The End of Grizzly Man : The Audio of Timothy Treadwell Being E@ten A1ive by Grizzly Bear

The End of Grizzly Man : The Audio of Timothy Treadwell Being E@ten A1ive by Grizzly Bear

I'm Impostor

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@jeremymcqueen8652 - 25.02.2025 13:19

This could've been a sex tape, sounds like Timothy was busting his nut

@abcdefg-uk4cb - 26.02.2025 15:22

盗聴盗撮悪意ある工作を行っている労働者たちに置き換えて見ると本当にストレス発散になります( ´ー`)ありがとうございます。納税して過労死しろ、我が覇道を阻むなゴミどもが(^ー^)

@qtza7837 - 26.02.2025 21:00

Ladies, do you choose the man or bear?


@Thunder_God_Bane - 27.02.2025 19:09

People saying it isn’t real is hilarious. If you ever watched Timothy’s interviews this is his voice and not many people sound like him. He’s got a unique tone to his voice.

@chanteilord - 27.02.2025 21:53

He’s voice always sounds like a womans voice, definitely is him 😢

@jeremyellmer3925 - 28.02.2025 02:25

It's all fun and games until you randomly come upon the dark web video of the family being slaughtered and eaten by a pack of bears.

I'm not talking about this one. You think this one is bad?

Over a decade ago, a man was with his wife, and two kids camping. They were telling ghost stories around a campfire as the camera rolls in the back, and a group of bears wandered in and immediately killed all of them. You can hear the screaming children, the bones crunching, the slopping noises. One of the kids is in camera view when the bear grabs the kid by the head and crushes it in their mouth. The kid was like eight years old. You can see the brain matter and blood spray hit the camera. The video was like three minutes long.

I didn't sleep right for months after I found that, and I will never visit those kinds of places again.

@Traveling_Hermit - 28.02.2025 03:59

This guy was a former heroin addict. Unfortunately his brain was fried and forever mentally ill. To ignore scientist, game wardens, and park officials, is beyond ignorant. He was a ticking time bomb and everyone knew it. I am sorry for this happening to him and his girlfriend but come on….it was a matter of time and the world was waiting for the breaking news.

@MrMotherfuck123 - 01.03.2025 00:46

When you force a monster, what do you expect?

@MarkHodgson-k1l - 01.03.2025 16:35

When Timothy shouted get a frying pan, i am pretty sure his girlfriend started cooking breakfast. When the team finally got too the tent i remember someone saying that there was burnt eggs and bacon in a pan.

@RobertDrake-g8g - 02.03.2025 01:14

The video : Watch out ! Very disturbing audio of a man getting eaten by a bear !
4,2 M of people : Interesting.

@RobertDrake-g8g - 02.03.2025 01:15

Timothy Treadwell : AAHHH ! I AM GETTING EATEN !
Bear : YUMMY

@intheraw6393 - 02.03.2025 07:21

Well the audio was never released to the public so yea its fake. Easy to search.

@MissStellaPerle - 03.03.2025 15:32

She s literally screaming “fight back” … but what is she doing?

@AX1A - 04.03.2025 21:05

he wasn't naive. if he was, he'd've been eaten much earlier. in fact, he spent 13 summers living with these bears, and to do that one needs skill, cunning, and lots of courage. he was different, however, and that's enough for narrow minded people to interpret as naivety

@SimpleAndInformative - 04.03.2025 21:20

The real audo was not released it was 6 min long, this must be fake

@frappy0 - 05.03.2025 13:37

sounds like theres someone recording this and theyre just chillin. also low key he fainted from shock like 4 times woke up immediately screamed and then over and over my god

@hedduyou - 05.03.2025 15:55

This is obviously fake

@ignoredstopsign3407 - 05.03.2025 18:00

This isn’t the real tape btw

@SexkeksProducts - 06.03.2025 13:18

He is now one with the bear.

@bgt2848 - 07.03.2025 05:28

It is sad, but I can’t feel sorry for him. He played with fire he got burned.

