Functional Programming & Haskell - Computerphile

Functional Programming & Haskell - Computerphile


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@pounet2 - 26.05.2021 01:27

Tim curry would have been nice !

@johnterpack3940 - 02.07.2021 22:16

I notice he completely ignored the dependency hell of Haskell. I tried getting into it... but the constant need to add newer/older versions of libraries to make other bits work properly was incredibly frustrating.

@jerrysinayuk7171 - 27.07.2021 00:49

Go Cardano!

@randomuser186 - 22.08.2021 14:05

I've been trying functional method of programming using python and then am planning to move on to elixir because I've heard its easier than erlang and haskell.

@evanpeterjones - 27.08.2021 19:35

Haskell should've just been called Tim Curry that've been fantastic.

@patrickstar686 - 15.09.2021 15:52

Shoutout to all my cardano friends

@robert33232 - 03.10.2021 10:27

What do you think about Scala's ZIO library where the type signatures of the "effectful" functions also show:
- the type of possible errors
- the environment the effect needs to be executed

@robert33232 - 03.10.2021 10:29

I really liked Haskell's well projected trait system where for example "+" automatically requires the Num trait imolementation.

@robert33232 - 03.10.2021 10:32

For perfomance we theoretically could take the Rust's memory management model which allows us not to use Garbage Collector and at the compile time automatically create the instructions for freeing the unused memory.

@Ursacke - 13.10.2021 03:43

"I'm just a sweet transducer from transitively-closed-over monadic-transformia."

@lakshyarajsinghrathore1902 - 21.10.2021 15:20

If i want to learn much of functional programming and related concepts which two should i choose out of haskell, clojure, racket, scala. can anyone give me a detailed explanation.

@andybaldman - 28.10.2021 06:58

Saying the words “functions have no side effects” means nothing if you don’t actually give an example of what that means. They are just words to layperson

@Nathouuuutheone - 08.11.2021 07:10

That isn't the first video I watch about functional programming and I still feel like I have no clue what it means, how it compares to... other(?) programming types...

@rejophilipjose7763 - 15.11.2021 06:42

curry would have been so cool

@diegonayalazo - 17.11.2021 15:30


@alsh8597 - 18.11.2021 12:04

I rly liked when he explainend the "MODIFYING DATA SOMEWHERE ELSE!!" part 🤣

- 05.12.2021 00:57

Tim Curry... IT would be different!

@ObserverZero - 20.12.2021 04:10

They thought of Tim Curry as Frank-N-Furter in the process and then concluded that that would be a BAD NAME. Guido Van Rossum disapproves.

@thomaskember3412 - 27.01.2022 17:16

I have been studying Haskell for some years. I keep getting stuck on understanding monads. The term comes from Leibniz and I pretty well know what he meant with it.
But what it has to do with Haskell I just can’t figure out. A video that explains what a monad is and how it is used would be very welcome.

@bravefastrabbit770 - 06.05.2022 05:09

Did they stop all of a sudden or what? The paj€€ts keep spamming my inbox ”hey sxy click this link”

@SpazeUnofficials - 22.05.2022 23:04

imagine if it would have been called "curry"... i don't think it would have been as popular as it is then

@lucasa8710 - 27.05.2022 19:21

"MODIFY DATA SOMEWHERE ELSE", this is my new status on socials now

@josefinefed9936 - 02.06.2022 05:48

Looks like a cousin of Ted Cruz

@OriginalStachuJones - 03.07.2022 13:18

If function does something "additionally" then it's a bad design and smelly code to be redesigned

@crapht - 28.07.2022 00:21

guy is a dweeb. gonna fire up my IDE to declare a few classes

@lordansem2 - 04.08.2022 05:07

I think of functional programming and side effects like this:
A = B, where B is a function or operation. While we do this implicitly in math, we specify to computers the Boolean operators ==, and ===.

Ultimately, A can be represented by whatever by is on the right so long as A == B is true. However A === B is false in a pure function. While A and B may have equal values, what happens to B is not directly happening to A.

Take 7=4+3. 7 is 7, 4+3 is 4+3. In programming = would be an assignment, but in math it's a == in programming syntax. 7 can be represented by really any infinite combination of operations. In 7=4+3, 7 is never being directly changed or manipulated.

A pure function's output is constant given the same inputs

@tomsawyer283 - 04.08.2022 05:11

Additionally, part of why local variables aren't side effects aside from how they are allocated on the stack is the same as the constant of integration.

@MrAwsdiab - 16.10.2022 05:08

i wish he is my teacher 😄

@69k_gold - 22.10.2022 19:08

To prevent side-effects of a function in conventional languages, people use Haskell to spend two hours exclusively writing edge cases

@EclecticSceptic - 28.12.2022 12:15


@codeaperture - 31.12.2022 00:16

Is console.log a side effect??

@nahguacm - 03.01.2023 21:58

If only we were in the timeline where we were programming in Tim Curry

@wiserdivisor - 22.04.2023 21:47

Which laptop is that? Never seen that logo 0_o

@mutatedllama - 09.07.2023 20:32

I've been programming for many years now, starting with basic MATLAB, then writing scripts in Python, then discovering OO and writing full backends and business logic using OO.

Ive recently rediscovered functional programming and somewhere along the way, somebody clearly taught me right because I've always written functions (nb, not methods) to be pure functions as it just made sense to do it that way as I could keep track of everything.

@lepidoptera9337 - 10.09.2023 11:33

Functional programming is for those who didn't pay attention in CS 101 when computer architecture was discussed and who want their compilers to auto-magically solve all the problems that are the result of real computer architecture.

@eafadeev - 01.10.2023 03:18

Is functional programming language by design preventing you to store data in the database? I guess if it can't have side-effects - no databases then?

@iamworstgamer - 24.10.2023 08:24

to all nerds, its not airline its erlang

@lukekurlandski7653 - 31.10.2023 15:20

I love the idea of func programming, but I constantly run into problems with efficiency. A lot of my code does large scale data processing. I end up doing a lot of caching/checkpointing on the filesystem. My code ends up being very confusing an error prone, but I just can’t do it any other way.

@Posiman - 18.03.2024 03:32

Watching this in 2024, it's amazing to hear there was a time when there was no spam on facebook.

@mallninja9805 - 18.06.2024 14:49

"I didn't think there was spam on facebook!" man that's aged like milk.
