Don't give up and don't give in. By the way, you can clean up the reel and it'll do you well.
ОтветитьI also live in Arkansas and I loved to fish on the lake it does really suck what is happening I am not exactly happy about it
ОтветитьAgree with you regarding the old red and white ball bobbers. I always felt they had to much resistance to the fish and they would swim off with the bait with the the bobber trailing behind. I like a more steam lined bobber that the fish can easily pulls under allows me to set the hook. That being said the only fresh water bobber fishing I do is crappie and back in the day bream with grandkids.
ОтветитьKeep the faith my friend.
ОтветитьThat does suck and even after they stock it, it probably will be another 3 to 5 years before any good sized fish are in there. Won't be like it was for many many years. Crazy they did that imo.
ОтветитьFun video Cole!
ОтветитьKeep your head up you have an awsome channel please keep sending content
ОтветитьHave you considered meeting with local and HQ DNR lake managers, elected officials, etc., to discuss creating a local lake chapter focused on partnering with them to provide funding and volunteer labor events to create and enhance fish habitat through fund raisers, raffles, banquets and the attention your channel could provide? Low compaction tracked excavators and local operators could dig deep holes and habitat channels between stumps with the dug material sidecast to form low height islands to create more diverse habitat for fish, gators and waterfowl. This has been done on lakes in my area. You could create a few episodes to turn this into a joint success story... maybe show your local created chapter and volunteers working with DNR to install cedar stake bed crappie structures while the lake is dry. Invite experts on your episodes to explain the project benefits and contact bigger partners like Bass Pro Shop to possibly help partner. Its great advertising for them too. Bass Pro donated "habitat barges" to local lakes in my area for annual fish structure installation projects after contacting them with an organized plan. I hope you can turn a frustrating situation into a great cooperative opportunity that you could lead if you have the time and local support.
ОтветитьI really feel bad for you all and the way that your change of life was forced on you . maybe it would help if you would plan and work on your little part of the lake out front of your place . your dock , your beach , even the rip-rap shoreline and landscape plants . that way when it refills it will be ready for you and the kids and wife to jump rite into it .
ОтветитьCole,we are being affected by the drought up here….we fish our lake every fall,too,but this year,they’re not draining it.All our norm😢spots are gone—no idea when we can fish there again…😢😢😢😢😢yes,it bites….
ОтветитьI understand whole heartedly. I will not give up on you guys. You feel like part of the family. I watched your kids grow from the start. You shared Christmas with us. Jay lost her wedding ring. You gave her a beautiful one, and she cried. The joy you both have fishing and being together is what it is all about. Love you all. And God bless!❤❤❤
ОтветитьEnjoy your Coke Cole
ОтветитьWill pray for you and the channel that God would give you wisdom in knowing what to do next. He’s still writing your story Cole, God bless you and Jay.
ОтветитьSure going to hurt the property value of the homes around the lake 😢
ОтветитьI have been watching you and your wife for a while and when they started draining the lake I was devistated and when Jay started crying I felt y'all's pain and anger and hurts I love y'all and the channel will be praying for waters return
ОтветитьHang in there i'm sticking with you
ОтветитьIf it stays drained, it will make great habitat for game. Maybe take up hunting. Plus you know the terrain of the drained lake already.
ОтветитьTry to think of it as another chapter in life. You will always have your memories and the videos of the lake. But think about the future and what a new and improved lake will be to your children. They will have the privilege of fishing a brand NEW lake and creating their own memories with you and Jay.
ОтветитьGot to take that reel and submerge it in clean water and then see how it turns and everything. It might be okay to get it cleaned out. Can't never tell with the water. Will soften any motor and stuff sentiment or something in there and you can turn it and then just take it apart to a certain extent. Give you something to do but anyway
ОтветитьWho knows. I don't want to be a pessimistic but 5 years from now we might not even be here. So do what you can do. Look on the bright side as you worry as much as I can and reach for the gusto. I don't like that beer but that's okay. Say hello to Blondie and the little people. Hope they had a good Halloween
ОтветитьI don't know if you do or nothing but make some hunting videos or other outdoor staff? You'll survive. You're young yet, unlike myself
ОтветитьAt least your kids will have childhood memories of the lake, like you did. It would have been worse if it was drained when they were teen years when most of their permanent memories are formed. Re content. Do what u can do. We’ll stick it out with you. Hugs
ОтветитьWhen God closes a door, He opens a window. Sometimes drastic changes happen because you wouldn't follow the direction of what He truly needs you to do, without it. Pray. Be obedient to the direction He shows you. Our plans can be great. His can be mind blowing.
