMS YOU WILL NEED

Maisie Craddock

55 лет назад

7,067 Просмотров

A detailed video all about what to pack for Interrailing where I go through the official Interrailling packing list and tell you my honest opinions on whether you need everything on there, how much you need to take plus alternatives that I think are better! Plus stick around to the end of the video as I give you some BONUS ITEMS that aren't on the list but I think you CAN'T GO INTERRAILING WITHOUT!

If you enjoyed the video then please make sure to give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel as there are plenty more videos to come and I wouldn't want you to miss out!

Also comment below any questions you may have or suggestions for other packing items that I didn't mention - I want to use this space to help as many people as I can and your ideas help too!

Thank you so much for watching!

Maisie x


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