Vorpal Board: A unique way to play your favorite RPG Online

Vorpal Board: A unique way to play your favorite RPG Online

captcorajus (RPG Retro Reviews)

3 года назад

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@dangarthemighty0980 - 26.05.2021 22:56

It's definitely interesting and neat.

@MrRourk - 26.05.2021 23:09

Struggling trying to remember how to do this IRL

@johnlittleton8117 - 26.05.2021 23:15

Great review and practical advice. Well done.

@Leftylives - 26.05.2021 23:28

I like Owlbear Rodeo. I might check this out though and see what the deal is.

@darthjoel6357 - 26.05.2021 23:45

Cool way to run games. 😊

@GromMolotok - 27.05.2021 00:09

Very interesting. I'm not sure it'll replace my VTT for GMing due to the existing investment, but I'd gladly join a game someone else is running. (Which may be an example of a sunk cost fallacy, but whatever.)

@agroves72 - 27.05.2021 00:46

Looks great. Thanks for sharing this!

@VhaidraSaga - 27.05.2021 01:55

Looks fascinating!

@Aaron-mj9ie - 27.05.2021 02:47

Normally, I hate gaming online. But if the Captain gives this a thumbs up, then maybe I should give it a shot

@Dalboni - 27.05.2021 03:03

I didn't get it

@grubthak - 27.05.2021 04:27

I had signed up before the video even finished!
Thank you for once again shining a light on such a great product.

@nicklarocco4178 - 27.05.2021 05:17

This is more interesting than I had initially thought. I'm going to have to seriously consider it.

@westcoastgeeks7294 - 27.05.2021 11:08

Looks interesting , will definitely check it out.

@michelsenay6084 - 27.05.2021 13:51

I think I'll stay on Fantasy Grounds thank you.

@jirhonarmstrong4107 - 27.05.2021 16:41

This does sound really interesting, I hate using roll20 due to the fact you have to pay for everything that you already have. So I think I will give this a chance in the next few weeks, especially since I’m starting a call of Cthulhu league here soon.

@dungeonideas9425 - 27.05.2021 18:08

I don’t get why this program is interesting.

Most of its features can already be done for free using other tools.

Big pass

@MrArioncete - 28.05.2021 17:16

Tabletop Simulator its the way my Friends. Its Awesome play D&D that way.

@kristofthedm231 - 31.05.2021 04:49

For laptops that don't have an ethernet port, Amazon has Ethernet-To-USB or USB-C adapters for about $15-20

@MySqueezingArm - 31.05.2021 16:46

I already have Fantasy Grounds which I love. Oh Captain my Captain, I will still check this out.

@Mnnvint - 01.06.2021 12:36

I could never get used to Tabletop Simulator, I feel like moving pieces, shuffling cards etc, with your mouse is such a chore. Things you do without thinking in a boardgame takes conscious effort and click, drag, click, drag. Yes, there are scripts to automate things, but then you have to learn a new interface, and (more often than not) deal with them when they break, either from a coding error or someone accidentally triggering something they didn't want to.

So maybe just a camera on a table is a better way. I never played with miniatures, but maps are at least something - I feel like the role-playing oriented virtual tabletops are way overkill.

@Arthineas - 01.06.2021 19:11

Great review. I also love the new intro! Although I do miss the picture of you and Gary Gygax. I personally think that you should find a way to squeeze it into the new intro.

@rolanejo8512 - 04.06.2021 22:00

I have been gaming like this using my Zoom account and an extra webcam. I do not enjoy VTTs and love using my minis and terrain. DMG from Questgivers has a really pro approach to this. I am glad that they introduce the dice rolling in one single space (if you play with zoom you will have to rely on the honor system or some really clumsy dice app for the zoom chat), the crane arm looks great

@TheBattlinBarrowGaming - 14.06.2021 13:33

I wasn't interested in this as virtual tabletops never work how I would want them, ie allowing me to set up the game on my table top and share that with the players. So this video kept coming up in my feed so I thought "ok I'll watch it even though im not interested in the product because I enjoy captcorajus videos" I am so glad I did as one of the first things you said was that it allows you to use you normal table set up! I was hooked and am seriously thinking of using this product now! So glad I watched thank you!

@macewen1 - 29.06.2021 12:18

It looked great till you got to the bit about requiring a subscription. Natch 1 crit fumble, no thanks.

@m_d1905 - 02.07.2021 00:22

This looks better than Roll20. I'm not sold on online gaming just yet. Mostly because I'm old school, also due to monetary issues. Laptop is way old and income is on the low side right now. This may be an option.

@Geeksiders - 28.10.2021 18:39

Is there a way to hide the room number and code? I'd hate to be streaming on twitch and have a bunch of peopls just enter the game beacuse those numbers are there for everyone to see.

@trooks40 - 13.11.2021 18:42

Great video as usual, thank you!!
