Vinyl Record UNBOXING HAUL SeptemberSoundtracks, Exclusives, Autographs!

Vinyl Record UNBOXING HAUL SeptemberSoundtracks, Exclusives, Autographs!

Olivia Rena

5 месяцев назад

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@TheRealCodyFierce - 17.09.2024 18:02

Firstttttt ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😊

@Shivaroy-u2s - 17.09.2024 18:20


@davidellis5141 - 17.09.2024 18:33

Hi Olivia ! Happy Autumn 🍂 🎃 - I liked the country music in Twisters & enjoy Post Malone who is awesome 👌 live ✌️

@aimitt - 17.09.2024 19:45

I’m still waiting for my vinyls to ship come to me so I’m watching every unboxing of vinyls I’m so obsessed I just need more and more it’s never ending think

@KoolKeegan - 17.09.2024 20:20

Ur vinyl videos are MY LIFE! Please do a LONG updated vinyl collection soon❤️❤️

@ginnyisley3329 - 17.09.2024 20:40

Hi 👋 I hope you are doing well 😊🙏 and I hope you enjoy your haul 🙏☺️ and happy autumn 🍁🍂 I love autumn 🍁🍂 I wish I was getting fall 🍁🍂 weather where I'm at but it's still really hot 🥵 outside where I'm at I live in one of the warmer states which sucks that it's still to hot 🥵 outside but I'm still hoping to get a little bit of fall 🍂🍁 weather. Also I hope you are having a happy week 😊 and a happy Tuesday 😊. Also please remember to take care of yourself 😊🙏 and you are amazing 🤩 so keep being you cuz your awesome 👍😎🙏. Also I'm taking it easy today cuz I'm not feeling well today but my mom who's a nurse says I should be better in a few days.

@waverlywilliams521 - 17.09.2024 22:17

I just got the twisters album too! ❤

@mitth.13 - 17.09.2024 23:55

i’ve been spinning Bewitched: The Goddess Edition like crazy!

@MollyTheMetalhead - 18.09.2024 00:22

You’re probably never going to believe me lol but I saw Twisters for the first time today it was amazing crazy coincidence! I need that record so bad. It’s my movie of the year! Great video Olivia! 😁👍

@joeyknuppe8879 - 18.09.2024 10:42

The twisters soundtrack is so good 😫

@tudormiller887 - 18.09.2024 12:59

Hello Olivia. ❤ Watching in 🇬🇧 Have you purchased the Post Malone F1 Trillion album ? Please do a an album review of the album.

@KM_Ultimate - 19.09.2024 22:53

I got the twisters soundtrack, it’s so good, I love benson Boone so much as well
I also short n sweet! I NEED the Deadpool 3 soundtrack

@wantedwax - 21.09.2024 13:08

Hello Olivia, excellent choices, greetings from France Vinyl Community
Lana & Quavo <3

@vinyladdiction - 21.09.2024 18:25

Hi Olivia
Thanks for vidéo i love it
Dave From Vinyl Addiction

@simonarcher1510 - 24.09.2024 07:03

It's "dai·kaa·tuh·mee"

@imliterallydonniedarko - 28.09.2024 05:42

i feel bad for ur wallet

@genesisperiod - 05.10.2024 04:57

LETSSS GOOOOO, idk why but these videos are so relaxing for some reason.

@cb24203 - 12.02.2025 20:28

Love your channel ❤

@taxi5134 - 17.09.2024 20:40

Seeing new videos by youu is such a treatt after a long dayy!!💗💗💗
