MAX COVERAGE?! New Jcat Beauty SkinSurance Foundation {First Impression Review}

MAX COVERAGE?! New Jcat Beauty SkinSurance Foundation {First Impression Review}

Taylor Wynn

4 года назад

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@raemarie4412 - 28.03.2020 18:10

I'm curious to know if it would be better with setting spray! Please update!

@carolyndavies8360 - 28.03.2020 18:17

Man, had high hopes for this one....

@lilacshine9 - 28.03.2020 18:51

Why do you not pluck all those little eyebrow hairs?

@Tarot.Destiny - 28.03.2020 18:53

Love your channel Taylor and watch ALL of your videos. Thank you for taking my mind off things. 🙌🙌💚🌺💚🌺💚🌺💚

@elizabethhopp1 - 28.03.2020 19:13

I’m a student nurse and they brought us in for COVID-19 patients. Thank you for this video and creating content for the “escape”.

@rebeccap4801 - 28.03.2020 19:22

I think it would be awesome if you had a list of foundations you live that don’t need powdering. I always think you makeup looks better before powder.

@fal344 - 28.03.2020 19:28

Please do a full review of glossier

@sarahannemunson2687 - 28.03.2020 19:31

wait ... I’ve been watching you for YEARS. HOW DON’T YOU HAVE OVER A MILLION SUBSCRIBERS 😨 you pour so much of yourself into these vids. ♥️

@smilintrishable - 28.03.2020 19:35

So can you donut current favourites for dry textured skin ? Pleeeeese

@craftycat7 - 28.03.2020 19:38

😘 love your videos

@KristinYo69 - 28.03.2020 19:47

I love the Aquasurance but it always turns orange on me. I e tried two shades and rust both do that 😞

@jillianw4272 - 28.03.2020 20:00

This eye look 😍 would love a tutorial

@Itshoneybee4me - 28.03.2020 20:29

I love your I look in this Taylor! And makes your eyes look huge it's so pretty and blended perfectly

@Annie-of3ze - 28.03.2020 20:56

It is so so refreshing to see the up close shots of REAL SKIN. Love you Taylor!!

@mrs.bstotz4836 - 28.03.2020 21:13

Our necks are never ever the same color of our face. Our face gets much more color as it stands out!
I personally never match my foundation to my neck. Blending the jaw is key....
Pls go a little more neutral & not so light. I find it's so hard to actually see the finish when you go so light.

@amberc1356 - 28.03.2020 21:17

I’m a day late 😬 but I wore the Jcat powder yesterday! I’m excited to see how this one is 👀

@marlytraver8844 - 28.03.2020 21:51

I appreciate you going back to the damp sponge!

@kynialikethecountry2036 - 28.03.2020 23:12

You easily could have edited out those dropping bits, BUT like the genuine soul you are you left them in! Even in the little things you are rock solid with who you are and I love that. Here for life. 🖤

@ivymcclatchey8141 - 28.03.2020 23:46

Does she have a video on how she tints her brows herself? Would love to see.

@mangosnobsplants4657 - 29.03.2020 01:11

I think the weird dryness is from your brush. On the bottom portion of your face you blended over your chin with your brush also on your nose as well. I think the sponge is the way to go with this one

@Sherininja - 29.03.2020 03:01

In USA jcat at select Christmastree shops

@shanasheree5563 - 29.03.2020 04:05


@strll3048 - 29.03.2020 05:23

Applause Thank you for this awesome, no-nonsense work.

@Stephanie-ft9pv - 29.03.2020 05:45

Not being mean or anything but you look too pale with foundation on, now that I've seen you without foundation you are not that pale..i think your going way too light of a shade, and you look prettier without the foundation...just my opinion, if it was me I would want someone to tell me..just lookin out.☺☺

@jaelenehlushak8481 - 29.03.2020 08:12

What do you use to whiten your teeth?! Or do you go to the dentist? 😊😊

@jldmriley - 29.03.2020 08:37

Please tell me a drugstore foundation that does not get valet like this video. My problem area is my nose and around my mouth
I exfoliate so that is not the problem @taylorwynn

@CarCarShae - 29.03.2020 08:39

Can you do an updated video on your favorite under eye powders?

@katiewilder7592 - 29.03.2020 09:11

What do you use or do to whiten your teeth?

@melissaa5387 - 29.03.2020 12:35

I thought it looked so good

@agijagodlevska9207 - 29.03.2020 13:39

You look tired sis.

@amandariddle333aly - 29.03.2020 16:33

Do you think a good primer and a setting spray would improve the creasing and/or longevity of this foundation? Love your foundation Friday videos, your reviews, your first impressions (esp because you actually update us on how you're feeling about the products later), and... and.. well I just love all your videos.

@rsmbabe402 - 29.03.2020 17:27

That foundation is WHITE sis 😂

@ShelleyLowery567 - 30.03.2020 16:34

Much love you to, Taylor. Monsieur - pronounced ‘misseur.’ In French you basically ignore half of the constants in a word so it can be a bit of a pain.

@emmawalker1228 - 30.03.2020 22:35

Thankful for your videos! Hope you are doing well!

@amydearing9866 - 31.03.2020 00:23

I have oily skin. I call the area between my eyes and the bridge of my nose "The Triangle". Foundation & powder NEVER stay in place there. Always, the foundation, tinted moisturizer, powder just congeals into a blob in the center of my eye brows.

@amymoseleysmith7494 - 31.03.2020 02:09

Hi Taylor....Michele Wang SWEARS by DIOR Forever Skin Correct CONCEALER! Her skin is Dry & Eczema-prone.....

@millennialmullet6390 - 31.03.2020 06:59

Your natural skin is so cute

@Megan-ms7hy - 31.03.2020 13:15

Does anyone happen to know what stores actually sell J cat products? Or are they just strictly online?

@shelbymoline1748 - 01.04.2020 04:15

Your eyelashes look so good!

@thisiskitta - 01.04.2020 11:07

This is literally what fenty foundation does to me. The nose and mouth is exactly how it breaks down on the same areas for me while forehead stays fine. I hate it and it’s been hard to find a foundation i like.

@k_doll_face - 01.04.2020 12:28

the shade looks perfect.
i think that youre just used to
you looking darker with self tanner.
ive noticed this ever since you started using it. youre still fair.

@tracylmax - 01.04.2020 16:46

Got confused for a sec when you said it doesn't look like a supernatural foundation. Then I realized it was two words: super natural! What I wouldn't give for a supernatural foundation. Sigh.

@diannemcclintic6891 - 01.04.2020 21:38

It goes on so nicely-it will be interesting to see if primer and setting spray help.😊

@Xocheer - 06.04.2020 00:58

All I could stare at was your eyebrows. Especially when you zoomed in

@stelapuklin3538 - 08.04.2020 12:49

I would like to hear your opinion on Jane Iredale Beyonde Matte liquid foundation!

@emyhernandez470 - 26.04.2020 22:53

Liked the video in the first few seconds 😊

@dreyddog19 - 01.05.2020 03:58

Everytime she says, 'pacific time' i hear 'supatime'

@Eclectic-Harlowe - 26.05.2020 02:51

Wnw eyeliner you mentioned was a complete fail. For me and my daughter