Ответитьwhy is it being drained?
ОтветитьI used the round bobbers for catfishing hang between eyelets fish bites bobber goes to pole
ОтветитьOur lake has been drained for about 8 yrs already. They claim it will be fixed oct 2025. I really feel how you feel
ОтветитьHave you ever thought about moving. We have Lake Cumberland, and Green River. Here in Kentucky. I live in Columbia Kentucky and we go fishing for Bass, sturgeon, trout, walleye, just abought everything around here.
ОтветитьMost of the Coke bottles on the bottom tells you where they were made, and sometimes what year would be interesting to see if the bottles were made near your area
ОтветитьDon't both of you have a degree in wildlife sciences or environmental sciences? You should understand then what they are needing to do when you have lakes that need repair. Use your degree and move on with your life and continue to add content when time permits....The lake will come back someday, one near me had the same thing that had to be done and now its a wonderful fishery. Good Luck with all, your efforts will continue to be supported.
ОтветитьThanks for the update of you lake sorry for the pain and remember you have a beautiful family to focus on may you future be the greatest ever.
ОтветитьWhat is the long term plan for the lake? Are there repairs or design changes? Will it be eventually filled up permanently again?
ОтветитьWhat happend to the gator
ОтветитьYou are one of my top 5 favorite channels. I will continue watching any content you make. Sorry about your backyard lake. I fished it for years while in college. Best crappie bite of any lake I ever fished.
ОтветитьI think you should make a video with a local expert RE agent and see what affect the draining has had on the lake front home's values
ОтветитьI do love fishing, but you’ve made awesome videos that were not about fishing. I love your garden. I love all the natural beauty you portray and the reptile videos. I love your little family. It’s always been so very good. ❤
ОтветитьYou know you can come make a video with me anytime you want to brother! I know it’s nothin like the home pond though! God bless you and your family brother!
ОтветитьBro you want a partner? I’m volunteering I need something new I love
ОтветитьI live out in Oregon. We now have a 10 cent mandatory deposit on all beverage containers. You could make a lot of money if you had that down there. Of course, there would be far fewer bottles on the bottom of the lake....
ОтветитьHello 👋 Cole, I know how losing your lake can affect your life, only because the way you talk about the lake is how I feel about the Cascade Mountains in northwestern Oregon. I spent the better part of my life roaming around those mountains, fishing, hunting, camping, and hiking. We moved to western Tennessee a little over two years ago and it’s so flat. It’s like mourning the loss of a great friend. My prayers are with you and your family as your new journey begins 👍💪🙌🙏🌈✌️
ОтветитьGet a back hoe and dig some big holes by your property so when they fill it you will know where the fish will be
ОтветитьSome collectors may want those the green ones are older I made glass jars for Ball glass for 46 years there may be dates on those bottles
ОтветитьHey Cole, sure wish you could take some time to come to Oklahoma and check out the Lake Hudson area. It, Spavinaw and Grand Lake are really good fisheries and are located within a half hour of each other. Plenty of contenet to be made here as well as beautiful scenery and wildlife to enjoy. Just throwing that out to you and Jay,
Ответитьthis is my kind of video this what I would do
ОтветитьCheck the bottom of the bottle to see if you can find a date..😊
ОтветитьAre you going to rebuild your dock? New improvement for new boat..I'd put in new dock and boat ramp..for launching your boat.
ОтветитьPutting in a new dock cost some but improves the value of your house too.
ОтветитьI'd watch home improvement on your deck to check out sunsets and cookouts 😊
ОтветитьAs someone who loves nature, I understand Cole's depression 100%! Arkansas traditionally has been a great manager of natural resources (one of the reasons we retired here), but I really have a problem with destroying an ENTIRE LAKE SYSTEM - and killing everything alive in it. Was the justification really an inch of compaction of the lake bed? Are Arkansas taxpayers (who are not wealthy as a group) going to pay for restocking the lake?
ОтветитьDo not sell your house 🏠 hang on my brother
ОтветитьYou could make a bottle tree with all those coke bottles!!❤️