Doctor Drew is not talking about legal matters, he is talking about behavior which is his expertise. I read as much as I could read about this story. I read articles about the prosecutor and finally I read Raphaele's book. I certainly believe that they are both innocent.
ОтветитьWhat a load of bullshit. So who killed Meredith ? Probably the same Osama Bin Laden that destoyed the twin towers and allows the US to build a gas pipe in Afghanistan...
ОтветитьRudy Guede killed Meredith Kercher, It is a simple as that. The evidence is overwhelming that Rudy killed Meredith and the evidence clearly shows that Amanda and Raffaele were at Raffaele's apartment at the time of the murder.
ОтветитьLots of Americans support knox simply because she is an American. fucking pathetic!
ОтветитьWhat's weird about stretching? If I was wrongly accused of something I'd probably run around like a headless chicken, eating all the furniture.
ОтветитьNot necessarily, I'm American, didn't follow the first trial but figured she must be guilty, started following during the appeal, realized what a mockery that pathetic criminal prosecutor and the investigators made of the Italian judicial system and realize there isn't 1 piece of physical evidence that even puts them there during the crime. I have no problem telling anyone to lock her up & throw away the key if she had been a part of this brutal murder.
ОтветитьShe's a Yank so she must be innocent .
ОтветитьDr.Drew, when does Amanda stars in your rehab program? I understood you treat drug users who cannot get clean? You could help her getting rid of her serious drug problem, that her parents couldn't control.
ОтветитьThis Narcissist, Amanda Knox changed her story THREE times, once accusing an innocent man who was temporally jailed for murder.
ОтветитьArrogant Dr. Drew. She had a proclivity for rape and murder in her teenage creative writings.
ОтветитьTo GetReal (I can't see a reply button under your post): Maybe you should check the date when the video was uploaded?
Ответитьthis is just ridiculous...Amanda was a girl alone in Italy, barely spoke the language, plan to finish her studies in Perugia- Why...
1. would she kill a girl when she never had any previous history of violence or crime
2. why would she involve Meredith in a forced sex act when she needs to live with her to stay in Perugia and by all accounts was at least on ok terms with her.
3. Would she be expected to say anything of value when interrogated for 41 hours by shifts of police, who hit her (I do believe it).People will say ANYTHING to make it stop.
4. Hang out with Rudy, a creepy,loser criminal who's DNA was found all over the room and in Meredith.
5.Has been a model prisoner, not a raging lunatic psychotic (who hasn't harmed a fly in jail...????
People said because she didn't show enough grief for her roommate thus suspicious. But she was only in Italy for 5 weeks and one week she lived with her boyfriend. So, how deep a friendship could evolve within the duration of 4 weeks. So how much grief she should show to be adequate? This logic is ridiculous to me.
ОтветитьI could be wrong about Amanda.People can be great liars. But I believe her because of logical and unemotional viewing of the known facts.
ОтветитьTo Hillary France (I don't know why but I don't see the reply button on your post), about Amanda's lamp.
First let me apologize for the lenght of my message, I hope you have the patience to read it lol.
Alright ... despite the fact that Meredith had a similar lamp in her bedroom, for some reason they (Amanda, Raffaele, and/or Rudy) needed Amanda's lamp too, then later on (after the murder I guess), they clean the lamp while it was still in Meredith's room, erase any trace of their presence, fingerprints, footprints, and DNA, (and/or manage not to leave any, and/or manage not to touch anything nor step in the blood), and then get out of the room and just forget the lamp there. Then later on, after locking the door (and throwing the key away), after having stupidly cleaned the lamp while it was still in the room, they realise they somehow managed to forget the lamp there, and try to break the door open, but after kicking it once or twice decide it is not worth the effort. Then when Amanda is asked why the lamp was there, she doesn't have an explanation, it would have been pretty easy to think of an explanation, something as simple as "Meredith borrowed it for more lighting for a picture", or whatever excuse she could have thought of, but no instead of a simple explanation, she tells them that she didn't notice her lamp was missing that morning, and that she doesn't know why it was in Meredith's room. Think about it, the whole thing doesn't even make sense. This lamp wasn't used as evidence against Amanda, and for a good reason, it was probably trick questions.
Before telling you what I think happened, let me remind you of a few things: once in a while you clean your house and the items in your house right? For example, a few minutes ago, after making coffee, I cleaned the counter in my kitchen, and I always use Clorox clean-up bleach (it is my favorite, l like the smell of "clean", and how well it actually cleans - from what I know bleach is actually a favorite in Italy as well), if you looked for my fingerprints on that counter right now, and/or use Luminol, you would probably find traces of bleach instead of my fingerprints. Therefore it would be pretty safe to assume that the roommates, including Amanda, cleaned their house and stuff too once in a while right? And it would probably also be safe to assume that Amanda didn't move the lamp around constantly, but just pressed the switch to turn it on or off, or do you keep moving your lamps around? I know I don't. Note also that they did find "smudged" unidentifiable fingerprints on the switch (which makes sense, as it would be fingerprint on top of another and another etc, even if it is the same fingerprint it would become "smudged"). Also note that there is no mention of Amanda's lamp being in Meredith's room in the original police and investigators' reports, the lamp is only mentioned on and after December 18th. On some pictures you can see the lamp on the floor, close to Meredith's bed, while on other pictures you can see both lamps on Meredith's desk, and one of them is being used by an investigator while he is looking in some box/chest.
