Kenwood Cooking Chef - Full Test and Review (Making Desserts)

Kenwood Cooking Chef - Full Test and Review (Making Desserts)

Bonni Bakery

9 месяцев назад

11,559 Просмотров

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@kaypixiee - 11.06.2024 16:44

unreal, i need this machine lol

@chrisradwanski3582 - 11.06.2024 23:33

You make it look so easy and I feel like even I (a beginner) could whip up something delicious. Thank you so much for the informative video!

@Mike-s9d - 12.06.2024 05:37

All in one but master of none. That's what I've seen for a very long time with appliances...

@KevinHaeusler - 03.07.2024 21:52

I managed to buy one secondhand (unused/new) for the equivalent of 550usd, still gotta try out lots of their features. I wish their app would let me make my own recipes (with machinesettings and images)

@Joani161 - 22.07.2024 22:22

Another great demo! I think in a kitchen, a lower counter baking area or prep area would be useful for some appliances. I am too old to make all the stuff but I can watch and wish.

@dougidoug - 18.08.2024 12:06

Kenwood do make some impressive mixers and the one you have there is amazing. You are also quite the chef loved your demo it was really easy to follow.

@MarionKalley - 08.09.2024 19:13


@ThrivingHome - 15.10.2024 20:22

You are a adorable, Jules! Hope to see you at Vegas in January. - Rachel and Polly

@DragonBolt-xh4dk - 07.11.2024 01:35

Wooooww!!! I wonder how much the machine costs! In Canada?

@evanc1721 - 18.11.2024 11:31

Can it prepare bread dough with proofing steps etc like a bread maker?

@hannajung7512 - 29.11.2024 23:13

don't know if you see this, but if you do, maybe you can answer me a question:
Can the bowl be safely placed on an average induction stove to keep it warm?
That would allow me, to prepare one recipe in one bowl, put that aside on my stove and use the machine for a second recipe. I consider buying this cooking aid due to a disability, that prevents me from standing next to a stove and stir for more then 15 min on many days and am trying to find out wether this is right for me.

@Maisabela25 - 10.12.2024 04:29

I love your new Rolls-Royce 😂 and that chocolate mouse OMG 😋
I tried to add the promotion with bonni but it didn't work 😢 probably because I'm in Australia. I have the Chef SENSE XL for 12 years it's amazing but this cooking Chef sounds like another level. Mmm thinking 🤔

@Britny114 - 12.01.2025 20:25

My husband just ordered this for me minutes ago!!! I can’t wait to use it!! Thank you for such a detailed video! ❤🙌🏼

@ejnguyen3712 - 21.02.2025 03:36

That’s similar a Thermomix.

@BonniBakery - 11.06.2024 16:26

Let me know what you'd like to see me make in it next!