@bambam7272 - 07.03.2025 08:25

These are the same type of people that say "my pitbull wouldn't hurt a fly. She's a sweet baby".. bro an animal is an animal (ESPECIALLY one that's not domesticated). Never let your love for animals blind you from the logic of the matter that they are ANIMALS

@Ilovehashemhannahhebrew - 07.03.2025 13:24

Goodbye to those who don’t want to see me heal and who want to hurt my family and me in Jesus name amen.❤ 🤲 🙏

@dominics7565 - 07.03.2025 14:06

Dam. He messed around with death

@dominics7565 - 07.03.2025 14:09

Was it just me or did the bear burp ?

@dominics7565 - 07.03.2025 14:14

Dam the way he was yelling. I can imagine was similar. They were not friends.

@Deko-x9y - 09.03.2025 03:45

Just fight back bro, its a grizzly not a T rex

@Ilovehashemhannahhebrew - 09.03.2025 04:17

That’s Mother Nature though don’t mess with Mother Nature or her children.

@victorjimenez805 - 10.03.2025 01:06

I have this set as my ringtone

@sharadowasdr - 10.03.2025 17:11


@cybertronicgamer9589 - 12.03.2025 01:15

Hear timothy say get a frying pan? Like whats a frying pan gonna do to a grizzly bear

@dasupervillainMCM81 - 12.03.2025 04:10

How are you getting eaten alive by a bear and not curse once?

@johnlinker-booth1367 - 12.03.2025 04:50

I guess not everyone can be a Hugh Glass. And why the hell didn't this man carry a high calibered firearm with him on every outing? Especially dealing with bears. As tragic as this is, I have to scoff every time I hear about a bleeding heart wildlife enthusiast/conservationalist getting what most would say was inevitable if they didn't follow what most would say is common sense preparation. I hate to say it, but "play stupid games, win stupid prizes".

@johanshadowsmith306 - 13.03.2025 18:41

Never trust animals. None of them, not even pets. That's what experience teached me over the years as a vet. Specially wild ones.

@God_of_Art - 13.03.2025 20:30

If this isn't played at my funeral I aint going

@sarge5121976 - 14.03.2025 00:07

If your not carrying a big firearm in bear territory, your doin it wrong!!!!!!

@Joseph-c6v1b - 14.03.2025 03:16

Not authentic.

@Ilovehashemhannahhebrew - 14.03.2025 04:58

This is cray lol this is why we shouldn’t mess with mother nature

@MarcBraun-tb3vu - 14.03.2025 12:06

This is fake

@RadagonTheRed - 15.03.2025 03:40

Trust me. This is not the genuine tape. It has and never will be released in any form. There is only one copy and it has never been digitised.

@LeeGonzales-b8k - 16.03.2025 13:28

Wow Nightmare unfolding. Bears that are behind the calorie curve before hibernation are unpredictably deadly, and I’ll eat anything it comes across. Ironic it was the 13th year of his residency so to speak with these wild meat eating killers. The hungry bear ate the large majority of both individuals. This is madness the way he thought his presence there was mutual. He was a bit off his rocker, and paid the price of trusting natures formidable killer. Rest in piece.

@Zerathina - 17.03.2025 23:34

To be honest- doesn’t sound real… I know it is but it sounds so scripted and just the fact that the bear only went for him while she’s right there yelling- idk. But I’ve 100% heard worse

@briancollins5117 - 18.03.2025 03:18

Sorry but this is almost laughable

@doroncozens5921 - 18.03.2025 12:06

stupid man...its a shame

@chetmcdonald - 18.03.2025 17:37

Timothy Treadwell and Steve Irwin have much in common. You can't handle wildlife like their pets, you have to respect them and give them room. Because of his stupidity the fish and game agents had to come and put those bears down and those bears lost their life because of him and his carelessness.

@edmunddantes7097 - 19.03.2025 00:02

This sounds more like studio sound effects.

@tomcurtis9284 - 20.03.2025 13:55

The bear 🐻

@GinjaNinja77 - 22.03.2025 04:45

Was that a little remix at the end? What genre of techno is this?