Now here's what I think happened. Amanda told the court she didn't notice the lamp was gone simply because it was still in her bedroom that morning. Amanda told the court she didn't know how it got in Meredith's room because she simply didn't know why it was there. But why wasn't there any fingerprints on the lamp (other than the unidentifiable ones on the switch) ... hmmm could it be because the person who moved the lamp around was wearing gloves? And who moved a whole lot of stuff around in this appartment while wearing gloves? Think about it, the answer is pretty obvious.
He came up with those ideas, because he is sadistic and delusional!
ОтветитьSHe was shopping because SHE DID NOT HAVE CLOTHES!!!!!!!!!!!! and she was not doing cartwheels! Please get the facts straight and stop spreading rumors.
ОтветитьThese supposed "professionals" have obviously not read the official court documents and like to throw "red herrings' out to the audience. Her peculiar behavior did not convict her-the cumulative evidence did. I guess they forgot that forensics specialists proved the fake break in, Amanda's mixed DNA in Merediths blood in 5 locations, witnesses placing her at the scene of the crime, Sollecitos bloody footprint, evidence of sexual abuse and more than one perpetrator, the luminal traces that Knox and Sollecito left, the clean up efforts, Knoxes bed lamp in Merediths room, her murky memory, her disasterous defense, DNA evidence on the knife, known friction between the 2, evidence of drug abuse, important phone calls to home that she "forgot" about, phone records, Knoxes and Sollecitos conflicting alibis and known lies, her knowing information about the death that had not been revealed by police and of coarse her strange behavior. Dr. Drew seems to believe he knows 'people' so well that it is obvious that Knox did not do this crime. Obviously he is blind to the fact that evil is in the heart of us all. Who has not been in a blind rage and wished to do things that would put us in jail. The fact that she lied on numerous occasions and falsely accused a man of a murder and did not recant this statement casts doubt on anything she says. Lumumba spent two weeks in jail and was finally bailed out because he had a rock solid alibi. This is not the case with Sollecito and Knox. Their alabis' have been shown to be false in court. Why do innocent people lie and have so much physical and DNA evidence to explain away that they both have PR machines spreading false accusations against a justice system that is better in many ways than the US system. Dr. Drew must have a name for those who proclaim innocence despite enormous evidence to the contrary. Self Deluded possibly.
ОтветитьThe amount of idiocy and ignorance on display with most of these comments is utterly astounding. It is no wonder so many women were put to death as being 'witches' not too long ago in our history. Sometimes I am truly ashamed to be a part of the human race.
ОтветитьShe is a sociopath and totally guilty. The facts speak for themselves. Dr. Drew doesn't know the facts.
Ответитьshe shopped for clothes and underwear because everything was blocked in the house under police investigation...!!!
ОтветитьI love you Dr. Drew...Always hitting the nail on the head. :)
ОтветитьAmanda was framed on day one. There was no rush to judgment there was a rush to distract away from Rudy Guede. 8 years later we still argue about the evidence and not Mignini's connection to Rudy Guede and those law office workers Filomena and Laura that lived with Amanda. .
ОтветитьDr Bullocks couldn't find any water in the sea.
ОтветитьAmanda Knox's DNA was found on the handle of one of the murder weapons. Her DNA was found mixed with Meredith's blood in 5 different places including one mixture of Meredith's blood AND Amanda's blood. What does Amanda's team say? That she must have had a nose bleed. She wasn't found guilty because she didn't grieve properly. No. On top of all the mountain of evidence against her she was was making out with her boyfriend, sticking her tongue out, doing cartwheels, splits and whispering at the police station right after her roommate was found murdered. Everyone of Meredith Kercher's friends that saw her that day told the police they felt she had something to do with the murder. Amanda Knox was calling her mother with details of the murder before Meredith's body was even discovered by police, she was waiting for a store to open to buy bleach the next morning, she was convicted of staging a crime scene and falsely accusing an innocent man, she changed her alibi 3 times and the only alibi she did have turned on her and said he was lying for her. Also Meredith Kercher's DNA - skin cells were found on the knife blade wig Amanda's DNA on the handle in the apartment of Rafaelle, Amanda's Alibi. Numerous witnesses said they saw her by the cottage that night when she says they were together all night at Rafaelle's. Rudy Guede who was convicted has stated that he didn't kill Meredith - that it was Amanda but he didn't save her. There was 10 thousand pages of evidence against Amanda so much so that I can't even remember it all. Don't say this girl is innocent. If you went over the evidence including eye witness testimony, forensics, DNA and circumstantial evidence you would know like the rest of us who have actually read the evidence that she is guilty. If this happened in the USA no one would think she was innocent.
ОтветитьShe was involved 100%
Ответитьi think the crazy prosecutor should get life in prison.