You keep asking who is the Cajun man who wears the red suspenders. His name is Justin Wilson. He passed away in 2001.
ОтветитьMy god, Chuck never misses
Ответить"Thank God" for chuck❤💯🤙🏿🍻🎊🎉🎊🎉🙏🏾
ОтветитьNDT is sneaking some jabs at what’s his name , that actor who thinks he figured out science and every other accomplished scientist or physicist got it wrong. He sent Niel a 36 page paper for pier review. Damn can’t remember that weirdos name , yall know who I mean 😂😂😂
ОтветитьHis name was Justin Wilson and he wasn't even a cajun.
ОтветитьHi Mr Tyson (first question, of many, I hope) :What is the difference between Quasars and Pulsars?
ОтветитьGalactic Gumbo!!!
ОтветитьHow long was 2024 in standard Earth years? :)
ОтветитьIf our universe was inside a black hole, then how could it be expanding (which we know it is). The immense gravity of the singularity would be pulling everything together, no?
Yes, there is a London, Ontario. It's about 45 minutes from me, west on highway 401.
I don't believe the universe is expanding I believe our galaxy is slowing down giving the illusion of expansion
ОтветитьHorses are beautiful Chuck😂
ОтветитьThe Cajun James brown is hilarious 😂😂😂
ОтветитьI suck at math, still live ya😂
ОтветитьYes! Our universe is inside another black hole.
ОтветитьMaybe one pair ends up on the other side
ОтветитьWhy is Chuck always there? I mean he doesn’t bring anything to the show honestly he’s such a distraction. Perhaps Tyson feels bad for him since Chuck isn’t doing well as a comedian🤷♂️
ОтветитьLord nice choosing to use hands but not know how it was measured was too good
ОтветитьThe right hand rule is an arbitrary convention, just like North being on the top of a map. Not a clear or good answer to her question. An alien life form may well not use the right hand rule
ОтветитьFirst of all it's very sad that the Chuck has no idea who the great comedian Justin Wilson is 😭 second it is the worst Justin Wilson impersonation I have ever heard...
ОтветитьI am not a physicist,and not a mathematician...but in watching some of your videos,I have came up with questions- but one at at time...I heard Chuck and yourself speaking of quarks in the beginning of this episode,and how if they kept splitting it would destroy the world...My question for you Neil,is a two partner,1) if that is the way that it is looked at,is it possible that when a quark splits,and makes two more,that they become charged polar opposite,so that they maintain their grip on each other,and do not fly apart from each other?2) is it possible,that the "quarks " as defined in particle physics,could actually be(just for my simple mind) the particles that make up the particles of human entanglement,and the string theory;is more about how we humans are entangled in time and space; and less about particles somewhere out in the darkness of space? The questions go together in my mind..thank you for your time.
ОтветитьThat other guy is so funny
ОтветитьI'm not good at math yet, but I had a fun concept with my broken math as I'm learning. Ψ L - e > < TC = -e+1TC = Ψπr²+ -e + T =+E = MC²
ОтветитьNeil looks like he smoked a joint or something lol
ОтветитьWith a refer in one hand the other opened to the Knowledge bowl. Sativa science
ОтветитьAs quarks are pulled apart, the force gets a CFT (Chinese Finger Trap)
ОтветитьChuck ruined finger puppets for Neily!
ОтветитьI want to share that pre-show joint you know they’re smoking
ОтветитьYes we are in a black hole. This is evidenced by the expanding universe - just like how pennies on an expanding balloon see themselves getting farther away from the other pennies. However it’s not space that is expanding, it’s all matter that is shrinking equally, which gives the same effect in the balloon example. It’s not dark energy, it’s evidence of hawking radiation. As we shrink, the non-localized transfer of our energy escapes our own black hole… nah, just kidding
ОтветитьI have to say that was pretty ignorant of Chuck to say, I'm literally a nighttime custodian and I'm cleaning toilets listening to your podcast. Maybe check yourself a bit.
ОтветитьHis name was Justin Wilson
ОтветитьCajun James brown😂 I'm Cajun and I damn near choked laughing at that reference
ОтветитьChuck channeling Eddie Murphy talking about James Brown
ОтветитьIf a universe is a black hole and the universe has other black holes wouldn't that mean the universe is fractal?
ОтветитьChuck gets in the way
ОтветитьThere's too much nonsense and not enough science. Quit the act and just read questions/answer
Ответить2 quarks…both alike in dignity lol
ОтветитьHayden planetarium that's a nice name my names Hayden
Ответитьlol yes there is a London, Ontario.
ОтветитьWhich part of this Grab Bag do you want us to dedicate an entire episode to? 🤨