Fort Worth And Albuquerque Police Officers In Action | COPS TV SHOW

Fort Worth And Albuquerque Police Officers In Action | COPS TV SHOW


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@allens2784 - 12.12.2024 20:35


@debbielevesque-zj5ol - 14.12.2024 03:08

Cop says , Here s an Hint , LOCK YOUR DOOR 😅😅,, Wonder if The Police Officer s found the woman that stoled that guys purse

@thekansasjayhawk3504 - 14.12.2024 16:34

I wish people knew when to just shut the hell up.

@straytarnish9443 - 24.12.2024 01:57

❤snakedogs boogerwoofers sugarhoofers bagheads and coneish game hens ❤

@marine-u3qusa - 25.12.2024 02:29

That chick was pimping… wanting a ride… lol ya right!! Lucky you still alive… others weren’t!!!

@curtispandachuk9323 - 26.12.2024 06:02

What happened to her is really no different than what they do when you leave jail. Here’s a bus pass here’s $20. Here’s your clothes back and good luck.

@curtispandachuk9323 - 26.12.2024 06:03

All this clip does is go to show how untrustworthy basically the majority of people are

@HeatNattty999 - 28.12.2024 10:44

If that lady is 28 then I'm the king of England 😂

@HeatNattty999 - 28.12.2024 11:05

The cops who arrested the 2 mexican guys are the #1 reason people hate the police.

@drivermxpedite3165 - 02.01.2025 01:33

Run on DFW ? Just not going to work. DFW made easy work of that runner. WTF ? Took him down, no problem.

@TinoH-g2j - 10.01.2025 07:59

Bs the girl in the truck was a crack head and because he didn’t speak English they did him wrong white take care of white he didn’t check the guy for mud

@brokenarrowez - 13.01.2025 03:22

"Boca Raton" meaning in English is: the mouth of a rat.

@randomxaos - 17.01.2025 04:04

It's a waste of time when cops are called on to settle silly neighborhood arguments. I think money (from wherever) should be spent teaching how to parent and properly raise kids so they know ho to solve their problems and know how to handle emotional issues and control their emotions so there is no need for outside help. Otherwise it's like they're just baby sitting grown adults/ This is senseless.

@mikecook8712 - 19.01.2025 00:37

When i was 5/6 my brothers and i were out in the pasture ( we grew up in the great plains of ne Colorado). Our baby brother didn't wear shoes and stepped on a cactus, we were 1/4 mile or so from the house... My oldest brother was maybe 8... All of. Asudden this gelding quarter horse we had that was half wild walks up to us boys and allowed us to push our baby brother on his back and follwed us back to the house...

Now the significance of this was huge...we would have to spend a day usually juddt trying to carrol them so that we could saddle them the next day..
They were good with a rider ...but didn't like the carrol.. so when us 4 little boys cam ewalking up with one of us on his back my parents were amazed and ill always remember that horse just knowing we needed help.

@michelellem8668 - 19.01.2025 08:04

These 2 policemen did something wrong by taking the gun in bare hands

@clinthenderson3168 - 20.01.2025 04:15

Dam Dawg. That's some crazy shit Bro. I'm from the other side of the country Dawg. Boston, Massachusetts fam.

We all got some crazy azz stories Bro... But this shit tops it man.
The main part I was feeling was when both neighbors allowed the homies to hide out as long as they needed. Another thang on that is when the homie told the older fella, it shouldn't matter where he was from, I'm Black like you & that's why you should look out fore.
That was real.

Peace and Blessings Bro.🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

Keep'em coming Bro.

@brittanyfischer1812 - 21.01.2025 14:09

How can you not remember your date of birth she looks older then twenty nine

@bobbymercier7113 - 22.01.2025 22:19

First off you don't decide as a cop what you need to know you 're crazy lol and sh thought she would pass forb30 that lady was 30 in 72

@KereamaTepohe-zz7wj - 24.01.2025 08:21

Same Like it is not a gonna have some good 👍 a gonna have a gonna be in about Love you guys too baby love it is not an option to come over and my mom are gonna be there for you to get together soon as I love you guys too baby love it is the same Like But be there for you too baby ever love you guys too I love it is not an option Like it is the same thing about my new job going love it is the same Like it was y a gonna have to wait for you too baby girl I love you guys be safe love you too baby love

@YourUncleMorty - 25.01.2025 16:29

Never tell them anything. He was gonna lock her up no matter.

@Deb10086 - 29.01.2025 13:30

50 something!😮
1972.... 1959 she was close!

@howlinwulf - 30.01.2025 19:50

Look at the rights violations in these videos, it's a thousand wonders people haven't revolted.
This isn't protecting and service.

@SLEEPYJK - 04.02.2025 05:24

Bye LeChris 👋🏻

@jacobishii6121 - 09.02.2025 08:38

They thinking about the kids? are drunk and beligerent at your kids birthday party

@adamadkins3432 - 20.02.2025 07:25

Damn that is the oldest looking 29 year old I've seen

@adamadkins3432 - 20.02.2025 07:26

I'm 29 going to be 45 haha

@lyndathomson2586 - 22.02.2025 06:42

It’s so dangerous to be out at night, not like it used to be. You don’t know who is what. Pitiful

@christinehurford4477 - 27.02.2025 05:32

Her mean claimed age of 28 is actually insane 😂

@The-Cadillac-Lawyer-ZL1 - 05.03.2025 14:06

My god it's amazing how many people talk themselves right into jail.

@KereamaTepohe-zz7wj - 12.03.2025 05:48

Baby love you guys too baby love you guys too baby girl I love it is the same Like is not a gonna have to come over and my new house is not an option to get together soon I love you guys too baby girl I love it is the same Like is not a gonna have to

@KereamaTepohe-zz7wj - 12.03.2025 05:50

Baby love you guys too baby love you guys too baby love 💟💟

@KereamaTepohe-zz7wj - 12.03.2025 06:14

Baby love you too I love you 💋 much baby love you guys too I love it is not a gonna lie yy you too I love you guys too baby girl I hope you guys too baby girl I hope you have some good 👍 a lot 😢

@KereamaTepohe-zz7wj - 12.03.2025 06:23

Baby love you too baby love

@jessicabrown1571 - 12.03.2025 21:53


@vanessagutierrez7575danl - 13.03.2025 06:07

Jason tmkrek super bowl show

@vanessagutierrez7575danl - 13.03.2025 06:08

Jason tmkrek catet

@vanessagutierrez7575danl - 13.03.2025 19:18

Jason tmkrek super bowl show

@daleanderson-ip8oq - 21.03.2025 09:12

The woman says she's 27 28, or 29 but looks like she'll never see the sunny side of 55 again. Say no to meth.
