Micheal Ferland vs Vancouver - 2015 Playoffs

Micheal Ferland vs Vancouver - 2015 Playoffs


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@KoolCatCurtis - 11.07.2019 09:00

Oof this is that guy, I was wondering "hey that name sounds familiar, is it THAT guy"

@cameronshank898 - 11.07.2019 09:35

And now he is with the Canucks. Oh the pain. Wished the flames signed him up again.

@1983skeletor - 11.07.2019 10:06

I bet Pettersson and Boeser are thanking the Hockey Gods right now! To cover my ass in this comment I am clarifying that Boeser is very happy about this signing even with his contract waiting and the cap space almost gone. If you think this was a dumb signing because it put us in a position where we dont have enough to pay brock, then you my friend might be the stupid one. Do you think for one second, a deal would go down without making sure you are 100% able to sign Boeser? Brock is going to get paid and he also knows hes going to have opposing teams thinking twice before looking at him wrong. This is a really good signing if he can remain healthy.

@Anticipat0r - 11.07.2019 16:19

He singlehandedly beat us that series. It was similar to what big booty bufygulian did to us with chiacgo.

@KevinSmith-qt4hz - 11.07.2019 19:22

Michael Ferland the Canuck vs the world!

@stevocanuck - 11.07.2019 21:25


@OG-en4ol - 12.07.2019 00:59

If you can't beat him, buy him.

@bikramgrewal6757 - 13.07.2019 03:41

hated this guy so much in that series, love the fact he signed with vancity

@m_m_m_beer8917 - 13.07.2019 05:20

So glad he's going to be wearing a Canucks uniform now.

@n1ckdrag0n - 14.07.2019 09:34

hated this guy when he played for the flames, hated him when he played for carolina, thats how i know im gonna love him on the canucks

@bobbyflay5855 - 14.07.2019 21:24

As a canuck fan I deliberately didn't click this video for 4 years. Now that ferland is a canuck i guess watching this video was somewhat enjoyable.

@GollumsFace - 16.07.2019 12:26

Glad the Canucks signed Ferkland! Hopefully he dishes out bone crunching hits like in this video 😁

@bl4501 - 19.07.2019 04:39

It’s okay with him because half of those guys on that team are traded or retired by now

@gocanuckurself1 - 20.07.2019 19:13

Only Horvat, Edler and Tanev remain from this team. Cray-cray.

@augzsearchingforthewayne9007 - 26.07.2019 09:23

This guy is nut's man

@aidynoshea7002 - 29.07.2019 22:36

I hated him now I like him

@focusonthiis - 30.07.2019 06:41

I haven’t followed him whatsoever but I’m hoping that he isn’t complete shit now, usually players like this have a decent season (or in this case a decent series) and then they just fall off. I hope he brings THIS physicality to Vancouver, otherwise it’ll just be another shitty signing :/

@zareeftashfique8168 - 06.08.2019 09:08

2015 Ferland gets our attention, 2019 ferland is a Canuck. Very excited to see this guy

@VillaiN1499 - 26.08.2019 23:39

Well this is awkward...

@sethlorensen9244 - 30.09.2019 06:36

This is how i play in nhl 19, hit after hit

@CanucksGameVlogger - 08.10.2019 07:42

He’s gonna be a fan favourite in Vancouver gotta buy his jersey

@mooeykay - 18.10.2019 17:04

I hope to see this more on the Canucks this season then.

@Saintr7 - 10.01.2020 23:45

first cousin, and I’ll admit he’s a goon

@camdenhassell8657 - 17.04.2020 20:26

And here we are, Ferland made his way with the Canuck

@jeffwenderski131 - 26.04.2020 05:15

Fuck yeah to the creator of this video! Cannibal corpse evisceration plague, ferland, and playoff hockey! What a beautiful thing.

@krisztianszemak385 - 26.07.2020 01:24

Cant wait to see him destroy Minnesota

@RandyBoBandy19 - 29.07.2020 01:56

Ferland buried Bieksa's career in this series

@Tairygreen - 16.08.2020 17:29

I gotta say, Vancouver has the ugliest jerseys in the nhl. Not a bad team tho, but they gotta change their look

@gillproductions1305 - 24.08.2020 08:12

We need him right now against Vegas

@jimothypepperbottom9277 - 10.10.2020 06:14

Now tanev is a flames and ferland is a canuck. How the turn tables

@TheGreatNathan - 27.10.2020 11:35

Too bad his career was done by the time he played in Vancouver. If he played like this the Canucks could've easily beaten the Golden Knights.

@TrueCrimeWithSandman - 25.11.2020 20:43

Lmao cannibal corps evisceration plague their BEST song by far Idc what you other
Corpse fans say their other shit sucks lmao

@Sanchezy804 - 26.11.2020 02:41

This series has been my favourite flames moment that I’ve watched in my life

@masterchief1992HHQ - 29.01.2021 23:23

If only the Canucks got THIS Ferland

@anthonywozniak7373 - 27.06.2021 04:44

Always walked the line. Never crossed it

@andrewbellavie795 - 19.08.2021 04:03

Ferland is forever a Flame in my books

@PwnifiedNoob - 04.10.2021 09:58

I always Knew Ferland would end up retiring because of his reckless play, he was a gem in his first few years, after this video, he hasnt ever made the same impact
I would know, i was so hyped to See Ferland for the canucks, but each game you watched, you can see the way his game plays, he got concussed and played a high impact game, which resulted in his demise

@792086010 - 27.11.2021 06:35

Here in 2021 using this video as an anti-depressant. Not from the current Flames, they are FIRE! But I work retail and today was Black Friday uhhh!

@xø_bøøm - 24.01.2022 01:22

one of my favorite vids. i always come back to this upload

@Sebastian-km9qx - 23.03.2022 00:15

Playing like this really takes years off your life.. physically and mentally! Trust me I would know. Dude hit EVERYTHING that moved. somebody on Canucks needed to step up and knock him into next week. If he’s not gonna fight line him up !

@Crazyhorse-oo6we - 13.07.2022 17:54

Still good to see this video

@GoGaboom - 16.09.2022 04:01

I come back to this video from time to time, I stills can't get over how ready McMillan was ready to kill Ferland 😂

@j03yyy - 18.10.2022 23:50

too bad he retired, could barely play for the canucks

@tylerwells7499 - 26.02.2023 21:06

Man I miss seeing ferland in the nhl as of this day!! Miss you bud

@lannon4prez - 09.10.2023 01:34

I couldn’t believe how we got cucked by one player. This series was infuriating

@blakeweigel6475 - 07.12.2023 08:25

back when teams would play very physical

@jungkotlx8805 - 31.12.2023 07:08

December 2023: always fun to comeback to watch this video 🥲❤ This team has no names but had something special

@DeniseFerland - 13.04.2024 02:45

luv u

@colenakamura9101 - 27.05.2024 17:48

Lol Bieksa always had a big mouth but couldn't skate 😂 glad he found his role as an analyst now it suits him way better

@Chingoloco - 31.08.2024 02:40

Bieksa pretending to be a top pairing D getting absolutely embarrassed by a 4th line guy for 6 entire games was hilarious to watch. Ferland should be on CBC not big mouth, bad take Bieksa.
