5 Tips For Laser Engraving To Achieve The Best Results

5 Tips For Laser Engraving To Achieve The Best Results

Maker Experiment

11 месяцев назад

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@johnnyspropshop - 20.03.2024 19:03

Good tips, thanks for sharing.

@playtwisted857 - 20.03.2024 20:40

The font you used in your logo for the example is great. I like the look. I am new to this, been 3d printing for years, but tired of having to rebuild them after every catastrophic failure. Not saying laser won't have their issues, but a few people I know use diode, and Co2 laser with most issues being user generated, or bad materials. Rest appears to be maintenance. I ordered my first laser and should be here this weekend. So these tips are great, I really like the one for adding the vector outline, seems to make the images much sharper.

@silverstarr354 - 21.03.2024 23:55

How do you do an engrave and an outline? Where do you set that up at?

@Senior-tr4le - 24.04.2024 17:12

If you create 2 different logos in illustrator and send them to the epilog UI together, is there a way to change the location of 1 logo while the other stays put? Would be useful for printing multiple things at once on boards that have pieces missing from prior use. Thank you!
